Dragon Herder

Chapter 883


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“Serve Divine Seal?” Zhu Minglang began to ponder.

Mei Ding serving the Divine Seal should not be fictional. The woman in black Phoenix does have a dream for herself. As for the pictures that are too fragrant, they should be caused by chaotic dreams and demonic hearts, letting the original serious dreams. The conversation changed.

“God Xuan Ge should have had some kind of contract with God Fuchen of the previous generation, God Xuan Ge violated, this violation may also be the fuse that killed Fuchen God.” Zhu Minglang calmly analyzed Tao.

This dream is a bit messy.

Looking back, I have to find a female dreamer to help me explain, and I have to distinguish which is the black Phoenix servant girl to tell myself, which is caused by the devil.

As expected, one should go the right way, otherwise it would be so bizarre and exciting to have a dream.

“Wow, wow, wow!”

The Baize Crow finally escaped the muddy water. It stood on a branch of a tree and cried unwillingly moved towards Zhu Minglang.

“Call me to tear your tongue off again!” Zhu Minglang cursed.

“Wow! Wow! Wow!” Bai Ze Crow continued to shout, with a defiant taste.

Zhu Minglang is a little angry.

Even if this thing disturbed my own dreams, I dared to yell in front of my own face.

Even Bai Ze Thunder Tribulation did not dare to disturb his nap, it was a crow going wild!

“This thing will bring bad luck.” Mr. Koi was also awakened, it floated out, fish eyes staring at the white crow.

“My luck can still be pulled down by this broken crow?” Zhu Minglang said.

“That’s not enough. It’s just that the white crow’s call is quite special. It can attract some Ancient Ominous Beast, such as the kind of bronze tyrant with four rings of bronze teeth in its mouth, and the whole body is like bronze green. Emperor Dragon…”

“Mr. Koi deserves to be knowledgeable. The Bronze Tyrannosaurus has four circles of bronze teeth so detailed knowledge is clear.” Zhu Minglang exclaimed.

“I just counted.” Mr. Koi said.

Zhu Minglang realized something, and turned his head abruptly. Only then did he find that there was a huge bronze beast in the mud and grass behind it with a ferocious head. It opened its mouth and was using an extreme Slowly and hardly any air flow moved towards myself, I was planning to bite myself directly into its mouth in one bite.

And its mouth, there are four rows of crocodile copper teeth, clearly visible! !

Zhu Minglang was taken aback.

How come this thing has no breath.

Can’t even notice this level Divine Consciousness? ?

Is it because it is a bronze dragon? ?

Seeing that he had been discovered, the Tyrannosaurus no longer contorted, and flew directly out of the bottomless mud. Its size was equivalent to the ancient emperor crocodile. It didn’t have any Life Aura on its body, and it looked more like it. It is a huge machine that exudes the smell of death, and there is no trace of vitality on the bronze body, only the air of the corpse that I do not know how many years have been buried here!

“This should be Bone Dragon, it refining those ancient bronzes as part of your body, you have to let the Thunder King Zilong deal with it.” Mr. Koi said.

Zhu Minglang hid on a lonely old tree, opened the spirit domain, and summoned the Thunder King Zilong.

Jumping on the neck of Thunder King Zilong, Zhu Minglang looked up at the tranquil sky again.

“Thunder Punishment, please come back all Thunder Punishment!” Zhu Minglang said loudly.

Tone barely fell, the silent sky suddenly thundered and saw one after another imposing manner the majestic sky swallowing python-shaped lightning tearing through the sky, that terrifying force was enough to make a terrifying hole between Heaven and Earth appear .

Soon more Thunder Punishment came, and the Thunder King Purple Dragon wandered in midair. The scales of the whole body absorbed how many thunder energy at this moment. It suddenly moved towards the earth and swooped down with its own body. A bunch of Divine Thunder Spear, fiercely inserted into the mud, and at the same time, a scene of horror appeared on its tail:

Thousands of thunder and lightning gathered at the end of the Thunder King’s Purple Dragon, like a heavenly funnel composed of thunder and lightning, and the majestic force was finally instilled into the body of the Thunder King’s Purple Dragon, just as it was transformed into The sky spear hits Baize Mud, hit the bronze Tyrannosaurus! !

Bronze Tyrannosaurus was directly blasted into fragments under this power like a heavenly aid. You can see those ancient bronzes scattered all over the place, and the core bones of Bronze Tyrannosaurus were directly hit into powder!

“Strange, is this guy dying of his deity, why can’t he gather his soul and make beads?” Zhu Minglang extended the hand, and the dragon corpse was empty.

“Look, there seems to be a treasure.” Mr. Koi flew to the pile of scattered copper shards, and was on a copper block glowing with blue light, the size of a thumb.

The bronze ware of the bronze Tyrannosaurus was broken very much, and it was covered with fine cracks, and only this thumb-sized piece of copper was intact, and it glowed with “I For Biying rays of light like treasure, it’s definitely not bad.

