Dragon Herder

Chapter 864


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The girl with double hair tails is agile and youthful, and her body is full of indescribable vitality, and her youth is a little bit charming.

Lou Qian walked to the floating platform and waited there for a long time, so that the other party could regain some strength.

Hu Shu took a long rest before proceeding to the next duel.

Sword Art is completely different from the female sword idiot. The double-haired tail Tiannv Louqian’s sword is extremely fancy, and her deity is like a butterfly in the flowers, the sword is like flying, and the sword strokes seem soft, but hidden murderous intention.

In the end, Tiannv Louqian displayed the Sword Art, she used the same Sword Art a hundred times in one breathing room, and the Sword Art was stacked to a level that allowed space tearing!

Earth Grade Sword Art.

This move was taught to Zhu Minglang by Linghuling.

And this woman was very skillful, she fought Loose Immortal and was completely unprepared.

Hu Shu was very reluctant to parry, but his whole body was obviously numb, and it was already difficult to perform Sword Art.

“Being exhausted, let me admit defeat.” Hu Shu said hurriedly.

“Really, I can let you rest for a while.” Lou Qian smiled brightly.

“Enlighten me next time I have a chance.” Hu Shu hurriedly left the scene.

He has won one game and faced off one after another, and he can indeed use his lack of energy as an excuse.

At least, he didn’t lose, he just couldn’t fight continuously.

“It’s boring.” Lou Qian curl one’s lip, opened the mouth and said, “Thank you for bringing up the Martial Saint you mentioned before. I just finished the fight and I didn’t even sweat it.”

The Master Zhizun glanced at the seat.

Martial Saint hasn’t arrived yet.

Xuan Ge explained: “There was a sudden occurance last night, Martial Saint treated it overnight. It will take some time to get back.”

“Then it’s not like a sword, come with some righteous gods who can fight.” Lou Qian said.

Naturally, Xuan Ge arranged it, and ordered the mysterious person who was in the tiger leather clothing of Zhu Minglang to go up.

The mysterious person in tiger skin is very strong, and the cultivation base is also above the War Saint.

It’s just that this person never said a word, and there was no expression on his face. Basically, he knew what the Lord and Xuan Ge told him to do, and he would do it.


“Knowing Saint Venerable, Yuheng Star Palace, these little goddesses are so powerful, wait until the fairy Linghu takes the shot, don’t we want the entire army to be wiped out?” At this time, Li Wangshan couldn’t help but say.

“Li Wangshan, what you say is a bit layman.” Little War God Yang Bing said.

“How to say?” Li Wangshan asked puzzled.

“How could Fairy Linghu make a move? Her status is equivalent to our current God of Xuan Ge. She came to supervise the battle, not to compete. Tianshu can compete with her. It must be Hua Qiu and Ming Meng. , Scream these three.” Little War God Yang Bing said.

“Oh oh oh…”

“She is the Lord of God.” Zhishengzun whispered.

Zhu Minglang was secretly surprised when he heard this conversation.

It turns out that Linghuling is already a god at the level of a god.

No wonder the gods and gods in the dragon gate must be called “Linghu Fairy”.

That is to say, as long as she does not reach the level of the god master at the dragon gate’s cultivation base, she has not gained the slightest gain…

No wonder she is eager to enter the next Heavenly Layer.

Her visit to dragon gate should not have gained much.

“It turned out to be at the Divine Master level. Fortunately, I didn’t do anything outrageous to her last night. Otherwise, I would provoke Xuan Ge and Ling Huling one after another, and I would really lose my life.” Zhu Minglang said with lingering fear.


Li Yunzi arrive slowly.

The bags under her eyes are also a little deeper.

Apparently did not sleep at all last night.

Zhu Minglang is very distressed.

Originally, she should accompany herself to Wuquan Mountain to relax herself. If handled properly, she may even have a pure and flawless double repair through the medicinal power of the ginseng soup. Come here early today, and she will definitely be radiant. The ruddy, beautiful and alluring radiance that eclipsed all the Goddess was definitely impossible and a little haggard as it is now.

In this case, how to compare it?

“I haven’t slept for one night?” Zhu Minglang walked to Li Yunzi’s side and asked.

“en. “Li Yunzi nodded.

“How can that compare, let me do it for you.” Zhu Minglang said.

“This will expose your abilities.” Li Yunzi shook the head.

“It’s okay, I won’t go up again, just borrow your sword.” Zhu Minglang said.

Li Yunzi is not a true sword cultivator.

She is a teacher of mind strength, a telekinesis, among which weapons are the most suitable ideas for her. There are also some silver threads hidden on her body. When needed, they will be gathered into silver swords.

So in the eyes of outsiders, Li Yunzi is a sword cultivator.

In fact, if you give her a battle axe, she can also control it.

“For a while, you just need to stand on it and rest, and you can close your eyes and rest.” Zhu Minglang whispered in Li Yunzi’s ear.

“Good.” Li Yunzi didn’t force it.

She did use a lot of mental power last night. In order to kill a night nightmare, she also injured some vitality. This will compete with these sword cultivator goddesses of Yuheng Star Palace, which is indeed a bit too reluctant.

Moreover, as the invincible Martial Goddess, undefeated is also one of the cultivation.

