Dragon Herder

Chapter 854


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What kind of military force is Ming Mengshen? He can throw a king-level person to death with such a casual throw. The woman obviously has no cultivation base. After landing, she is already unconscious and half-dead.

And this scene can be said to be completely seen by the people who come from the gods. It is all that Mingmeng is a mad god, but at the moment, this guy is a mad god through and through! !

“Did you hear what I said just now?” Ming Mengshen took a few steps forward and asked with a smile.

“Lunatic!” Xiangshen cursed unceremoniously.

“Little girl, one more curse, I caught you and threw you into my savage army. They have tasted all kinds of women, but they haven’t ravaged Goddess Ming.” Ming Mengshen said.

Xiangshen did not dare to speak immediately.

She stood a little back.

There is nothing that Mingmengshen can’t do.

“I like women who understand the beauty of war. It’s a pity that there are few women in this world who like the battlefield, and most of them don’t meet my appetite. You are very good, and can defeat my undefeated army many times. Do. My woman, if you want this Xuan Ge God City, I can also capture it for you.” Ming Meng Shen pointed to Nan Lingsha and said.

Nan Lingsha frowned.

It’s not that she doesn’t know how to deal with it, it’s just that such a savage and rude god makes her feel disgusting even to speak to her.

“Let me talk to him.” Zhu Minglang said.

Nan Lingsha nodded.

Zhu Minglang turned his head, glanced at the Lord of Li and the commander of the God of the Forbidden Army, and couldn’t help but sarcastically said: “How do you negotiate with others in the past?”

“This God of Mingmeng is a lunatic, dare to say anything, dare to do anything.” Xiangshen said.

Zhu Minglang ignored the god of incense, moved towards the god of Ming Meng who uttered wild words.

“I know that it is the God of Mingmeng. If I don’t know, I thought which mad dog hadn’t been tied up. I will give you one last chance to speak again. If you want to make peace, you can talk with others. If you don’t want to talk, just Go back to your territory immediately.” Zhu Minglang said.

“Boy, it should be me giving you a chance to speak well again.” God Ming Meng narrowed his eyes, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

“There is nothing to talk about, kill him.” Nan Lingsha said coldly.

Neither Xuan Ge nor Ming Meng is a good thing in Nan Lingsha’s eyes.

Besides, Nan Lingsha is still fighting for the position of the Nine Star Gods. Xuan Ge and Ming Meng are stumbling blocks. Nan Lingsha is very willing to see these two gods fight for both sides suffer.

The priests are almost in a coma.

Is this here to make peace? ?

It’s obviously here to make an appointment!

Everyone fires medicinal smell so what do you do!

“Mingmeng God, if you really want to make peace with us, stop saying those insults to others. Our Divine Kingdom is a sacred and inviolable existence, and verbal insults are never acceptable, so please Take back those words before, otherwise we will expel you.” Said the Lord of Ceremony.

“Of course I’m here to have a good talk. It’s not as good as this. You kill this madman in public, and I can sit down and talk to you peacefully.” Ming Mengshen changed his mind again.

“It seems that you really didn’t want to talk to us. If so, Martial Saint, please give orders. Our Divine Kingdom will not allow such offenses and insults!” Li Shengzun’s temper also came up, and all The reign of the armed forces was handed over to Nan Lingsha.

Nan Lingsha raised his hand.

No hesitation.

indifferently said: “Kill!”

Ming Mengshen was stunned. He didn’t expect Xuan Ge to become so fierce and irritable.

“Wait, wait.” Ming Mengshen said hurriedly.

“Kill!” Nan Lingsha wished that the two armies would fight immediately, so he gave the order again.

“I said wait a minute!! I took back what I just said!” Ming Mengshen became even more anxious.

How can there be such a strong woman!

No face is given.

“I apologize for the offense just now.” Ming Mengshen finally admitted.

Not only Mingmengshen’s sword army, even Xuange Shendu’s god forbidden army saw Mingmengshen apologize in public, they couldn’t believe it!

Does Mingmeng God also have people who are afraid? ?

“You convey Xuan Ge, if she is willing to give me the territory of the Sparrow Wolf God, I can not initiate any war against Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom within three years.” Ming Meng Shen said.

“Can you speak human language?” Zhu Minglang continued to stimulate Ming Meng Shen.

He is the same as Nan Lingsha, in fact, it is a pity.

Why did Ming Mengshen persuade him? ?

Fight! !

Just now, when the god forbidden army came to surround his yard, how arrogant and arrogant, it turned the yard upside down.

Now Zhu Minglang is eager to arch the fire, let Xuan Ge and Ming Meng tear each other directly, and let the gods and swordsmen bite the dogs…

However, Zhu Minglang is not easy to provoke too obvious.

The god Ming Meng fiercely glared at Zhu Minglang, as if to remember the appearance of Zhu Minglang.

Zhu Minglang sneered in his heart. This Ming Meng god probably wanted to be number two on his blacklist of the butcher gods. If he wants him to be like this, Zhu Minglang doesn’t mind putting the sasserness away in advance.

Ming Mengshen is also a candidate for the ninth Star God, and he even has greater ambitions.

