Dragon Hermit

Chapter 109: Dodge edge

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Chapter 109 Temporary Avoidance

Sure enough, the teenager must know that the bronze stick was definitely not a craft, but he just put the magical instrument in a backpack of dozens of dollars, and took it out with security. What did he think?

Of course, Xia Yan would not explain to him that he had just been on the subway and was negligent for a while. He continued to shoot his teeth and chased after Wu Xiaohua, but the middle-aged man who looked weak and weak was as flexible as a cheetah. He even escaped every tooth, and there were more than a dozen holes in the wall and the ground.

Xia Yan also wanted to summon skeleton soldiers and use curses, but he had no time. The living room of this suite can be up to 50 or 60 square meters at most, and at Wu Xiaohua's speed, it can reach you in two seconds at most. Except for the almost instant magic of teeth, it is impossible to summon skeletons and bloodthirsty curses.

If he fought in close combat, without any fighting skills, Xia Yan who only relied on super-physical battles had no confidence at all against Wu Xiaohua. This middle-aged man's reach is too agile and flexible, and he is obviously a master.

This is the weakness of magicians. Their singing takes time. If they are brought close, it will be a very dangerous thing.

"I should do some magic scrolls!" Xia Yan was annoyed in her heart. She still had no sense of crisis. Even with the inheritance of the Necromancer, the subconscious still regarded herself as an ordinary person and wanted to live a normal life. As everyone knows, after having an unusual ability, it is like a magnet with super suction power, which will attract all kinds of dangers to yourself, just like now.

The thought of introspecting one's own outlook on life only flashed through the mind. Now is not the time for regret.

Shooting three teeth in a row again, Wu Xiaohua was forced to dodge to the other end of the living room, Xia Yan turned around and rushed towards the balcony.

What is he going to do? Wu Xiaohua was taken aback. There were no railings installed on the balcony. The rushing out was 40 meters high. Even if you are a practitioner, if you fall from such a high place, you will have to die or be injured!

No ... he wanted to run away!

Wu Xiaohua's face changed, and he kicked against the wall behind him. With a huge rebound force, he quickly started and chased Xia Yan.

"Goodbye!" Xia Yan stepped outwards on the edge of the balcony. This was a bold move he had never done in his life. He jumped to a height of 40 meters. His heart beat suddenly, and adrenaline secreted, but he did not Too much has fallen, and he has hugged a steel tube on the scaffold. He did not hesitate to slide down the steel tube. With his superb physical fitness, he stepped on the scaffold from time to time and quickly descended.

"Someone jumped the building!" A worker exclaimed just as he saw the scene. Wu Xiaohua, who had just rushed to the edge of the balcony, stopped suddenly, watching Xia Yan quickly approaching the ground, and gave up the idea of ​​catching up. He can kill people and seize treasures in remote places, but in the light of day, he dare not do this in the sight of the crowd.

When Xia Yan stepped on the ground, several workers also ran over quickly, and they were relieved to see him safe and sound.

"It turned out to be a student doll!"

"Waer, is there anything you can't think about jumping off the building?"

"Isn't he jumping from a building? He must be playing extreme sports. I have watched videos online. Some people just like to climb from a building to a building!"

"There are people like this? But what's so great about climbing stairs? We climb every day ..."

The workers talked a lot, although some condemned Xia Yan, but most of them still cared kindly, but made Xia Yan feel guilty about what he did.

"Uncle brothers, there are evil gates in this place. You better not come here at night these days!" After saying this, Xia Yan squeezed out the crowd and ran out of the construction site.

"What does this baby mean?"

"He said we have something unclean here!"

"Just talk nonsense, I didn't hear about haunting!"

"This kind of thing is more believable than unbelievable. In short, be careful, don't come over at night, and try not to go to the shade during the day."

"Yes, just a few months ago, Laoxia just fell from this building, maybe something unclean ..."

"Shit, to say that there is something unclean, it's Xie Zheng's **** ..."

When the workers were discussing, Wu Xiaohua also went downstairs, silently overturned from the other side of the fence, and then called a car. Half an hour later, he got off at the Wuniu Hotel and got to the second On the tenth floor, a room door knocked.

Soon, a woman wearing only ** came to open the door, and Wu Xiaohua walked in. On the big **, an old man with gray hair and a very strong body was lying on the **, and there was a smooth man in his arms. Busty woman.

"Dad!" Wu Xiaohua shouted, turning a blind eye to the two women, apparently getting used to similar scenes.

"You're here." Wu Tianfa nodded at his son and patted the **** of the two women. "Baby, you can go."

"Wu Dao, our role ..."

"Relax, you are indispensable." Wu Tianfa found a stack of money from under the pillow and threw it on the **. The two women took half of each, quickly dressed and walked away smilingly.

"Dad, do you have anything to tell me to come here?" Wu Xiaohua was indifferent to his father's approach, and his family practice methods were inseparable from women. He knew from an early age that he himself wanted a woman to sleep with him every day. His father needs two.

"Your teacher introduced me to a big purchase, you go with me." Wu Tianfa stood up, walked into the bathroom and started to rinse. His body was more fit than those young people who practiced martial arts, and his muscles were explosive. The power is daunting.

"Don't you be able to buy this one with Master's skills, but also give it to us?" Wu Xiaohua asked suspiciously.

"Your uncle has already suffered a loss from the opponent's hands. If you want to leave Rong, you will hide for a while." Wu Tianfa said in the bathroom.

"What, even Uncle suffered a loss? Who is the other party?" Wu Xiaohua asked in surprise.

"A student boy." Wu Tianfa said.

"Which student is so powerful, can make Uncle ......" Wu Xiaohuayue

Chapter 109 Temporary Avoidance

Surprised, half of the words, but suddenly remembered the boy who had just dealt with himself. Has the current world changed, and the students are so powerful one by one? Or is it that the two students were originally the same person?

"This student Wazi's skill is a bit strange. It seems to be a puppet, which can summon clay figures, but he also has another very puppet, which is very similar to our vein of ghost control, and he also has a kind of A powerful spell that can shoot like fangs ... "

"What?" Wu Xiaohua exclaimed.

"What are you fussing about?" Wu Tianfa asked.

"Dad, this teenager ... I met today too!" Wu Xiaohua immediately told Wu Tianfa what happened just now.

"When he fought with you, he only used that kind of fangs, and did not summon the puppet and the yin soldier?" Wu Tianfa walked out of the bathroom and asked while wearing clothes.


"That is to say, he is probably because the venue is too small, so he has no time to call puppets and Yin soldiers?"

"It should be, or he won't run away!"

"Well, this seems to be one of his weaknesses, which can be exploited if he meets again in the future."

Wu Tianfa put on her clothes, combed her long hair back, and rubbed the gel carefully, until the flies could not stand on his hair.

Shirts, ties, trousers, and leather shoes look exactly like a successful person.

"He has a very heavy bronze stick?" Wu Tianfa asked after looking in the mirror.

"It was because of this bronze stick that I started working with him. If there were not too many people around, I would definitely grab it!"

"I didn't grab it this time, and it's even harder to grab it next time!" Wu Tianfa shook his head. "Anyway, we will definitely have to deal with this student's baby.


The door of the room was knocked, and Wu Tianfa smiled and said to his son: "Xie's family has picked us up."


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