Dragon Herder

Chapter 861


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People always say that they are unreasonably worried.

But they are ordinary persons, gods, the tolerance of Heaven Realm, they will serve the heavens and bless the people, know some secrets, and there are tips of the iceberg that only see this world.

Being able to surpass mortals, enjoying the admiration and worship of hundreds of millions of people, but at the same time Shinto is closely related to their people, and they cannot be completely separated from them.

Perhaps, as Mr. Koi said, the gods should share their worries for God.

Or maybe, as the divine runes man felt, God is illusory. You are the god of some people, and they are their sacred and inviolable God, free from anger and prestige. Everything needs to be controlled by these. People go to great lengths to speculate.

Zhu Minglang was unable to draw a conclusion at this time, just like looking at the mountains in the fog, only by constant climbing and reaching the clouds and fog can he know the scene of the world.


It was almost early in the morning that Zhu Minglang escaped from Wuquan Mountain.

This process is still covered by Linghuling’s Divine Consciousness, and in order to find out this extremely lustful guy, Xuan Ge stayed through the night again, his bags deepened again, and waited in a place with a wide view. The hidden flower thief.

Zhu Minglang is like a cheating young servant, coming out of the courtyard wall in the extremely hazy sky, with a surreptitious fluke on his face, and can’t help but reminisce about the peach color that was stained this night.

Heavenly Dao is hard to find, but the journey is quite wonderful. As an upright gentleman who has nothing to do but is not a beast, Zhu Minglang calmly left Quanwu Mountain…

Xuan Ge impossible has been wasting the world on this.

After all, she had to arrange Yuheng and Tianshu’s Shenwu competition early in the morning.

Zhu Minglang knows that Martial Saint Mansion has Xuan Ge’s eyeliner, and feels that he “returns” there early in the morning, and may be regarded as a key suspect. Knowing that there is another residence in the Saint Venerable Mansion, Zhu Minglang should go there first. To avoid the limelight, pretend that you have a hangover with a certain alcoholic friend.

At Zhishengzun’s Mansion, Zhu Minglang drank a bowl of drunk immortal wine, and then fed the dragon in the yard embarrassedly.

Little Golden Dragon has been protesting and wants to go out to jungle.

This Little Brat has no place to sprinkle all his energy. Although the cultivation base has increased rapidly in the spirit domain all day long, I haven’t seen the Little Golden Dragon in this flowery world more eager to go outside.

Zhu Minglang has no choice.

I had to secretly put the Little Golden Dragon in the mountainside of the Sage.

The mountainside of the Master of Knowledge is connected to the Xuan Ge Temple, where various exotic beasts are raised. As the mounts, war beasts, and dragon reserves of the temple, the bloodline is somewhat stained with descendants of gods and demons.

Most of the rare and exotic beasts are also immature. It just so happens that Little Golden Dragon claims to be the kindergarten tyrant, and let it harm those gods and monsters and beasts, as it is to help Xuan Ge’s elder sister to tame the beasts.

I really can’t see it.

Such a slender figure actually has that kind of embrace, Xuan Ge divine fruit is deeply hidden.

But she did not lose too, and she caught a glimpse of her peerlessly handsome and strong figure. There is no man in the world who can have her own…I want to be able to be a lucky sign for a while in the coming years.

“Hey, why is the Purple Qi on the top of my head thinner?”

“What’s the situation, is God blind? How can the things of yesterday be counted on me? Why do I lose the yin virtue?”

“I admit that there was a little possibility that I could leave early, but I didn’t know that it was Xuan Ge. If I moved first and got a direct insight, people would still treat me as a flower thief. Am I not a human being? Money is empty?”

Zhu Minglang felt extremely unfair.

God is obviously favoring Goddess! !


“Xiaoyu, take good care of Little Golden Dragon.” Zhu Minglang called out the Nuwa dragon and asked the Nuwa dragon to help him train the baby.

Nuwa Dragon is too kind and careful, like a gentle Little Mama going out with his Brat, I can鈥檛 wait to put Brat on his body in gold and silver armor, equipped with drinking water, desserts, baby bottles, and clothes to wear when cold , Short clothes to change when hot…

The Peach Demon Deer Dragon is still the same. Its speed is not as fast as the Little Golden Dragon. It is like the Little Sister who is two or three years younger than his big brother. He runs very hard with his big brother, but he is always a step slower… 鈥?

With Nuwa dragon following, Zhu Minglang can basically let go.

The days of Dragon Herder are really easy and comfortable. I feel that if I don’t mess with something, my life will even seem to have several points of boring.

“I wish big brother.” Mi Rong seemed to hear the movement in the yard, and immediately ran over lively.

As soon as he ran near, Mi Rong smelled the strong smell of alcohol on Zhu Minglang’s body, and he couldn’t get close immediately. He pinched Xiao Yao’s nose and looked a little disgusted.

“How do you know that I am here?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“The teacher said.” Mi Rong said.

“Your teacher is normally idle, do you always observe me with the technique of prophecy?” Zhu Minglang laughed and teased.

Unfortunately, the dignified and elegant Zhishengzun walked slowly and walked a few steps into the courtyard, just to hear Zhu Minglang this remark.

Zhu Minglang looked embarrassed.

The Lord Zhizun had a cold face.

She walked over and smelled the alcohol on Zhu Minglang’s body.