So Ming Meng Shen impossible to become an ally.

In fact, if Li Yunzi came to talk, he might really be able to fight.

Li Yunzi doesn’t like negotiation, and she has a hatred of Ming Divine Race. The black and red double-brake siblings that occupies the Beijieling city-state at the beginning are the descendants of Ming Divine Race.

“Improper.” Nan Lingsha shook the head and directly rejected Ming Divine Race’s request.

At this time, the Lord of Ritual hurriedly said to Nan Lingsha: “The land of the Sparrow Wolf God is a mess, and it is not a bad thing to hand it over to the God of Mingmeng, Martial Saint, I think this can be agreed.” [ 19459002]

Nan Lingsha still shook the head.

The Territory of the Great Court Continent and the Territory of the Sparrow Wolf God are bordered. Once the land of the Sparrow Wolf God is occupied by the God of Mingmeng, the Mingshen Army of the God of Mingmeng will soon attack the Great Court.

In any case, there is a dragon gate in the Great Court, and the gods organize many people to covet it.

“Our conditions are already very soft.” Ming Mengshen’s face was dark, showing dissatisfaction.

“You are the one who lost.” Nan Lingsha’s attitude is also very tough.

“You…” Ming Meng Shen was exasperated by these words.

Defeat is the most unacceptable thing for Ming Meng Shen. Although he was not in the battle in that battle, their Ming Shen army was indeed defeated and retreated, and even some cities that had just gained a foothold fell and became The fortress of Li Yunzi.

“Well, you are the host. In five years, my god army will never step into your Xuan Ge territory. If you violate it, I will surrender to the godhood.” Ming Mengshen chose to give in.

“Mingmeng God, do you treat this kind of negotiation as a child talk big? You are the one who loses, and you are also asking for a peace. If you can’t come up with the conditions that move us, why should we Xuan Ge negotiate with you? “Nan Lingsha said.

“Peace, isn’t it your Xuan Ge belief?”

“Peace does not mean weakness, peace also includes calming chaos and establishing order through war,” Nan Lingsha said.

“Li Yunzi, are you declaring war on my Mingmeng God?” Mingmeng Divine Eyes God has changed and become fierce.

“Yes, if it weren’t for the God of Xuan Ge to call me back to God’s capital, the golden brilliance army has trampled on your tribal giant city, and your Divine Race relatives have knelt on the ground and begged me for mercy, those in your territory The people have abandoned you and bowed down to me. The endlessly provoking wars, the wars only for occupation and occupation, have already made your people in the heart spit on you, my banner arrives in your territory, and your people will Will rise up and overthrow your cruel, stupid, and savage godliness!” Nan Lingsha had a very strong attitude and gave an unceremonious humiliation.

Zhu Minglang turned his head and looked at Nan Lingsha.

For a moment, Zhu Minglang thought that the person standing next to him was Li Yunzi.

The imposing manner that will never give way, and the confidence that you will never lose any battle in the war.

Xuan Ge is definitely the most prosperous Divine Kingdom. The power of their subordinate organization is also second only to Tianshu. Although there are obvious shortcomings in the war, the arrival of Li Yunzi has made up for this shortcoming.

The territory of Mingmeng God is very vast, but it is full of holes. The life of the people is like a savage tribe that has regressed several civilizations. There are rare giant cities with glorious civilizations, which are often disturbed by darkness. .

About the people, about governance, about how to prosper and prosper, Ming Meng God knows nothing about it.

He is like a savage cow, who doesn’t know how to cultivate at all. He has occupied enough fields, but he can’t grow food in the fields.

War is not a life and death duel. It is necessary to know how to keep a low profile, to recuperate, and to give the people a sense of security and belonging.

Mingmeng God’s army, strong outside and empty inside, fighting lasting fighting intents, will undoubtedly be defeated, because they do not have enough replenishment, and there is no cohesion, faith is invincible, but they have suffered a big defeat. When they are fighting, their beliefs are just fragile, so it’s not an exaggeration to describe them as a piece of loose sand.

A madman can indeed scare off many ordinary persons. Most people feel that there is no need to bite each other with a madman, but they cannot scare off a person who has rooted his beliefs in the Asura field of war!

Nan Lingsha doesn’t like Li Yunzi, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t know Li Yunzi.

Li Yunzi used war to establish his own order.

This is true in Lichuan, it is true in Ji Ting, and it is also true in Tianshu Shenjiang.

“It seems that there is nothing to talk about between us.” Ming Meng’s expression became a little horrible, like a Great Desolate wild beast who can eat people at any time.

“The Lord of Ceremony, I am here to serve him well. If there is any rash action, there is no need to wait for my order, execute without any mercy. If he wants to know how to talk to us, then rule me.” Nan Lingsha ordered In one sentence, he turned and left.

“Li Yunzi!” Ming Mengshen said angrily.

Under this a violent roar, Ming Mengshen suddenly broke out with a golden expression of blood, and the boiling terrifying War God power surged in an instant, like a hot bloody ocean, covering the white Holy City!

Upon seeing this, Zhu Minglang stepped forward and stood between Nan Lingsha and Ming Meng Shen.

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