Dragon Herder

Chapter 579

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On the other side, Zhu Minglang and Tianshalong are dealing with the old slave of the necromancer, the ghost qi. He is not only capable of manipulating ghouls. , He was like an evil ghost, skinny and wandering in silhouette. The Tianshalong changed his feather incarnation into a dark form, and he could not catch this old beast.

The old slave of Shouyuan landed in an abandoned ghost temple. The ghost temple’s location reflected a layer of scarlet evil light. The brilliance hit his body, making his flesh transparent, blood Both vessels and skeleton seem to be visible.

At this time, in the ghost temple, an evil creature climbed up, with countless feet, and a pair of bat-like wings. When Zhu Minglang approached, the evil bat dragon Has completely occupied the body of the old slave in the garden…

Like the eagle-body Banshee, the old slave in the garden has combined with this evil bat dragon, and the centipede’s feet are like ribs. The same, buckled firmly on the bowed back of the old slave in the garden, and gradually the flesh and the evil feet grew together!

As they continue to blend together, Zhu Minglang has no idea whether the evil bat dragon is attached to the old slave, or the old slave has grown up on the head of the evil bat dragon!

Heavenly evil dragon flew to this monster that is neither human nor ghost, and was about to use wings as the blade of night to cut away the body of the Old Monster, only to find that the Old Monster also possesses evil worms. The carapace is extremely strong, and the centipede’s feet that have been hanging in the air are all claws that can easily cut the bones. Although the Tianshalong avoids a part, the number of centipede claws is too much.

Every time a sharp claw is drawn, it will produce an astonishing ground crack. Even if it is cut to the air, the terrifying speed of the sharp claw will cause a terrifying surging of the airflow.

The Tianshalong is already very sensitive in the dark form, just like an arowana underwater, but a mouth was still torn open on the body, and blood overflowed from the wound.

Zhu Minglang was lying between the wings of the Celestial Dragon. He looked back at the scar and found that there was a red toxin in the wound, trying to corrode the flesh inside the Celestial Dragon.

However, this red toxin did not remain in the epidermis for too long, and was gradually dissolved by the blood overflowing from the Tianshalong.

The toxins did not invade.

Tianshalong is a different species of Sanglong, and it is also a dragon of evil nature. Moreover, Tianshalong is a dragon of Ancient Era. Perhaps all the evil species born on this continent have to call it an ancestor.

The poison of the evil centipede has no effect on the Tianshalong. As for the small wound, it will not affect the battle strength of the Tianshalong.

It’s just that, for the first time since becoming a Dragon King, he was wounded and bleeds. Tianshalong was a little unhappy. He felt that his powerful and invincible image was damaged. Give the tyranny a meal to appease its powerful self-esteem!

The feathers are on the forward side, and the bloody dragon feathers of the celestial dragon instantly change into colorful colors. From the position of the crown to the back, to the tail, the feathers are gorgeous and luxurious, showing different colors in the starry sky. The stars!

With the change of feathers, the power of the Celestial Dragon has also greatly increased. It rolled up its tail, a forward remake, and the light of the star tail scatters, and the front is shrouded in darkness. The space collapsed, and a huge void rift can be clearly seen, spreading along the position where the dragon tail of the gods moved towards the position of the old slave!

The old slave in the garden still wanted to use the thick evil worm armor to resist, but found that the power of void spalling ignores any hard carapace. Its waist is split, and its centipede claws are split. It doesn’t look like it has been cut and severed, it’s more like the joints connecting these parts are directly missing, ablated in the area of ​​the void rift pathway.

“Middle-ranked king, the evil dragon of heaven and evil.” The old slave in Shouyuan didn’t have the calm and composure before.

I thought the Sword Spirit dragon is the strongest dragon in Zhu Minglang, but I don’t know that the Tiansha dragon is the most terrifying.

Underestimated the strength of this kid.

Centipede’s body slowly supported it, and its tail plunged into the ground, keeping the whole body upright.

The evil centipede bat dragon firmly attached to the old slave in the garden opened its pair of black wings and raised its head, moving towards in the sky and spit out a black energy!

Black energy suddenly exploded in the high air, followed by a large black rain, thick as blood, and pitch-black as ink.

Black thick feathers sprinkled on this garden, bathing on the crossbow arrow ghouls. Those ghouls drinking water like seedlings are growing at a speed visible by naked eye, and they are becoming stronger!

Their eyes are becoming more and more red, and even the iron crossbow in their hands seems to have been blessed by evil nature, and there is a cloud of black air lingering on the crossbow they are holding.

All the crossbow arrows corpse army violently turned to the Tianshalong, and at the same time moved towards Tianshalong shot the black rain crossbow bolts, which are densely packed, each of them is enough to nail the stone pillar through.

The stone platforms, statues, pillars, and rocks between the Tianshalong and these crossbow ghouls are all worn out, but the black rain crossbow arrows formidable power are not reduced at all.

The Sky Evil Dragon spread its wings and lifted into the air, and the crossbow arrow ghouls immediately raised their angles, and countless arrows flew towards the Sky Evil Dragon with billowing black poisonous smoke. The sight is terrifying.

When the Tiansha dragon reached a high place, the arrows that were chasing down below spit out a breath of dragon. The breath of the dragon is like a waterfall of air flow, flying straight down from a high altitude, the strength is equally strong, those flying shots The crossbow arrows that came up were scattered and rushed back to the ground. The ding ding dong dong fell to the ground.

His gaze moved towards the old slave who guarded the garden, Tianshalong took a deep breath, its abdominal cavity was swollen, and as it bowed its head and breathed, within the body a more tyrannical dragon breath Pounced on the ground, pounced on the old slave Shouyuan!

That is the violent agitation of the dragon’s breath, which can turn a mountain into dust flying all over the sky. This dragon’s breath rises from top to bottom, presenting an inverted and gyroscopic shape. When it touches When they arrived on the ground, when they started to move horizontally, not only was the old slave of the Shouyuan Garden entangled and torn to pieces frantically, but also the crossbow ghouls were drawn in pieces…

No matter how strong the ghouls were, they couldn’t stand the Dragon King breath of the Dragon King. At least four thousand ghouls were directly turned into flesh by this dragon’s breath.

The old slave in Shouyuan wanted to burrow into the ground, but the surface of the ground was lifted by this angry dragon’s breath. The carapace of the evil centipede dragon attached to him shattered and its wings were torn apart. , Those centipede claws are even more broken.

Finally leaned on a strong keel to survive, and was not directly destroyed by the dragon’s breath, but the evil bat dragon body has not many pieces of finished meat left, completely complete. It is a skeleton.

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