Dragon Herder

Chapter 829

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“Well, I know, I know that you can defeat him, but it is too close to God, and a few gods that don’t accidentally Xuan Ge will come in Immediately. If the battle is dragging too long, this guy will Escape Alive, I can’t let him go, absolutely can’t! “Zhu Minglang said to the King Dragon.

When THIS Remark, Zhu Minglang turned back and looked at it. He saw that the hook of the iron rod is hooked, and he saw the wound of the horrible to see!

this scumbag!

hurt your own dragon with your own face! !

This kind of thing is absolutely unable to tolerate! !

and he must die!

At the same time, Zhu Minglang can’t let God have a strong existence to interfere, and the god is almost alive, because Xuan Ge calculates the scene.

I want to kill today, Xuan Ge will also have Clearly Understood.

But Xuan Ge does not know his true strength.

So, before Xuan Ge arrived, this scumbag war Saint was respectful!

“Bai Qi!”

“kill it!”

zhu minglang opens Spirit Domain, evoked the Bachelor of WHITE DRAGON!

Ice interest such as the most primordial in Universe Great Desolate, there is no silky of Life Aura, and has experienced hundreds of thousands of years of dark soaking …

The coolness, coming in this dark divide, the empty god moon hangs in chaos, gradually moonlight like a feather, the moon is made with a plummet of WHIGON, the layer of laminated wings Holy and majestic!

Benefather, WHITE DRAGON, it is a smart dance, the moon shadow is moving, and every time you can see it, it is a still picture, a claw print, tail 蜇 , , Teng Bing …

However, for WAR Saint Zunqi, this scene is completed in an instant, it only saw a flash of a moonlight, only seeing this dragon’s virtual image, however Attack is true!

Blood asura ooza time, like still, while WHITE DRAGON is flowing!

“Creak Creak !!!!!”

Suddenly, the muscle of Blood Asura Kath Diamond Stone is like a red ceramic frying, and it is all between collaps.

Kath didn’t even know what happened, the whole person suffered from torn, puncture, fracture, and explosive pain in a very short time, and a cold, positive and rigid, positive Life Energy to take it away, even the warfare is turned off in extreme speed! !

“Middle God Dragon General !!!” War Saint Zunqi is incredible.

a small SECT MASTER, has a strong invincible king, is already Fantasy Story, but also can’t imagine that the other party also has the existence of Terrifying in Middle God Dragon General! !

CultiVation Base Incarnation, just let War Saint Zunqi temporarily has the strength of Low God, which is the strength of the White Dragon God Dragon General, which seems to be super selfvation base, let War Saint Zunqi has a kind of In the face of the top, and even the oppression and weakness of God’s LEVEL EXISTENCE! !

Asura Divine Blood, if you are frozen, the wrath of the dead river, the fire broke out in front of this White Dragon, the WHITE DRAGON once again launched an attack, WAR Saint Zunqi only felt that World was disappeared, leaving a pair of cold moon, this pair of cold, it is direct looking death god! !

! !

Pupil Light is shot, the darkness is completely demise, only a cold silver ash, followed by a magnificent land, and the clouds and the wind turned into the abyss of the deep terrifying, standing here Blow Asura Kht, his Asura Physique is in the disintegration, he is squatting down at this powerful annihilation, and below is the endless death magic cave, the same is the same as the 无垠 天 天, 若 若 一 一般The will is supported, but the mustard mustard in the storm is fragile! !

War Saint Zunqi feels pain, and feel the approximation of death.

He lifted his head and looked up at the SECT Head Zhu, which was despised by himself. The skin on the cheeks on the cheek of War Saint was flying. The eyelid bones were bare, and the pair of barely protected pupils It is full of fear, such as a wild dog, poor, uneasy …

“Don’t … Don’t … beg you, beg you … don’t …” War Saint Zunqi spit out a few words.

The mad arrogant, I have disappear without a trace, at this moment, at the moment, with the previous one, is like two different lives, the unhabited Asura Bloodline God, humble Livestock that is about to be slaughtered!

“You ask for death, I will wish!” Zhu Minglang has no mercy.

“You don’t dare … You don’t dare to kill me …” Kih saw Zhu Minglang without a silk-shaking killing intent, as if deceived himself, “Here is Xuan Ge, you have no name … … you are provocating the peace of the world … “

“provocation ?? I am here, this is 泯 EXTINGUISHING SOUL power !!” Zhu Minglang’s face has a smile, but this smile is in War Saint Zunqi seems to be cold as evil!


as if it is in such a moment, there is such a will in Zhu Minglang’s mind!

