Dragon Herder

Chapter 560

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A team whose average strength is composed of monarchs should have swept the overwhelming majority forbidden area, but it may be difficult to survive in this valley.

Zhu Minglang let the Sword Spirit dragon levitate behind him, and took back both Azure Phoenix-Dragon and Lianjin Black Dragon into the spirit domain.

After that, he called out the Nuwa Dragon again, and let the Nuwa Dragon closely follow him, Nan Yusuo, Hao Ye, Zi Miao Zhu and the others.

Nan Yusuo is surrounded by dragons. Although she has never seen horseshoe dragons, she knows from the look of Zhu Minglang that those horseshoe dragons are absolutely terrifying creatures and cannot be taken lightly.

“Buzz~ Buzz~ ~~~~~~~”

The voices of those horsefly dragons are farther away, and it seems that these horsefly dragons are also afraid of this one that has completely grouped The team, especially in this team, also has some powerhouses at the king level.

Like the previous behavior of eating Yeyang’s sword head, it is unwise for the horsefly dragons. Although they have harvested a king-level cultivation base, they have also lost nearly one. Thousands of fly dragons.

“They seem to be gone,” Zhao Fenger said.

“They should just be a little farther away. They will still stare at us along the way, and wait for our number to decrease.” Zhu Minglang said.

“I hope there will be no fewer people next.”

“Be cautious.”

“Well, be careful.”

This absolute valley, everyone walked in fear.

No matter how careful you are, there are still creatures in this valley that cannot be recognized by common sense. They kill people, poison to death, swallow, swallow people…


They have lost probably twenty-thirty people.

But fortunately, the fog is gradually decreasing, and the route is not deviated. Through a gap above a dead valley, everyone also saw the iconic Thunder Wing Mountain.

“This ghost place, I will never come down again!”

“We haven’t gone out yet.”

“Ai, unfathomable mystery So many people died…”

This world is bizarre, dangerous, weird and terrifying. No matter what cultivation realm you are in, you can’t take it lightly. I don’t know that it is the dragon gate that has caused an impact on this absolute valley. This place is originally a fierce place. This group of experts from various Great Influences have a sense of powerlessness. It is clear that in some small countries, they can gallop at will, but they are on the battlefield when they arrive here. There is no difference between the soldiers.

However, crusade against alien races has always been the most dangerous. After all, they can threaten the Great Court Continent and often possess very terrifying abilities.

“Here are the traces of the previous giant ridges. Can we walk along the road to reach the Jie Ling City State directly?” said a talisman.

“Juling General still escaped a few people. Now the people in the Joling City-state must know that we are going to go from Jiegu to the back, and now we rashly follow the way they came, but it is possible In an ambush, it is best to open a new path, and try to take a wait-and-see and contain attitude when arriving at a position behind enemy lines.” Zhu Minglang shook the head said.

Although the road to Juegu under the clouds is complicated, following the footsteps of those giant ridge generals can indeed reach the back of the city-state perfectly, but the Jueling city-state is not stupid, knowing that they are coming. ?

“Then our plan to bypass this time is a failure?” said the black beard talisman.

“This is not necessarily true. Our role itself is a restraint, so that the city-states must always spend energy to guard us, otherwise they can rely on the Yinling city wall in the frontal battlefield. With our great court army, we have lost a lot.” said Zhao Chishun of the Imperial Family.

This Zhao Chishun is the frontier commander of the Imperial Family, and he naturally understands how absolute mountain superiority the Great Mountain City-state occupies.

What’s more, he has just fought against General Juling, and now he does not dare to underestimate this outstanding city state.

“Go to the top of the mountain, we can go around from the side of the Thunder Wing Mountain to the back of the Great Mountain City-state, and the view there is relatively open, we can watch it well, and choose the right one Time to attack.” Purple Sect Lin’s head Wang Beiyou said.

After some discussion, everyone abandoned the journey of those giant ridge generals and chose a slope leading to the top of the Thunder Wing Mountain.

The mist gradually dissipated, and there were people who were good at finding paths. They found a river cave with melted ice and snow on their backs. Walking from this cave, they could enter the foot of Leiyi Mountain. .

Get rid of the Absolute Valley, and most of the haze in my heart has disappeared. I was really surprised in the Absolute Valley, especially when I thought that there were terrifying horse dragons following them…

Climbing along the mountain ridge to high places, from time to time, there will be some muffled thunder sounds above your head. Just when everyone just stepped on the mountainside, Heaven and Earth was extremely bright, dazzling light. The huge energy tilted down, shining the rolling mountains and the boundless sea of ​​clouds into a stunning silver purple!

“This is probably a thunderstorm zone. Let’s find a safe place to camp.” Purple Sect Lin’s chief Wang Beiyou said.

“Let’s go there, the sky thunder should not be able to smash, and we can see the battle of the Great Mountain City-state.” Zhao Chi, a general of the Imperial Family, said.

When we arrived at the mountainside, facing the south, there happened to be a hillside, dense and tall cedar trees growing, just as a shelter.

Standing on the side of the mountain, Zhu Minglang moved towards Jueling City-state and looked at it. The war has already begun. One can see one after another huge attic-like silhouettes standing in the silver city-state. They will A piece of huge rock moved towards the mountain ridge and smashed under the wall…

In midair, there are many giant dragons and Azure Dragons. They linger near the city wall of Yinling, but because of the billowing sky thunder in the clouds , Making these Dragon Beast Legion not dare to fly high.

The sea of ​​clouds and thunder is like a sky barrier, blocking all the air units of the Lichuan army. They can hardly cross the Yinling State Wall, and can only provide cover for the army that hit the State Wall!

The roar, the killing, the flickering, the thunder rumbling, and the shocking people seem to lose their hearing.

The army is already attacking the city, and the battle is extremely tragic. From a distance, you can see the silver mountains that have been painted bright red.

There are more giant ridges in the Great Ridge City-state than everyone expected, and there are not only giant ridge generals in the city-state, but there are also giant ridge dragons that are comparable in size to a castle.

The destructive power of these giant ridge dragons is even more terrifying. They fought with the Dragon Herder in Lichuan in midair. With one enemy ten, Zhu Minglang saw the team in the Red Dragon Valley. They were besieging a giant ridge. Devil dragons, but it was their red dragons that fell, one after another.

Zhu Minglang also saw Li Yunzi’s wyvern battalion. They were fighting on the city wall of the city-state. The elite wyvern army in Lichuan has 10,000, which is considered to be the largest of the 200,000 troops from Sichuan. The main force, the Wyvern Battalion, was the first to invade the city wall. On the silver-covered snow-covered ridge, it was extremely tragic to kill those giant ridges.

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