“What’s this, is it Dragon Crystal of monsters and monsters?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“It’s not like, this thing can’t collect souls and make pearls, which means it has no souls, which makes it such a ferocious monster. It should be this small piece of green copper. This green copper looks more like something A part of the object contains the power of the ancient secret source. Anyway, put it away first. If you can find something similar, you should know what it is.” Mr. Koi said.

“Well, anyway, I already have a lot of these unclear origins in my bag, but it is also very strange. When in Fang City, there are always people who will spend high prices to buy. It is estimated that it is an idea to collect those thousand-year-old antiques.” Zhu Minglang said.

“Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!!!!” At this moment, the Baize Crow actually screamed again, its voice was sharp and harsh, and it could spread far and far away.

It is afraid of Zhu Minglang, so it is far away, but it is not reconciled.

“This thing is called Bai Ze Death God, it is extremely unknown, you should not provoke it.” Mr. Koi said.

“Hehe, a broken crow that disturbs my dreams, and also Baize Death God, I won’t pull its tongue out today, all its hair is stripped, I write the name of the god backwards!” Zhu Minglang coldly snorted.

It is also weird to say, this Baize Crow looks like an ordinary creature, but no matter what method Zhu Minglang uses, it always maintains a very wretched distance.

I can see it from a distance and hear its sharp and unpleasant screams, but it is very difficult to catch it. As long as the dragon of Zhu Minglang strikes against it, it can always “sou” Disappeared all of a sudden!

It seems ordinary, but in fact a bit weird creature, even the gods can’t help it.

However, Zhu Minglang is already on top!

It must catch the white crow!

dignified Fuchen, even Zhengshen is shiver coldly, you a forbidden crow can go to heaven!

“Wow! Wow! Wow!!!”

Bai Ze Crow kept crying.

Sure enough, another ominous beast appeared.

Zhu Minglang saw a large cloud of chaotic air, moving towards here slowly like a thick fog. There are a pair of palpable eyes in the fog. They all seem to be completely unaffected by the fog. Staring at himself tightly.

Zhu Minglang wanted to know what monster was hidden in the mist. When the mist approached completely, Zhu Minglang found that there was nothing in the mist…

The fog continued to drift, but those eyes were still staring at him evilly, staring at people all over the hair. Zhu Minglang didn’t know what method to use to destroy it, and could only observe quietly.

After a long time, Zhu Minglang realized that this is foggy eyes!

The fog of chaos with many eyes! !

Zhu Minglang had no choice but to avoid this evil eye mist.

In the process of retreating, Zhu Minglang heard the mocking cry from the dead crow again, as if it were the ultimate winner of this fight!

Although it is a god, there are also things that Zhu Minglang can’t handle at all. For example, the fog with eyes, if it keeps staring, keeps staring, the soul will still be hooked away by them, also I don’t know what their main body is, whether there is something controlling it, or is it just a strange weather?

“Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!!!!”

The Baize Crow followed again.

soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!

Zhu Minglang has blue veins on his forehead! !

How could there be such a disgusting crow in this World! ! !

It feels like some folk slurs about dirty water. They reach your ears, but you can’t punish it because you don’t know from which slut’s mouth it came out. of!

The Baize Crow flapped its wings and landed on a dead tree branch.

Its eyes, as if possessing wisdom, can express emotions more complex than human beings, including ridicule, joking, irritation, disdain and arrogance!

Suddenly, the celestial dragon lying in ambush under this tree rushed out and moved towards the white crow biting it!

Bai Ze Crow’s eyes were a little mocking.

It suddenly turned into a black feather and disappeared strangely.

And on another dead wood branch, the real Bai Ze crow appeared in figure.

A perfect phantom trail, this Baize Crow is indeed not an ordinary creature, it is teasing the Tianshalong, and even knew that the Tianshalong was lying in ambush where it was going to rest.

“You can’t catch it. The Baize Crow will bring uncertainty and bad luck to people. If you encounter it, you will admit it. Don’t fight with it. After a few losses, it will naturally look for others. Now.” Mr. Koi said.

“No, I swore it!” Zhu Minglang’s face turned blue.

“Don’t come up here!” Mr. Koi said.

“There must be something weird I didn’t find, it is impossible to be invincible, Lao Tzu is invincible!” Zhu Minglang filled with indignation.

“I told you this thing…” Mr. Koi was talking, and suddenly a white bird dung fell from the sky, which happened to hit its shiny fish back.

Mr. Koi’s voice stopped abruptly. It looked up and saw the white crow flying over its head. Obviously, this white flowered bird feces came from this white crow!

“Ancestor eighteen generations dead crows without butts, Lord Yu, I won’t chop you off, and you will be reborn as your crow grandson in the next life!!” Mr. Koi jumped into a thunder, moved towards the air and shouted!

“Not so, Mr. Koi.” Zhu Minglang felt that his oath was a bit cruel, and he wondered if Mr. Koi had done similar things in his previous life, so he became an auspicious koi.

“What is not, there is me without it, there is no me without it!! I am a koi, which means auspicious luck; it is a crow, indicating bad luck, we are absolutely irreconcilable enemies!!” Mr. Koi flies into a rage, as if it will evolve into a tyrannosaurus in the next second.

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