“Drinking all night last night?” Zhishengzun asked.


“With whom?” Zhi Shengzun then asked.

Zhu Minglang’s heart beats, why is it that he knows the voice of the Lord, like a house round?

Is it possible, what did she actually see?

“Myself.” Zhu Minglang said.

“No one has a certificate, where is it?” Zhishengzun then asked.

“In one…”

“Well, no need to excuse, my god Xuan Ge is good at predicting secrets, and it is more difficult to calculate personnel, Sect Head Zhu, do you know that the crime of blaspheming Goddess is far better than killing War Saint?” said the sage.

A celestial machine, a prophet.

Together, heaven鈥檚 net is wide, and none can escape its mesh!

I will be caught after all.

“It’s just an embarrassing coincidence. It may also be a joke of God. I was alone in the cultivation in the mist spring, but she suddenly broke in…” Zhu Minglang admitted frankly.

Anyway, there are many crimes that don’t press the body.

Knowing the Lord also knows that he has done more than these two bad things.

“Sect Head Zhu, you have repeatedly violated the bottom line of our Xuan Ge Temple like this, and you will eventually have evil results.” Said the Lord Zhizun.

“Then please know that the Lord will continue to keep secret for me. I just learned some important information of Mingmeng God yesterday. I am happy, so I plan to go to the hot springs. But when the hot springs are closed, I have to sneak in. I I deliberately avoided crowded places and went to extremely remote places. As a result, something like that happened.” Zhu Minglang said.

“What important information did you get?” Zhisheng asked.

“Then the Lord knows the secret for me?”

“I’m here, not the temple, don’t you understand?” Zhi Shengzun said irritably.

Keep it!

Of course it was concealed!

After Xuan Ge realized that he had lost the other party’s whereabouts, he immediately approached the Sage Zhizun, and asked the Sage Zun Zhizun to help her find out the brave thief.

The Master of Knowledge was able to see more details, so he quickly caught the figure of Zhu Minglang escaping into his house in Cang Pan based on the clues provided by God Xuan Ge.

I thought that this Sect Head Zhu was also a dignified god of righteousness, and never thought that he was also a generation of gods. Knowing that the Holy Venerable was very disappointed, but I don鈥檛 know what the psychological trouble was. She didn鈥檛 tell Xuan Ge directly, but came here. Listen to this Sect Head Zhu’s sophistry.

“Knowing the Lord is indeed a living Bodhisattva, and his merits are boundless.” Zhu Minglang thanked him.

This is a dignified and upright cultivator, look at yourself again…

“In special times, I will not be punishable for the time being, but after everything is over, I will still tell my god.” Zhishengzun said.

“Mingmeng God鈥檚 Chiyou Longya Knife is in some condition. He needs to use the power of other people in the frontier to let him cut out his own sword demon heart… Know the Lord, but there are some numerological clues. , If you can tell me, I might take this opportunity to make Ming Meng God desperate!” Zhu Minglang said to Zhi Shengzun.

On the side of Li Xing’s painting, Zhu Minglang also asked Zhu Minglang to ask the Lord Zhizun.

The picture that a prophet can see is limited.

Including the celestial jigsaw, no one knows who the flower thief who has seen her body is, and he still needs to ask the Lord for help.

There will definitely be some different foreseeable fragments here, especially about other gods and Mingmeng gods.

Integrating what the star painting sees with what the Zhishengzun sees, presumably can spell out a complete Mingmeng God’s destiny.

Knowing the character of the saint, Zhu Minglang is trusted.

She wants to harm herself, so she won’t sacrifice her reputation to exonerate herself.

The God of Mingmeng has always been the biggest hidden danger of the Divine Kingdom of Xuan Ge. Only God of Mingmeng dared to ignore the God of Tianshu and the temple of Xuan Ge…

Now other gods of the Divine Border have arrived in Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom one after another. If this Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine is not done well, it will affect the development of the entire Tianshu in the Big Dipper Divine State in the future.

Mingmeng God must stare to death.

Moreover, he is the person most likely to threaten Xuan Ge’s role as the eighth Star God.

For the future of Tianshu, for Xuan Ge’s Divine Spark, many small things can be put aside for the time being, including small reputation, small name festival, etc…

“No wonder, no wonder…” Hearing Zhu Minglang this remark, the Master Zhizun suddenly realized.

Regarding Mingmeng God, it is natural that the Holy Sovereign also has to worry about it, but she has never been able to see through the fog of Mingmeng God.

After Zhu Minglang peeled off the fog for her, many things could be explained clearly, so that they could turn passive into active, and suppress Ming Meng God firmly!

“The probability of Kaiyang is great. There is a magical mental method on Kaiyang, which can not only eliminate Heart Demon for those gods who are on the evil path, but also restore the original mind of some people who are cultivation deviation. !” Said the Lord Zhi.

“So that’s how it is, when will the people who drive Yang God arrive?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“Ten days later.”

“Very well, when the time comes, we created some contradictions between Mingmeng God and Kaiyang, so that he has no chance to get the heart of Kaiyang.” Zhu Minglang nodded.

“If it is this method, it is not convenient for Xuan Ge to come forward and do it.” There is a hint in the words of the Lord Zhi.

“I’m here, just to give me another opportunity to commit crimes.” Zhu Minglang understood.

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