Dragon Herder

Chapter 573

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Zhu Minglang naturally remembered Li Xing’s instructions, he glanced ahead.

“May Young Master have other concerns?” Then Wang Beiyou asked.

“Even if the city wall of this outstanding mountain state was breached, they were a little confused. Most of them were hiding something. When I flew from a high place, I noticed that the ancient ruins were a little weird. “Zhu Minglang said to Wang Beiyou and the other team leaders.

I can’t say that my sister-in-law pinches me and guides me there. Zhu Minglang briefly explained a reason.

“Indeed, this Joling City-state is too simple. I’m afraid that Great Influence, a great country on the Great Court mainland, doesn’t have such strong strength.” said Zhao Chishun of the Imperial Family.

“Well, I hope Young Master will cut out the hidden danger for us.” Wang Bei marched in a salute and said very modestly.

“Work, work!” Several other team leaders also said one after another.

Zhu Minglang nodded, carrying his sister-in-law, Nan Yusuo, to the ancient relic shrouded in mysterious atmosphere.

They just left, and Purple Sect Lin’s head Wang Beiyou, Zhao Chishun and the others sighed.

“Jinglin Elder, it’s no wonder that you wish you guys like the sun at high noon over the years. Your Young Master is the hero of the world, but he is so low-key. It’s like some youngsters of Purple Sect Lin. Ah, I am complacent with a little bit of strength. Compared with your Young Master, it is more of a cultivation base. From now on, we will come to our Purple Sect Lin as guests.” Purple Sect Lin Wang Beiyou praised.

In such a large-scale battle, even these Old Seniors can hardly manage to make waves. It can be seen how dazzling Zhu Minglang is in the joint crusade by Great Influence this time.

“Thanks to the awards. We wish the door have always been like this. We don’t like high-profile dazzling skills. Every one of us is like this. Of course, our Young Master is even more of a benchmark!” Jing Lin Elder There were smiles on his face.

The other guards of Zhumen are on the sidelines, including the previous senior guards who were loyal to the death to defend Zhu Minglang. At this time, they were also blushed with shame.

I am a little ashamed of the huge salary that Zhumen sends to them every year. I can’t protect the Young Master. Even if it is, Young Master saved the lives of several of them.

“In the future, someone will say that Young Master is idle and not enterprising, we will hammer his head.” The chief guard whispered.

Other guards are nodded, more than hammering, eyeballs have to be dug out and thrown to the dog, Young Master clearly emits the colorful glow of Heaven’s Chosen Son all over his body, they can’t see it, they want their eyes Why use it!

Although Zhu Minglang has left the team, in the sky there is still the brilliance of Cang Luan and the Blue Phoenix Dragon shining on the feature film battlefield. The words of the Elders and the Chief Executive are not hypocritical praise, they are abnormal in their hearts. Surprised, when a king dragon like Cangluan and Qinghuanglong hangs high in the sky as the guarantee and protection of the entire army, Zhu Minglang is even capable of killing a city-state four heroes. Is he still not showing his full strength so far? ? ?

What a scary youngster!


Zhu Minglang and Nan Yusuo rode a Fire Qilin dragon to the ancient remains of the city-state.

The ancient relics of the city are piled up into a “product” shape by some ancient graystones. The ancient walls are not tall and majestic, but show traces of mottled years.

After Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha broke into the ancient relics of this city state, doubts arose in their hearts.

Why is there no guard?

If this is the core method of Jueling City-state, why no one stays here? Are they not afraid of being destroyed or being stolen?

The two continued to walk inside. Nan Lingsha turned his head from time to time. The beautiful eyes flowed with the clear luster like a brook, and at the same time they seemed to have some concerns.

“What’s wrong?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“Don’t you think we are getting farther and farther away from the ancient wall when we came in?” Nan Yusu pointed at the ancient wall with her finger.

Zhu Minglang also noticed something wrong.

When they looked at it from the outside, this ancient relic was actually not big. With the power of the Fire Qilin dragon’s feet, they had already walked around inside.

After coming in, they walked for a long time without seeing another wall, and the wall behind them was no less than the length of a city-state’s north-south main street…

“It seems that this ancient relic has Space Law, which is similar to Ancient Vestige’s Small World.” Zhu Minglang said.

Nan Yusuo nodded, she also thinks this way.


A further distance, Zhu Minglang and Nan Yusuo saw an old stone palace, stone palace tangled and complicated, the layout is disordered, and you can see the standing The ruined stone temple in Beijing is covered by countless vines. You can also see some ancient corridors with lush and green on both sides, which are covered by unknown trees.

Although they show signs of decadence and abandonment, it can be seen from the scale, architectural style, and number of halls of the stone palace that a group of civilizations once lived here surpassed Lichuan and surpassed People in the Extreme Court, whether it is the dilapidated palace or the flowerbed of the landscape, exudes a breath of holy rhyme. When they get close, they feel like they are in a spirit vein.

The two stepped into a piano hall, which is one of the more well-preserved halls. Although it is covered with some vines and greens, the stones, rocks, pillars, palace bricks, and wall paint are still Glowing with a luster of extraordinary texture, such as jade stone, crystal, platinum…


I am watching When everything in this hall is going on, the exclamation in my heart has changed into fluctuations in my mind for some reason, as if the strings are playing in my ears, not abrupt, as if I have sat upright and took a sip of tea. , Staring leisurely at the luthier in front of her, she prepared her first song.

The sound of the piano.

Every stone, rock, column, and beam in this temple has gone through many years of piano music edification, and after being abandoned and abandoned, there will still be the sound of the piano, which makes the body and mind empty without a trace. Silk defensively listens and feels the beauty that once existed here.

Suddenly, Zhu Minglang seemed to see a luthier, dressed in neon clothes, graceful and graceful, playing one piece after another with a pair of slender’s white and smart fingers in front of him.

I don’t know how long it has been before Zhu Minglang came back to his senses. If it weren’t for remembering that he was still in a cruel war, Zhu Minglang felt like he was standing here at sunrise, like waking up from a dream It was dusk at sunset.

Listening to the sound of the piano, you will forget the time.

“This is like a temple. I feel that there is a certain inheritance in the rhythm of the piano. It’s a pity that I am not a capable person in this area. I can’t feel it…” Zhu Minglang turned his head and turned to Nan Yu Suo said.

Nan Yusuo was standing there, her beautiful eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist, and her slender eyelashes were a little wet.

Zhu Minglang is a little surprised.

Did Nan Yusuo understand the voice of the palace that spans the years? ?

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