Dragon Hermit

Chapter 132: Break into

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** In the voice, four of the five foreign men on the sofa stood up. They took off their clothes, stepped on the backs of those on the stage, and walked up. And still sitting on the sofa is the tall man who pursues Yao Min.

Yao Min raised his head in horror. What did these people do, she finally knew.

Despite her early hunch, Yao Min was still cold. Although she was intellectually sexy, she had not even talked about love, let alone experienced this blushing battle. She dare not imagine what happened to herself later.

Just when Yao Min thought this situation would continue, she suddenly saw a scene that almost stopped her heart.

The four foreign men suddenly lifted their heads together, their mouths made a sharp growl, their mouths grew sharp fangs, their eyes became blood red, and then they bowed their heads and bit them around the woman ’s neck, sucking blood .

Instead of suffering, the faces of the four colleagues showed extremely happy expressions.


Yao Min was embarrassed. This scene that is happening on the stage is highly coincident with the behavior of the vampire in his cognition.

At this moment, Yao was sensitive to unprecedented fears, and the terrible creatures in the novels and movies appeared alive in front of him. Such a shock is too strong!

Somehow, the tallest and handsome man was already standing in front of Yao Min. Yao Min trembles, silently inserting the Nokia mobile phone into the waistband, and the wide t-shirt covers the mobile phone.

"Miss Yao Min, let's start too!" The man named Ace still had a smile on her face that was enough to enchant the little girl, squatted down, picked up Yao Min's chin, and scattered the hair on her forehead Dial it away gently, staring at her face like an artwork.

"What do you want to do to me?" Yao Min didn't know why she asked such stupid nonsense, she only felt that she had to say something, otherwise she would definitely collapse.

"Relax, you are different from them." Ace pointed to the stage and said with a smile, "They are not pure, they are not qualified to get the first support of the blood, they can only become blood slaves, and you ..."

He paused for a moment and said, "You are still pure, and you are beautiful and smart. I will give you the first support and make you a member of the noble blood family. You will be my 32nd partner. ! "

"Thank me, woman, you will have immortal life and become a member of the greatest race in the world!" Ace took Yao Min's hand and took her from the ground: "Enjoy this process, in the future, this It will be the best memory of your long life in the future.

"Bang Bang Bang ..." A dull voice came faintly, and the ground shook slightly, as if there were some giant beast running.

Ace frowned slightly, and there was a suspicious look on his face. After releasing Yao Min's hand, he picked up a walkie-talkie and asked unpleasantly, "What happened above?"

"Ziz ..." No one answered. The dull footsteps became clearer and heavier. Every step seemed to step on the heart, making people feel the danger was approaching.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!" Ace's complexion changed, turning his head toward the stage and giving a sharp command.

The four vampires let go of the woman and stood up, and the circle of blood slaves by the stage also stood up, looking up blankly, trying to tell which direction the footsteps came from.

"Tom!" The sturdy iron door in the basement was slammed open, and a huge monster jumped down the stairs, fell heavily on the ground, smashed several marble tiles, and the fragments splashed, hitting several blood slaves , They screamed suddenly.

Following this giant monster leaping in, there is also a white figure.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

What kind of monster is that? Yao Min stared blankly at the giant clay figurine and a flexible skeleton next to him, and then looked at the vampires and blood slaves in a house, and the three views collapsed.

"What monster is this?" Ace cried frantically.

"Did the vampire say that others are monsters?" A low voice came from the basement entrance.

"Who is it?" Except for the four women who were still unclear, everyone looked away.

A man in a black robe lowered his head, stepped down, and said in a low voice that deliberately changed: "I will collect an account!"

This voice ...

There was a movement in Yao Min's heart, and he felt that the voice of the black robe seemed familiar. Although he deliberately changed his voice, some subtle features were not completely covered up.

Where have I heard this voice?

"Who the **** are you?" Ace jumped onto the stage, and the four women were still unconscious and kicked off the stage one by one.

I wipe, what is the situation?

Fearing that someone might see her face, Xia Yan kept her head down and blocked her sight with her hood, in a state of extreme pressure. Hearing the movement at that moment, he raised his head slightly, finally seeing the scene in the basement, and the virgin's mind was suddenly shocked.

This is not a love action movie, but a live broadcast!

No, what about Min?

Qi Nian suddenly swept away, Xia Yan's heart tightened, and quickly recognized, he was too afraid to see Yao Min in the group of undressed people.

there! He finally found Yao Min standing against the wall and saw that she was well-dressed and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she came in time.

"No matter who I am, Rongdu's vampire owes me an account. Today I come to you to collect the account!" Xia Yan is not stupid enough to say that I am here to save people, otherwise Yao Min is afraid that he will be taken hostage soon. .

"Fuck!" Ace couldn't help but swear, and the blood of Rongdu owed you the bill. You came to Siya to ask me to ask for the bill. What's the matter, is it unreasonable?

"Dare to curse people?" Xia Yan's voice fell, "then you don't need to talk, just finish talking!"

Before he rushed into the basement, he had blessed the bloodthirsty curse on the skeleton soldiers and the clay puppets. Six new Horcruxes were also worn on the wrists. At this time, where would you be polite? go with.

"Fight!" Ace screamed and ordered, "Grab him and be alive!"

"Yes!" A group of more than twenty blood slaves called out loudly. Everyone grew sharp nails and sharp fangs, regardless of being naked. Some of them faced clay puppets and skeleton soldiers, and the other rushed towards Xia Yan.

But Ace and the other four vampires didn't move. The other was too weird. They had to use blood slaves as cannon fodder to see what the black robe had.

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