Dragon Herder

Chapter 566

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A tall tower in the inner city of Absolute Mountain City-state, a man in a colorful bird robe stands on top of the tower. He is tall, his face is dull, his eyes are Divine Immortal, but his pupils are like eagles. Just as sharp and terrifying.

He raised his head and stared at the restarted airspace minefield, but his face gradually showed a bit of hideousness and anger!

Unexpectedly, someone took the Thunder Wing Transcending Tribulation to soar! ! !

What’s even more hateful is that the Thunder Wing Heaven Seed turned into the life seed of the ascending dragon, let it be manipulated! !

“I will peel it apart, break up its soul, and then take out its dragon heart!!” This person roared, holding a bird bone technique in his hand The rod is being moved towards the sky and waved away.

With this wave, the snow-sweater forest in Gaojieling suddenly boiled. Looking around, you can see a poisonous demon bird flying into the sky among those canopies!

These poisonous demon birds have bright feathers and bright red beaks. The most terrifying thing is their feet and claws, which are unusually strong and can easily pull the heavenly trees from the soil!

The number of poisonous demon birds is huge, they are like hurricanes rolling up in the mountains and highlands, and quickly lifted into the sky, flying to the Cangluan Qinghuanglong in the sky!

Apart from this, some magic dragons whose bodies are like rocks and mountains are also gathered together. They are obviously unwilling to give up this high-altitude dominance, and they are about to fight Cangluan and Qinghuanglong! !

Lightning is like a Heavenly Fire, and thunder is like a downpour of purple and heavy rain. Flames are flooding between Heaven and Earth. When Zhu Minglang and Cangluan and Qinghuanglong arrive at the mountainside ridge of the city state, they ushered in countless The poisonous demon bird and the giant ridge demon dragon, but no matter how many these poisonous demon birds are, no matter how strong the giant ridge demon dragon is, it cannot withstand these lightning lashes and huge thunders!

The poisonous demon bird was chopped into blood in midair, and their feathers fell like snow. The Cangluan and the blue phoenix dragon moved straight towards the Great Mountain City-state, and the poisonous demon bird group could not Stop it, as long as the poisonous demon bird that approaches the Cangluan Blue Phoenix Dragon will either turn into blood or vanish, none will survive!

The giant ridge dragon roars. They are the largest creatures in the sky. They are like floating fortresses. They are towering and strong. They have a certain resistance to lightning attacks. After all, their flesh and skin are all It is made of solid rock.


Cang Luan and Qinghuanglong raised his head, azure eyes staring at the vast cloud.

Suddenly, one cloud after another appeared in the cloud screen, the cloud dispersed, and then I saw the shocking thunder and lightning blast down like a pillar of destruction.

And such a mine-killing pillar itself has the power to blast the mountain directly into dust. At this moment, the bombardment is on the bodies of the giant ridge dragons, and even the giant ridge dragons are all split up. and in pieces! ! ! !

Juling Devil Dragon is also impossible to withstand a single blow! !

On the tower of the city state, the face of the man controlling the poisonous demon bird is full of consternation. If he gathers the poisonous demon bird, even the Dragon King can be torn to pieces and face Cang Luanqing At the time of the Phoenix Dragon, the poisonous demon bird was as fragile as a flock of paper cranes, and one death would mean hundreds of them! !

“My Giant Ridge Dragon…My Giant Ridge Dragon…” On the side of the tower, there is also a silver armored man wearing a silver armored man. He is obviously a Dragon Herder. Those who go to capture The giant ridge dragons of the air supremacy are his Dragon Beast.

It’s just that, at this moment, his face is purple and his whole body is convulsed. Every time a giant ridge dragon is buried, his spirit will break. This pain hits in such a short time, making him look like A walking dead.

“Who is that person?” In the tower, a man with a ghost qi exuding all over asked, he was wearing a slanted robe, and the other half was naked.

“I’m afraid it is the shepherd of Purple Sect forest.”

“Ascend Transcending Tribulation with the Wing Thunder Heaven Seed, and turn the Wing Thunder into their Thunder Realm. You send them to the top of the mountain. Are the people who guard the airspace and the thunder world a waste!” The man in the shoulder gown ghost qi said angrily.

“We have to abandon high-altitude combat. The sky thunder is strong. As long as the dragon under the monarch level is hit, it must be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.”

“Commander, we intercept After staying in and attacking our cultivator team from the back city, did you kill these people first?” asked an Elderly wearing a teacher’s robe.

