Dragon Hermit

Chapter 127: Feng Shui master?

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"Lao Zhang, I really don't understand feng shui!" Xia Yan explained with a bitter smile. The other party is everyone in feng shui. Too.

"Impossible!" Zhang Dao first shook his head. "Xia Xia, you are too humble. With this lightning striking wooden instrument you made, few people across the country can make it. If you don't understand Feng Shui, that's not a fight Many faces? "

"I can only sculpt, and Feng Shui really won't!" Xia Yan continued to explain, and Zhang Daoxian was still doubtful.

"In the crystal skull, Xiao Xia expressed his understanding of the Tao in a carved way. Do you see the skull's eye sockets, do you feel like you are going to get stuck?"

"Really!" Although Yue Lun bought the crystal skull, he didn't see any famous halls. Now he looked closely and exclaimed.

"It's amazing!" Jiang Wenchuan also said, "The crystal is clearly transparent. Why does the skull's eye socket seem to be dark, and it feels bottomless?"

"This is a clever use of light. In addition, although Xiao Xia did not make the crystal skull into a magic weapon, because this thing itself contains the principle of feng shui, it will show this magical state, and, if it can Finding Feng Shui treasure and warming this thing in the gas field for several years will also become a good magic weapon! "Zhang Daoxian continued.

The principle of Feng Shui is not understood by everyone, but the mystery of the crystal skull can be seen with eyes. Yue Lun agreed with some regrets, but he still did not do anything to repent. After all, although the magic weapon is good, the feng shui treasure is not so easy to find. The baby in the hands of the expert, the amateur can only be used as a decoration Human relations, and the relationship between Zhang Daoxian and Lala.

"As for this emerald staff ..." Zhang Daoxian picked up the emerald staff again, his face was full of incredible colors, and he suddenly smiled: "Mr. Jiang, am I going to transfer the money to you first, and then talk about this one?" The beauty of things? "

"Haha, Mr. Zhang laughed, even if this thing is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, I will still give you the original price!" Jiang Wenchuan smiled bitterly, "But Mr. Zhang, it seems that I really lost money this time!"

"This time, I owe you and President Yue a relationship." Zhang Daoxian said righteously.

"Don't, Mr. Zhang, we are saying good, fair dealing, and there is no such thing as being inhuman!" Jiang Wenchuan and Yue Lun are both elites and quickly said. Anyway, Zhang Daoxian's words have already been exported. If he really needs his help at that time, will he still be able to refuse?

"Hehe!" Zhang Daoxian smiled and brought the topic back on track: "Xia Xia, if you have the right materials, can you make a real staff?"

"What, is this really a staff? Didn't Xiao Yan say it was modeled on the staff in the game?" Yao Shigu couldn't help asking.

"Master Yao, you were deceived by Xiaoxia!" Zhang Daoxian laughed. "Which game company can design this kind of staff? Although I can't understand it, I can be sure that the pattern on this staff is definitely An unprecedented formation is only limited by the material, it can not play the role of formation, and I do n’t know what energy this formation needs to drive! But once the formation is successfully activated, I ’m afraid What is happening! "

"Hi--" Everyone took a breath. Everyone except Zhang Daoxian looked at Xia Yan in shock. If Zhang Daoxian said it was true, would this teenager be too powerful?

"Lao Zhang, you think too much, I just go up the indiscriminately carved patterns!" Xia Yan almost came out in cold sweat, he came out of the cottage of the Skeleton King's Rod, because no one in this world could know the formation of the apocalyptic mainland necromancer , But did not expect Zhang Daoxian to actually look at it for a while, and said that he could see that this is a formation method. If he was allowed to study for a period of time, he would not be able to find out what kind of way to do!

Seeing Xia Yan didn't admit it, Zhang Daoxian didn't ask, just smiled. He was naturally happy to get three good things today, but knowing Xia Yan as a mysterious wizard is the biggest gain. He now wants to know who can teach Xia Yan a disciple. He is not only good at carving, but also a magic weapon. Such talents are not taught by Han Yidao alone.

After explaining the beauty of two things, although Jiang Wenchuan and Yue Lun reduced their suspicions, after all, they didn't have a deeper experience and were still half-trusted.

"Old Zhang, there is another condition ..." Jiang Wenchuan reminded Zhang Daoxian.

"This is really troublesome!" Zhang Dao first placed the wood carving of the soul-eating beast on the table, and said, "This is a magic weapon to ward off evil spirits. It can't be better for a town house ..."

"Old Zhang, what exactly is evil, is there really a ghost in the world?" Jiang Wenchuan asked.

"It depends on how you understand such things as ghosts. In ancient times, people who saw mirages thought they were miracles, but they didn't realize that they had reached enough height." Zhang Daoxian said.

"As for evil energy, it may be regarded as a kind of magnetic field energy harmful to the human body, and the role of the magic weapon is to reconcile or dispel this magnetic field energy."

"It seems indeed scientific to say this!" Everyone, including Xia Yan, nodded in agreement.

"Master Yao ’s shop is in an excellent location, naturally there is no evil spirits, but the magical instrument itself has an aura, just to find a balance point, you can use some things to see the existence of the aura, Xiao Jiang, Would you please buy a bubble outside? "Zhang Daoxian said.

"Bubble?" Jiang Wenchuan froze, but did not react.

"The kind of children blowing bubbles?" Yue Lun has a son, who is more familiar with this than Jiang Wenchuan.

"Yes." Zhang Dao first nodded.

"I bought it and brought it up." Yue Lun made a phone call quickly, and a few minutes later, Annie sent a bubble up, standing honestly behind Yue Lun, Yue Lun did not drive her out again .

Zhang Daoxian stood up and closed the doors and windows of the reception room, and suddenly there was no wind in the room.

He took another stool, placed it in the middle of the room, and put the wood carving on it. Then he said: "Everyone step back a little and try to breathe gently so as not to affect the effect."

As everyone followed, Xia Yan was very curious. How could the Feng Shui master allow the magical power of the Apocalypse mainland to show up?

Zhang Dao first started to circle around the wood carving slowly. After a few laps, he stopped and took the bubble. He pulled the trigger over the wood carving and a string of colorful bubbles spewed out of his mouth.

When everyone was unsure, Zhang Dao first used his left hand ring to lightly touch the unicorn horn ...

The light flashed in Xia Yan's eyes, and Zhang Dao first found a way to release the power of this wood carving!

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