Dragon Herder

Chapter 562

You can search for “Dragon Herder 妙笔阁(imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“The tiny little court is nothing more than the people of the lower realms. How to mention on equal terms with us? Look at the cultivators of the powers, not one by one, like ordinary people, kill them if they want to kill!” The person in the bird feather robe said.

Zonggong? ?

Which force was the first to surpass the ruling class in Lichuan?

Li Yunzi’s rise was the biggest obstacle on the road. At that time, even the ruler of Ancestral Dragon City was also controlled by them.

Li Yunzi alone is incompatible with them!

No wonder everyone was opposed to Li Yunzi at that time. So the palace was the puppet set up in Lichuan by the Great Mountain State? ?

They are the real behind, not isolated!

“That is to say, even if the Great Court Continent does not appear and the palace is overthrown, Lichuan still has to face the outstanding city-state hiding behind the scenes…but they should not be as strong as they are now. The appearance of the world dragon gate made them dare to jump out and challenge the Ji Ting Continent.”

People like Jue Ling City State and Hidden Mist Island also regard Ji Ting as “people of the lower world”, so their roots It is related to the so-called “Master”.

Now, Zhu Minglang is basically certain that there is a Great World on the Great Court Continent. They seem to be establishing a connection with the Great Court Continent…

Is it affected by the dragon gate?

The world dragon gate borders the previously unrelated large Small World.

Wu soil borders Lichuan.

Ji Ting dropping from the sky and bordering Lichuan……

And the Great World where the “Master” lives, is also slowly connecting with the Great Court mainland.

Is it all because of the dragon gate? ?

“The people of Jueling City State and Hidden Kist Island, they are equal to the upper realm, and therefore they master the secret technique and inheritance of the upper realm. They are either the same as me, accidentally being emptied The whirlpool is involved in another world, or they know some way to descend on a continent that is about to be bordered in advance.”

Zhu Minglang probably knows the origin of these two arrogant alien races.

The upper world, the master, these all are what they call themselves.

Looking at it now, they are from another continent, and they control some more powerful secret techniques that’s all.

Of course, their cultivation system may also be better.

Moreover, they obviously know the dragon gate better than the people in Ji Ting Continent.


“A total of eleven, two of them are relatively strong, and they should be at least king-level.”

“This dragon gate has such an influence Is it big? In the past, the king class was dominated by one party, but now it is only here to guard the Formation?”

“However, there are four elders guarding the secret realm of Zhumen. It’s too common. First get rid of them, and then feel at ease to fly to Transcending Tribulation.”

Zhu Minglang estimated the opponent’s strength.

Fortunately, Tianshalong has been promoted to the middle king level, otherwise Zhu Minglang will be able to quickly eliminate these people with a sword awakening posture.

It is best to die first.

There is still a big battle to be fought, Zhu Minglang does not want to waste too much effort on these people.

“The time is almost up, I will gather all the horsefly dragons together, shouldn’t it be a problem for you to guard here?” said the person in the bird feather robe.

“How would they know that we can use Heaven and Earth alien species, go, go, it’s best to leave a few water-like female cultivators, bring them to relieve the boredom of the brothers, hahahaha.” The shirtless Juling Army general smiled lasciviously.

When he said this, the other sergeants and Yupao men also lightened their eyes.

“The two armies can’t be numb in the battle. When they are destroyed, the whole woman in Lichuan will let you play.” said the bird feather robe wizard.

“We are just talking casually, don’t worry, if someone dares to approach here, we will cut them into flesh!” said the shirtless giant mountain general.


Very good, someone is on the order!

Zhu Minglang’s eyes lit up like small lightning flashes.

When dealing with two powerhouses at the king level at the same time, it is difficult to kill them silently. Now that they are separated by themselves, it gives Zhu Minglang a perfect opportunity to shoot!

When the bird feather robe man left the cedar forest, Zhu Minglang specially observed the surroundings and confirmed that there was no one else in the vicinity, Zhu Minglang quietly waited for the wing thunder to tear the sky.

Suddenly, a giant spark flickered in the sky, like a Heavenly God anger, to burn this world to ashes!

“bang bang bang!!!!”

The thunder resounding through the mountains then arrived, and the rugged mountains and rocks, the forest of fir, and the cold high sky all trembled.

At this moment, Zhu Minglang attacked the bird-feather-robed man. He let the surroundings escape into the darkness, and directly displayed the Flying Sword with the help of the darkness of the Heavenly Fiend Dragon!

Thunder, Jian Shuo!

Zhu Minglang shot very quickly, and did not give his opponent any time to react.

It must be killed quickly. Zhu Minglang has no reservations. The Sword Spirit dragon and the Tianshalong attack together, and they are lying in ambush where the opponent is coming. Even a powerhouse of the king level is difficult to escape. !


The sword flicked, and the blood was splashed on the spot. This bird-feather-robed man twisted his body at the crucial moment, avoiding this a sword seals the throat, but his face was cut with a bright red hole, and his cheek bones were exposed.