Either you don’t fight, you don’t allow yourself to lose once if you want to fight.


Li Yunzi stepped forward. Although there were some doubts in the Divine Immortal class, Tianshu really had too few sword cultivators.

Martial Saint’s reputation in Xuan Ge has become higher and higher. Because of her intuitive experience in “victory”, her status is gradually equal to that of Zhisheng, she stepped onto the Fuya Mountain platform. At that time, there were already a lot of voices in the Xuan Ge Temple.

“Those who don’t know this influence thought it was Xuan Ge who played in the battle himself.”

“No one would dislike a leader who has won many battles and is such a brilliant leader.”

“hmph is just making good use of some tricks that envelop people’s hearts that’s all, and those appeals from the indefinite folks are all planned by herself.”

There are always many discussions about Martial Saint. Li Yunzi’s rays of light are too dazzling, and the sword Loose Immortal Hu Shu is only the righteous god of the future. The influence of Li Yunzi has begun to waver. Ge Divine Kingdom’s beliefs caused part of the beliefs to split.

Of course, this battle is also very crucial for Li Yunzi.

Whether she has a false name or the real Martial Goddess is reborn, after all, it depends on whether she can defeat Yuheng Star Palace’s sword cultivator goddess!

“Hehe, the battlefield strength control is excellent, it doesn’t mean that you are strong.” Ming Mengshen sat in an extremely isolated position.

The woman in front of her defeated her invincible army, but the war itself is not a competition of personal strength. Ming Mengshen does not believe that Li Yunzi’s strength can be compared with the female sword idiots of Yuheng Star Palace compared to.

“Please enlighten me.”

Li Yunzi arrived in front of the stage, with a stunning posture and a cold and beautiful appearance. After the experienced, the breath of the whole person was essentially different from that of some embroidered gods.

Lou Qian looked serious.

She felt an invisible oppression force.

It is obvious that the other party is not even a righteous god, but he has a feeling of difficulty in his heart.

“I want to rest for a while.” Lou Qian said.

“Well, tell me when you can.” Li Yunzi nodded.


Lou Qian sat cross-legged directly, showing the flexibility of her body perfectly. In this case, she was able to maintain a straight waist.

Li Yunzi maintained a standing posture. She was holding the Sword Spirit dragon in her hand, hanging down casually. The bright sunshine fell on her cheeks, making her skin reveal some porcelain jade. She slowly closed her eyes, her whole body was not slack, she stood upright all the time, but the imposing manner disappeared, becoming as quiet and elegant as Chunhui Goddess.

I don’t know how long it took, Lou Qian finally gained confidence.

She stood up, her spirituality eyes looked at Li Yunzi, who was standing still like a jade sculpture, and looked at it, Lou Qian didn’t know why her cheeks were puffed up.

Why is she so slender, there is meat wherever there should be meat!

As beautiful as a fairy, the strength must not be very good, hmph!

“I have a good rest.” Lou Qian said.

Li Yunzi did not respond, still closed his eyes and rested.

“I said, I have a good rest!” Lou Qian’s tone increased a bit.

Li Yunzi probably fell asleep while standing, but still had no response.

Lou Qian was a little angry when he saw that the other party ignored her.

She was self-willed in Yuheng Star Palace, and she didn’t care about the rules when she came to other gods.

Raising the sword, Lou Qian suddenly caught a gust of python wind around her body. The python wind swooped and bitten. Lou Qian also shot out the sword at this moment. The wind was silent and the sword was silent, but the force was quite terrifying. .

Upon seeing this, Zhu Minglang immediately urged the Sword Spirit dragon with his thoughts.

The Sword Spirit dragon quickly broke away from Li Yunzi’s palm, biting his sword against the python wind of Lou Qian, sword qi was like a tiger in the mountains, bold and wild!

“clang! !!!”

The swords collided together, and it was also a long sword. Lou Qian’s sword flew directly, and even directly broke the thought thread that she was pulling the long sword, so that she couldn’t fly it out no matter how she called it. The sword is called back.

Lou Qian was stared wide-eyed in surprise. When he saw that the red sword was still moving towards herself, she quickly pulled out another spare sword from her sword bag!

The spare sword stand went and swept out an ice wall. The result was directly smashed by the Sword Spirit dragon. Lou Qian’s exquisite body was a little flustered, and the whole person turned into a petal of Hualien, in a mess. Disappeared in the sword wind.

Next moment, she appeared ten meters behind Li Yunzi.

Lou Qian was a little angry, she once again drew out a sword, actually used two swords.

The two double swords galloped, bringing up a bright sword light Star River……

Li Yunzi did not turn around or even opened his eyes.

Zhu Minglang also admires the lady’s trust in herself.

Okay, you continue to sleep, what storm Husband will continue for you.

“Instantaneous sword!”

Zhu Minglang in the heart silently, the Sword Spirit dragon not far away immediately turned around and turned into an afterimage…

When this afterimage passed by Li Yunzi, Lou Qian’s movements seemed to slow down, but the speed of the Sword Spirit dragon continued to accelerate at this moment!

“clang! clang! !!!”

Lou Qian’s double swords were once again shaken out by the Sword Spirit dragon!

The Sword Spirit dragon can show the strength of the Middle God general even if it fights independently, not to mention the remote control of Zhu Minglang’s mind!

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