Dragon Herder

Chapter 521

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“It’s okay, I’ll take care of it, you don’t have to worry.” Li Yunzi shook the head, and was angry that she was not at all at this behavior of Concubine Wen Ling.

Be yourself. If someone takes away something that belongs to you, you don’t mind the army running in, but Wen Lingfei’s approach suits Li Yunzi’s intention!

Furthermore, as she said just now, simply won’t wait for Concubine Wen Ling’s Miaoguo Sword Army to attack. If there is to be a war, then her military guard will step into Concubine Wen Ling’s territory!

“I don’t need to worry??” Zhu Minglang scratched his head.

Isn’t this matter supposed to come out on her own and let Concubine Wen Ling completely die?

Listening to Li Yunzi’s tone, I was comforting myself.


I said that I was going to attack the country before, so I didn’t just talk about it casually!

Is she going to deal with it, just go to war with the country? ?

No need!

What can be solved in a few words, why bother to such a point!

Li Yunzi’s idea is completely different from Zhu Minglang.

Wen Lingfei is not the kind that can be dismissed in a few words. Since she is the Sect Master of the Mountain Sword Sect and the future monarch of the country, she believes that things will never change easily. From the time she stepped into Ancestral Dragon City and said to herself, Li Yunzi could clearly feel Wen Lingfei’s attitude, there was absolutely no room for negotiation, and her army would definitely step into this place, as long as Zhu Minglang did not fulfill She will not give up with her marriage contract!

What’s more, after some understanding, Li Yunzi already knew that the so-called election of son-in-law was nothing more than a ceremony cutscene, and Zhu Minglang’s mother Meng Bingci had already identified the marriage.

In Miaoguo, it is a matrilineal country. Mothers and women represent authority. Children must obey. Zhu Minglang may not know their attitude of not allowing any change, but Li Yunzi knows it, otherwise Wen Ling The concubine did not directly issue the book of war when he arrived in Lichuan.

It’s not a provocation, let alone a threat, but she has the absolute strength to do so, and can’t tolerate the slightest violation of others!

Li Yunzi is so sure.

That’s because I and them are similar people.

The so-called ambiguity and matchmaker’s words are impossible and fruitful in an unequal position. This World is not yet civilized enough to restrain a great power by virtue, even if she wants it. It’s not someone, just the sweet and delicious lychees from Sichuan. She can also run the army across this land, just to pick the lychees immediately and deliver them to her mouth.

In the eyes of the country, Lichuan is a backward place after all, like the barren soil that was slaughtered at the beginning.

But Lichuan, not at all these Heaven’s Chosen Children think so simple.

“Her sword army is already on the expedition, but I will deal with it. You don’t need to worry, as long as people are here, there are some more important things that need you, Lingsha, Yu Go face it.” Li Yunzi turned the subject away.

The Sword Army of the Kingdom has been dispatched? ?

This woman Wen Lingfei is outrageous!

“Well, let this matter go for the time being. It’s the change in Lichuan, which is unbelievable. Did you find the Ancient Vestige?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“It is a dragon gate.” Li Yunzi said.

“Boundary dragon gate??” Zhu Minglang was a little confused.

“The Old Ancestor mother told us a few things before she left. Everything in the world has an aura. We always say that after a creature has stepped through the dragon gate, it will be incarnation as a dragon, but the world itself has an aura and a cultivation base. If you say it, will it reach a certain level or will it be advanced in a certain time?” Li Yunzi said to Zhu Minglang.

Zhu Minglang is really the first time I have heard this statement.

That is to say, the land and continent where they live, like those cultivators and demon spirits, is transformed towards a higher realm? ?

“What about the dragon gate?” Zhu Minglang felt even more incredible.

Although the world itself is unknown, and their composition is unknown, these are incredible!

“There is a gate for creatures, and after they have stepped, they will be incarnation as dragons.”

“There is also a gate on the mainland. If they can step past, Sun, Moon and Stars, flowers and trees, millions and Millions of creatures and innumerable living beings will be transformed accordingly. This transformation can be understood as Spiritual Qi’s resurrection in this poor and barren continent, and it can also be understood as an increase in the brilliance of this World. The world is a continent with a higher level of brilliance.”

Li Yunzi kept a calm mood and told Zhu Minglang about the information he had learned.

What does this World look like?

Why is the end of the continent immersed in the sea of ​​nothingness, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is impossible to cross the sea of ​​nothingness.

Why not the same civilization land will collide with each other, there will be a whole continent across from the sky, and perfect borders.

In those vain fog, some ancient islands and ancient mountain range will drift from time to time. Creatures that have never been seen descend on this continent, and some unexpected travelers will appear from time to time. Was involved in the vortex of the virtual sea and arrived at another world, and even some species in Ancient Vestige have passed the prohibition of time to appear at the other end of the years?

When Wutu came to Eastern Dawn City in Lichuan, Li Yunzi was confused about this World. The wisdom of the ancients seemed to only see the tip of the iceberg. It was this unknown that made Li Yunzi still can’t let go of that worry. Will there be a day when a huge star crushes everything he knows, or a Demon God who inadvertently passes through here and slaughters all living creatures. , Including those who care about…

“In other words, after stepping through the dragon gate, the world will also soar?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“en. ”Li Yunzi nodded.

“How can I take it? Who did it?” Zhu Minglang said.

Li Yunzi shook the head.

She doesn’t know.

The world dragon gate has appeared.

The rulers and leaders of the entire Great Court Continent are testing the dragon gate of this world, and they have no semi-nodded threads either.

“There are signs of Spiritual Qi outbreaks in and around Lichuan. Is this also related to the dragon gate?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“Well, a lot of things are changing. The sapling becomes a big tree overnight. It takes a thousand years of cultivation to transform the creatures of the demon. mutation For the devil, some Spirit Fruits have gone through a moon frost. The rain and dew form the sacred fruit… These are all derived from the world dragon gate. There is energy in the world dragon gate that we can’t imagine, which is affecting where we live.” Li Yunzi said

Although it is very He narrated these things calmly, but it could be seen that Li Yunzi was also afraid of this unpredictable change.

This is not something you can feel at ease with having a million masters and Ji Realm cultivation base.

It is like a group of tiny fireflies in the midsummer forest. They think that the stars have similar brilliance to them, so they feel that they are stars. They don’t know that the stars are separated from them by millions and millions li, their brilliance is like Over the woods, you can melt them.

They only know that the moonlight is more dazzling, but they have never seen the sky during the day. The sprinkling of the brilliance does not make the forest dappled, but makes the vast sky and the earth bright and brilliant!

So, this World is just a small dark forest?

These creatures, these people, are just a group of Fire Insects who have never seen Tianhui?

The appearance of the world dragon gate means that people will soon know where they are! !


Zhu Minglang saw her worry and a little panic, and only when she slowly narrated these thoughts with her, Li Yunzi’s pair Quiet eyes will reveal a bit of true inner emotions.

Gently holding Li Yunzi’s little cold hands, Zhu Minglang smiled and said: “It’s okay, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side.”

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