Dragon Hermit

Chapter 114: Roasted kidney

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A little mana was transported in the past, and the Lock Spirit Array was activated. The faint soul fire wrapped the fragments of the jade jade, and the blue and **** was very beautiful.

At this time, Xia Yan reached into his hand and held the fragments of the jade jade. Immediately, he felt that the huge elements of the undead had gathered together, and he could not help but be surprised. Many undead elements.

This is only a quarter of the fragment. If it is the entire jade jade, how much of the undead element will it contain?

With emotion, Xia Yan continued to explore.

There is a reason why the undead elements come together, all he has to do is find out the reason.

Mana travels among the elements of the undead. The two are homologous. Naturally, they are very smooth. Soon, Xia Yan found the clue—the law that allows so many undead elements to come together.

A broken formation has brought together the elements of the undead.

This array is not the six-pointed star array commonly used by Apocalyptic mainland magicians.

The six-pointed star array is very regular. However, the formation hidden in the jade jade is very different from the Six-Man Star Formation in concept. Judging from the residual formation alone, there is no regularity at all, let alone speculating on the details of the entire formation. The residual formation looks to Xia Yan as irregular lines.

These lines are simple and wild, completely untouched and full of original taste. This point coincides with the concept of Yi Dao Liu, but it is more original and full of wild charm.

Xia Yan opened her eyes, took out the jade jade, and carefully looked at the patterns on the surface, because these patterns were the formation.

Now, he is studying these patterns with the sculptor's thinking. The more he studies, the brighter his eyes will be.

"Very brilliant carving technique, unprecedented, and there are many similarities with Yidaoliu, if they can be merged together ..." Unconsciously, Xia Yan was fascinated.

If this jade jade is seen by Master, he will be treated as a treasure by him. Put it under the pillow every day when you sleep.

As time went by, the sky gradually dimmed, and the ringtone of the mobile phone awakened Xia Yan from the indulgence. A smile appeared on his face. He had already concluded what this piece of jade Jane was.

If it is something else, there is no months or even years, and I do n’t want to study what is famous, otherwise archaeologists and cultural relics experts will have no food.

But this jade jade is different. In the past, Xia Yan was a carving expert and a magician who was familiar with the elements of the undead. The jade jade was impossible for ordinary people to start, but for him, the key to the secret door Right in the hand, naturally it will not be too difficult.

"It's really a good thing, but it's just a fragment! It's a pity ..." Xia Yan was both happy and regretful, "Maybe one day, I can complete this formation, and by then, I don't know what magical things will happen. occur!"

The opening of the door sounded, and girls laughed and laughed, and Zhang Shufen and Le Wenqing returned from shopping.

"Xia Yan, Xia Yan!" Zhang Shufen did not arrive first.

Xia Yan put down the fragments of Yujian and opened the door: "I am here."

"What's the matter with the door closed?" Zhang Shufen's probe came in. Don't give a deep glance at Xia Yan's left hand. "Aren't you doing something evil?"

"Absolutely not!" Xia Yan said.

"Well, this thing didn't cause you any trouble ... forget it, when I didn't ask, your little brother in black robe was more irritable than it. This thing scared others and it was okay in front of you. Do not want to destroy! "Zhang Shufen said looking at the dressing mirror at the door.

Now the two can be regarded as knowing each other, and they can take out and talk about things that could not be said before.

"I'm going to use it to set up a formation to protect this house. What do you think?" Xia Yan asked her for one.

"Good idea!" Zhang Shufen's eyes lit up and said: "Don't say, if the old man came to attack last night, you are not afraid, I'm afraid I can't cope with it, and Wenqing is even worse, we have to have a little defensive ability to rest assured. How do you do it? Let's get it together? "

"I haven't figured it out yet," Xia Yan shook his head slightly, "Your Wulei Fa Fa is against me and Ye Shixuan, would you like to arrange it?"

"How do I arrange without money!" Zhang Shufen spread his hands. "The materials required for the layout are very expensive. Classmates, do you think I am like a rich man?"

"Then let me come, I'm afraid that the formation will be against you, and you are not comfortable living." Xia Yan said.

"It's okay, I should be weight-bearing training, maybe it can speed up my cultivation speed." Zhang Shufen said indifferently.

"Well, I will do this tomorrow." Xia Yan said.

During the talk, the phone rang, and Dong Quan called: "Xia Yan, I got something, I will bring it to you now?"

"Send to Fuhe people, you know the place." Xia Yan said.

"No problem, it will be there in half an hour." Dong Quan said.

"Who are you going to send something over?" Zhang Shufen asked curiously.

"The man who came with me to rent a house gave me a little dinosaur fossil ..."

"What? Dinosaur fossils, are you going to open a museum?" Zhang Shufen exclaimed.

"What dinosaur fossils?" Yue Wenqing shouted in the living room. "Xia Yan, come out for supper. We brought you skewers and one of your packages."

"Hi ..." Zhang Shufen drew a cool breath, and said with a smile, "I have never heard Wen Qing speak so softly, she wouldn't really want to agree with you?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xia Yan said.

"Don't be embarrassed, tonight I will close the door and go to bed early, to create opportunities for you, young man, don't live up to your sister's ardent expectations of you, and take down Wen Qing's guy!" Come on! Fighting! O! "

"You think too much!" Xia Yan's heartbeat speeded up by half a beat. Although it is unlikely, it is really looking forward to thinking about it!

The two girls first returned to the room to change their clothes. Xia Yan took the package back to the room. This is the black robe he ordered online. He bought a full of six pieces and bought five to get one. He changed the online shop very carefully. After thinking for a while, he put a robe into his backpack, and the backpack that originally contained a lot of things suddenly became bulging.

After watching TV in the living room for a while, I ate two skewers of roasted waist ... Wait, why did they bring roasted waist ... Well, I thought more and thought more ... But are they intentional?

Zhang Shufen came out first, wearing a set of cartoon cotton pajamas, which did not match the temperament of her female man. She sat on Xia Yan's left without any excuse, and the arms of the two were close together.

"How is the wound?" Xia Yan asked her casually, without much interest in her.

"It's okay, it can scab up in a few days." Zhang Shufen said.

"Isn't it scarred?" Xia Yan asked with some worry. Are women not afraid of this?

"If a little injury leaves scars, my sister has been scarred all these years, do you know what a natural beauty is? Just look at me!" Zhang Shufen said.

The door rang and Yue Wenqing also came out.

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