“Four heroes, who else is on standby?” the ghost qi commander asked.

“Nanxiong Penghu is still waiting for instructions.” said Elderly in the division’s robe.

“Nanxiong? Some are overkill.”

“But if they pinch at the back, we will be very passive.”

“Then deal with it as soon as possible They, it’s best to cut off their heads and hang them on the tall buildings in the front city.” The ghost qi commander said.

“Where is the Azure Phoenix Dragon King in the sky? If this Dragon King is not divided, we are afraid that we will fall into the lower stage.”

“No hurry, this Dragon King is just strong At this stage, if you provoke easily, it will hurt your soldiers and soldiers. Let the people of Hidden Vist Island contain it first, and don’t let it get close to the city.” Ghost Qi’s commander said.

“It’s not easy to contain it, I’m afraid.” Elderly of the teacher’s robe said.

Ghost qi Sensen’s commander did not answer. He glanced at the colorful bird robe witch head standing outside the building, and the corners of his mouth slowly twitched.

It’s not easy, that’s also a matter for Hidden Kiri Island. They lost control of the airspace, and they should have dealt with that Azure Dragon King!

It’s a piece of black pressure again, this time is no longer a mountain, but in the deep valley, a lot of red spot stings Poison Dragon flew out, they You can freely shuttle through those poisonous barriers. In the process of flying in groups, you can also bring these poison mists over this mountain. Some of the lower Dragon Beast inhaled the poison qi and immediately Staggered and crashed to the ground.

Poison Dragon, this is a group of creatures that are more terrifying than horsefly dragons. Although they are only about three meters in size, each red spotted poisonous dragon has the ability to kill a sergeant.

The sergeants of Yinling were fighting with the generals of Juling. Suddenly, they saw hundreds of Poison Dragons appearing in the valley, and their faces changed!

These poisonous sting dragons, I am afraid that they were originally intended to attack them, leaving them with no way to retreat the army that launched the general offensive. If it weren’t for a Cangluan and Blue Phoenix Dragon that occupied the sky, they didn’t know. How many people are dying of the claws of Poison Dragon.

“Who is the Azure Dragon Mu Zun?” Huang Wuhou, Purple Sect Elder Lin, and Zhou Xian of the great Zhou clan were standing on the back of a war scorpion dragon.

On their left and right, it is the extremely powerful 20,000 crossbow army, as long as the enemy close to a few of them will be shot by the crossbow army!

“Someone is here to report, that is Zhu Minglang.” said a eagle feathered mortal with wings.

“I wish… Zhu Minglang of Zhumen???” Zhou Xian of the Great Zhou Clan thought he had heard it wrong.

The Cangluan and Qinghuanglong dragon that reversed the situation and dominated the sky above Yinling by virtue of strength of oneself was actually the dragon of Zhu Minglang? ?

At this time, there were some puffy teenager Ming Ji on his face. He turned his head to look at Zhou Xian and asked, “Didn’t you say that Zhu Minglang is a rateless Dragon Herder??”

“When will there be such a powerful elder Mu Zun at the gate?” Huang Wuhou also looked surprised.

If this battle is won, the person who reversed the situation in the air must be the best player. To achieve this, not only is the cultivation base high, but it also needs to be able to control the sky thunder…

When the attack was launched, the sky thunder bombarded and killed an unknown number of Dragon Beasts. Although no one in the army dared to spread the word, everyone doubted whether this Jie Ling city-state was assisted by Heavenly God, otherwise why did the sky thunder only bomb them? ?

And now, the situation has directly reversed.

Thunder thunder kills the people of Jueling City-state. As long as they dare to fly to a certain height, they will immediately be wiped out. The Dragon Beast on the side of the river has no restrictions and can be in the air at will Soaring deployment!

The morale is completely different from before, and the deadlock in attacking Silver Ridge has been completely broken!

Whether a war can be broken is of the utmost importance. Then what is Zhu Minglang and the others so that it can break through this deadlock with strength of oneself? ?

“cough cough, that person is the only Young Master in Zhumen.” Someone said.

“Wish the only Young Master of the door? I wish the son of the official?” Huang Wuhou was even more surprised.

Isn’t it the elder Zhumen served?

Is this the strength of the head of the six clans? ?

At this time, Huang Wuhou couldn’t help but fall on Zhou Xian of the Great Zhou clan.

Zhou Xian became uncomfortable.

The look in Huang Wuhou’s eyes seems to say: It is also the only Young Master among the six clans. Why does Zhou Xian have no sense of existence in this war?

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