This purpose, unclear is a good heart, or a magic of every god, but at least, Zhu Minglang is cast as a so-called Shenshi! ! !

War Saint Zunqi Eye, the pair of eyes disappears under the loss of annihilation, his THIS TIME is no longer ought for INCARNATION as a special Golden skeleton, but in this annihilated realization Bone.

His flesh and blood, no matter if ASURA is terrified, there is no longer a half point Life Aura, which has become a dead empty space!

Looking at the WAR Saint Respect becomes a bone, Zhu Minglang is not willing to leave him.

But at this moment, a Divine Light is like the martyrdom of the mystery through the surrounding dark, filled with a huge dark gap and dispelled the chaos that cannot be passed through all the sights.

Zhu Minglang spotted all this, and returned the hanies WHIGON WHIGON to his Spirit Domain, leaving only the Qi Wanglong.

Yan Wang Long stands in this San Mang, with a bit of angry and violent.

It doesn’t like sunshine, but it is not afraid of sunshine!

Heaven and Earth are re-bright.

In the east side of zhu minglang, Grandiose wearing the golden brilliance of the golden brilliance Anti, is righteous into a big land, looks like a Golden’s Pinghu, spectacular and amazing!

This is the army that is separated by Zhu Minglang, holding a 100,000-chain chain. When their eyes can see the dark gap, it is a true skeleton …

“That is … WAR SAINT, that is 骷髅 …” The leader of the hook lock is a bit unbelievable.

Holy Mountain City, it is also a strong army of more than ten thousand, they are also blocked by gaps, they stand in the verge of annihilating, looking at the huge dark gorge, one by one TREMBLING IN FEAR, the power of God, letting them have some small arms!

However, the army is still in the Dark Dry Ditch of Moved Towards, flowing over from Holy Mountain, from the ALL Directions of the sky.

Not long, Zhu Minglang has already had hundreds of thousands of gods, and the sky on his head is even more Densly Packed, and their clothes are Golden, Blue Gold, Platinum, Red Gold. , Brown gold, a total of four gods, are accommodating near God!

The Dangdang Daddy is in the mountains, and the Golden is coming out of the mountain, the clouds will become a domain of Golden-Red Clouds.

“弑 圣 圣, 无 !!”

“弑 圣 圣, 无 !!”

“弑 圣 圣, 无 !!”

The Daba National Army is aweptiment, but this is Xuan Ge, there is Xuan Ge’s Divine Splendor to shine, and behind them is Xuan Ge Temple, they still go forward! !

zhu minglang At this moment, it is like a Golden’s god army Wang Yang, he stood on the top of the king of the king, is like is island.

Every God has a leader.

Qin, SECT MASTER Qin, next to the Landlong God’s leader Long Shengjun, his face is full of Astonished Expression, and I don’t know what speech should describe this picture!

In the place where the Temple of Xuan Ge Temple can go straight, when hundreds of thousands of Xuan Ge, the WAR SAINT Zunqi, which is Xuan Ge, who is a War Saint Zunqi, who is the country? ? ?

This old SECT Head Zhu is the Demon GOD attached to the body! !

Most let Qin feel that the score is, this SECT Head Zhu is full of surrounding the Daba National Army, and he has no awe, and he is calmly went to the Zilong, which is trapped, removed. Some herbs, smeared the abdominal injured wound for this wild breath.

The army is still growing with the speed of the tide, and the two big gaps in Zhu Minglang are just a large underground area, and people can clearly see Zhu Minglang’s move.

he handled the wound of the purple dragon, and went to the front of the purple dragon and gently comforted it.

“Nothing, it’s okay, they will not hurt you again.” Zhu Minglang said these words, putting a palm in the forehead of the purple dragon is full of blood.

Spiritual Imprint is re-established, and some of the fuzzy memories have also emerged in the mind of the purple dragon.

In fact, these memories have not been erased in the heart of its heart, even if they are full of nature of the cruel law, it still remembers the scene.

is a soft hands, holding yourself from dirty mud water.

is the owner of this hand, patience to tear the beef into a silk, slowly fed his own mouth, then said some to encourage himself …

Zilong remembers, it is just a small wild, the first battle of the whole, and the risks have broken the tail, and this cool and confused herbs are applied to their wounds through this hands.

This hand is warm and soft, and when you put on your forehead, no matter how many years are so familiar!

“唦 ~~~~~~~~”

“You become a purple dragon, Xiaoyu.” Zhu Minglang floats smile, never thought that the little wilderness that was agilely lost, it has become a purple dragon, and … it seems still Ray Long.

I almost forgot, Xiaoyu will have the Bloodline of Ray Dragon!

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