“One sword can’t kill me, it’s you who die!!” The man in the bird feather robe smiled gloomily.

He ignored the scars on his face, and the feathers on his robe flew up inexplicably, one by one, fly dragons flew out like lice living on him, densely packed, comparable to rot. The swarms of flies flying out of Jiu’s body are extremely disgusting!

Zhu Minglang closed his sword, staring coldly at the dog manipulating the horsefly dragon.

“Dead!” Zhu Minglang spit out the word faintly,

Suddenly, on top of the bird feather robe man’s head, a pair of huge black sky curtains also spread their wings. , Thousands of star-extinguishing rays hit the man in the bird feather robe.

The person in the bird feather robe reacted very quickly. He raised hand, and suddenly all the horsefly dragons gathered on top of its head, forming a black roulette…

The death star line fell, directly piercing the roulette made up of the horsefly dragon, and even penetrated through the head of the man in the feather robe! !

Several lines of death star sifted this man into a sieve in an instant, and his flesh and blood flew around, terrible!

The person in the bird feather robe is left with a skin bag, and the bloodshot pupils are full of look of shock!

He was paralyzed on the ground like mud, and his eyes were still staring after death. He thought that the opponent’s ultimate move was the next king-level Sword Spirit dragon, but he never thought that the middle king-level Tiansha dragon was talented. The real executioner!

“This guy is a good horse dragon, but he is not that good.” Zhu Minglang moved quickly and quickly collected souls from the corpse.

The quality is not high, it is also a king-level state, and cannot be wasted.

“Buzz~ Buzz~ ~~~~~~~~~~~”

Those undead fly dragons hovered nearby and kept a certain distance from Zhu Minglang .

This bird-feather-robed man apparently arranged the overwhelming majority horsefly at the foot of the mountain, preparing to slaughter the team behind them, and he only carried more than a thousand, more than a thousand horsefly. Can’t protect his life.

“Buzz~ Buzz~!!!”

The noisy voice is still in my ears. When Zhu Minglang asked the celestial dragons to attack them, these horsefly dragons immediately rushed away. It is as difficult to catch and kill as mosquitoes and flies.

Zhu Minglang frowned. He thought that if he killed the manipulator, these horsefly dragons would disperse on their own, but they didn’t know that they would haunt themselves like flies.

“Run, they are calling those companions at the foot of the mountain!” At this moment, Mr. Koi’s voice came from behind.

“What a disgusting thing!” Zhu Minglang cursed.

“The horsefly is very vengeful, you kill their owner, they are irreconcilable with you, don’t care about the thunderwing sky, it’s important to save your life first, you can’t deal with thousands of horsefly. !” Mr. Koi said.

“Is there that many???” Zhu Minglang turn pale with fright said.

“Have you forgotten what I told you before?? The horsefly is very cautious, and every horsefly will make a judgment on the strength of the enemy. You have summoned the dragon and the Sword Spirit dragon. In this case, they still want to retaliate against you, indicating that they are sure to kill you!!” Mr. Koi said.

It is easy to kill the man in this bird feather robe, but it is extremely difficult to get rid of the horsefly for revenge.

The horsefly dragons who were originally ambushing at the foot of the mountain have received the news of the death of their owner, and they have already swarmed. They will only chase Zhu Minglang alone!

Zhu Minglang naturally did not expect this kind of thing.

It’s just that it’s impossible to escape now. The mountain is right in front of you. If you delay, I don’t know what the fate of the Lichuan army will be…

Mr. Lei, if I am stronger than them, they will get out?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“Yes, they use the vibration of their wings to transmit information, and they can spread far and wide. They haunt you, which means that when they gather together, they will have an absolute grasp and kill. Dead Sword Spirit Dragon and Tiansha Dragon, unless you find more powerful assistance within this time.”

“Then you can only take a gamble!” Zhu Minglang turned his head and looked towards the thunder and lightning horn. Like a mountain top.

“What to bet on?” Mr. Koi asked puzzled.

“Betting on the success of Azure Phoenix-Dragon Transcending Tribulation. Azure Phoenix-Dragon Dragon King is the strongest assistance I can get in a short time!” Zhu Minglang said.

Now if you run halfway up the mountain and use the surprise team to deal with these horse dragons, most of them will be blocked by these horse dragons before meeting them.

If you choose to run far away and fail to smash the volley thunder world in time, the battle will be greatly affected.

No matter how you choose, there are drawbacks, it is better to give it a go!

“But Transcending Tribulation is not 100% successful. In case of failure, those dragons will eat you so much that there is no residue left!” Mr. Koi said.

“Dragon Herder should believe in his dragon.” Zhu Minglang said seriously.

Lightning and thunder, the horrible brilliance once again tore through the dark Heaven and Earth, fiercely’s strike was on the horn-shaped mountain covered with purple black iron ore, if not this corner mountain. I am afraid that the whole mountain has been chopped into pieces long ago!

For other creatures, it is a minefield of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but for Azure Phoenix-Dragon it is a nirvana splendor!

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