Dragon Herder

Chapter 512

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Wearing a bright red cap, and even their appearance is covered by a red mask, the evokers lined up. They stood at a stone pavilion on the Long Valley Mountain Road, and they displayed the same Kind of evoking magic!

The bright red touches the eyes. The stone steps under their feet and the tree crown above their heads are all inexplicably stained with a weird blood-red breath, eerie and terrifying, and you can also see those evocations A scarlet bond appeared between the teacher and the evoker, connecting their evoking formations together to form a larger evoking picture!

“They are a joint evoker. Even evokers with a low cultivation base can summon more powerful monsters with the power of multiple people!” Ye Youying immediately responded after seeing this scene. Zhu Minglang said.

A dozen or twenty people are in a group. The people who called Demon Sect realized that those low-level monsters were impossible to capture this white Sword Sect, so they summoned the demon together and would be stronger and higher-level The monsters called to this battlefield.

The blood is surging, and gradually a weird rain of red blood descends on the forest of Canggu Mountain, one after another large arrays of evocations appear in the mountain road, and you can see it being poured there. In the red forest, a giant demon centipede emerged from the evoking array! !

The blood-colored demon centipede is covered with a blood-colored sting helmet, one by one, and moved towards different places, a kind of helmet thorn similar to a barb grows, this kind of sting helmet and stinging general The centipede is armed from the head to the tail. They are wild and ferocious, and their bodies are rampant in the mountains and forests. The hundred-year-old trees are easily swept and crushed by them!

In addition to crawling in the mountains and forests, these blood-colored devil centipedes also have the terrifying ability to burrow through the mountains. You can see some demon centipedes sinking into the rocks, and then the rocks and soil are flying. Rushed out of the mountains!

Zhu Minglang is slightly frowned.

They can burrow through the mountains, which is a bit difficult, and these demon centipedes are obviously wise. They are not like the previous water monsters and demon guards. They feel safe when they are together. The demon centipedes climbed from different mountains to the sword village, some of them drilled directly along the bottom of the Long Valley, and the others went from this mountain to another mountain. You can see the Sword Sect disciples look pale one by one.

This kind of blood-helmeted demon centipede is probably not inferior to the Dragon Lord Dragon Monarch in strength. The evokers can pray together to bring so many high-level monsters to come at once. It is indeed extremely difficult to deal with!

“Lady, there is no sword to deal with these burrowing monsters?” At this moment, the white-haired Elderly said.

This Elderly is very old. If it weren’t for the danger of being slaughtered at the mountain gate, I guess he would not show up.

He is thin and weak. Although he is carrying a sword, he is afraid that he will not be able to wield the real sword power at all in this dying year, and Zhu Minglang can feel the Elderly’s breath is very weak. Mostly an old swordsman who was seriously injured and finally chose to retire!

“Some trouble, but it should be manageable.” Zhu Minglang said.

“You are a beginner in Flying Sword Technique, and you don’t know much about Sword Art.” White-haired Elderly said.

Zhu Minglang looked at this Elderly in surprise.

He actually saw it.

Flying Sword school, Zhu Minglang did learn it very soon. The reason why it is strong is because of the special existence of Sword Spirit dragon.

“The old man teaches you a trick. I believe that with your sword state and perception, you can quickly master it. If you master it, you can deal with these centipede monsters as if killing earthworms!” Elderly said.

“Old Master, how to teach now, you can directly use Sword Art to destroy those mountain traversing centipedes as soon as possible!” A dísciple said with a sad face.

“At the age of an old man, even if he spared his life, the sword energy he slew was less than one-tenth of the youngster’s.” said the old white-haired Master.

Years are not forgiving. At the young age of ten years, the white-haired Master can also slaughter the Demon Sect offspring thoroughly.

But he knows the condition of his body, his cultivation base has been declining, just like his exhausted body.

“Old Mister, please enlighten me.” Zhu Minglang said.

Lin Zhong, Mingxiu, Ye Youying, and the disciplines of Sword Sect are going crazy.

When did I teach Sword Art! !

Moreover, it is a Sword Art that is powerful enough to break mountains and rocks. It must be profound and complicated. It takes at least a few years of practice!

“Look at the wooden stake.” The white-haired Old Mister pointed to the wooden stake closest to the practice stone platform, probably only more than two hundred meters. Generally only apprentices would take that Stakes do exercises.

Zhu Minglang calmly stared at everything Old Mister did.

Old Mister can tell at a glance that he hasn’t practiced Flying Sword for long, and he must be the ultimate old swordsman. He is willing to teach his Flying Sword Sword Art himself. That’s great.

“This sword is a sword that suppresses all demons and monsters. This sword is also known as the Hundred Tomb Sword. The sword is like a large tomb. It is as deep as the rock. Look good, look good-the tomb sinking sword!!!”

The sword behind Old Mister unsheathed swiftly. Although the old man is old, the sword is extremely sharp. It seems that everyday all needs to be polished and washed very carefully. The sword will go into the clouds and turn into There is a bunch of cold and sharp light, clearly the wooden stakes are below, in the sinking valley, but this sword has reached the long sky, sank into the sky, and disappear without a trace!

Sword Sect’s disciplines are now looking at the Old Mister.

This old Master appeared in front of everyone not many times, but every new Master respected him. He did not accept any final disciple, and no one has ever seen him. He has taught a little bit of the sword technique…

However, seeing his imposing manner of sword release is different from all Flying Sword swordsmen. Obviously senile, he seems to be able to pierce the blue sky with a single sword. Not inferior to the Dragon Phoenix soaring in the sky, but his cultivation base, his vigor and strength, are completely out of proportion to his realm.

“Qi gathers the sword body, reads the earth deeply, the tomb of the heavenly stele and the gods-the tomb of the sword!!”

The white hair has no Feng Feiyang, but the old face reveals With perseverance, the eyes are glowing with the blazing light that can break through everything including the dying years!

There was no sword, but a huge tombstone appeared in vain on the wooden stake. The tombstone sword was rusty and magnificent. When it suddenly sank and plunged into the ground, it also produced a The majestic heavy fall force field caused the surrounding branches, sand and stones, and birds to violently press down to the ground. An astonishing heavy sword surrounds the tombstone. Crushed! !

Although it was just a demonstration, the formidable power of this tomb sinking sword stunned all the members of the White Mountain Sword sect. This Old Mister didn’t use his breath much, even if he was a sword master of a sub-cultivation base. If you can master this tomb sinking sword, I am afraid that it is nothing difficult to suppress and kill the general level gods and mortals!

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