Dragon Hermit

Chapter 139: I want to chase you down

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Ace shuddered violently, with an ecstatic look on his face. He said respectfully, "Master, please forgive me for being rude!"

When he had finished speaking, he stood up, tore off his jacket, raised his hair in a roar of ecstasy, and only listened to the sound of "Peng", two huge black flesh flicked out of his ribs, each of which was more than two Meters, combined with the width of the body, stretch five feet, which is quite amazing.

On the flesh wings, along the veins of the wing bones, a light blue gradually appeared, and the wing tips slowly grew two inches of blue hooks, which were extremely sharp.

The other three vampires watched this scene in shock, Dolan exclaimed: "Ais, don't you ..."

"Yes, my power has broken through!" Ace laughed loudly. "My power is only a line away from the baron's standard. Thanks to the master who used the magical flame to refine the oath blood crystal, now I have broken through, ha ha ha ... as long as I return to Europe, I can get the title of Baron! "

"Thank you master!" Ace put the flesh behind him and knelt down in front of Xia Yan again. This time, he was more sincere.

"Master, I will wait to swear allegiance to you!" Les, Dolan and Taal's faces changed, looking at each other, nodding and shouting in unison.

They were tied together and unable to kneel, but everyone bowed their heads deeply, showing obedience.

"Aisi, let them go." Xia Yan said, swearing that Blood Crystal was in hand, he was not afraid of Aisi playing tricks.

"Yes, Master!" Ace flew a flicker, and the hook claws cut through the tough nylon rope without hindrance. The three blood races were free, and immediately knelt down in front of Xia Yan without hesitation. We are willing to give the oath blood crystal and loyal to our master! "

"Very good, let's get started!" Xia Yan nodded, suddenly having the thrill of mastering the lives and deaths of others, and had an overwhelming mentality towards this group of blood races. It's no wonder that once people have power, they no longer want to let go. Such a taste is really wonderful!

The three hollow claws sucked the blood of the apex from the chest. The three vampires used the blood vow mystery in unison. Soon, three oath blood crystals were respectfully sent to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan embedded these three blood crystals in virus Horcrux, Skull Horcrux and Cursed Horcrux respectively. After thinking for a while, he handed the virus Horcrux to Yao Min: "Sister Min, this blood crystal is given to you, who and who ..."

"Dolan!" A vampire quickly registered himself.

"Yes, Dolan, he will be your bodyguard in the future." Xia Yan said.

"Will he **** this thing?" Yao Min asked.

"Absolutely not dare!" Dolan quickly swore at the sky, scared with sweat.

"Sister Min, don't worry, that kind of flame can not only let them enjoy the benefits." Then, he lightly touched the virus Horcrux, the soul fire inside jumped a few times, licking the oath blood crystal. Dolan opened his mouth suddenly, collapsed to the ground in extreme pain, his body twitched continuously, rolled his eyes, and almost passed out.

"After this flame leaves me, it will gradually dim until it is extinguished. When the flame is completely extinguished, this Horcrux will burst. At that time, this blood crystal is afraid that it will burst into powder!" Xia Yan smiled Said.

Several vampires felt chills, and they never dared doubt whether Xia Yan's words were true. No one has seen this magical flame before, and I don't know how to keep it burning. If you really have eccentricity, **** the Horcrux to escape, and wait until the flame is extinguished and the blood crystals shatter, their hearts will also shatter.

"Master, I will never dare to be distracted!" The four vampires lay prone on the ground, expressing their loyalty.

"Very good, Dolan, you will protect Min Sister in the future, listen to her, do you understand?" Xia Yan nodded, very satisfied with Li Wei's effect.

"Can't affect my life!" Yao Min added.

"Duolan obeyed his orders!" The vampire stood up behind Yao Min, lowering his eyebrows.

"Put on your clothes first, it's ugly to die!" Yao Min frowned. The four vampires hadn't put on their clothes. They were very ugly and naked. Although the doctor had seen countless patients, he still had to wear his clothes to look good some.

"Yes, Master!" Dolan quickly found a suit to put on, and when he stood behind Yao Min again, he was a handsome blond guy.

"Sister Min, let me maintain this Horcrux one month later, otherwise the flame will really go out!" Xia Yan told Yao Min again, the four vampires heard drums in their hearts, peat, this thing Does it still need to be charged regularly?

"That's not that I have to see you every month?" Yao Min blinked and smiled slyly. "Xiao Yan, your means of chasing girls is very clever!"

"This ... Sister Min, I ..." Xia Yan blushed, embarrassed.

"If my sister is three years younger, I must chase you back, hee hee!" Yao Min stretched out his long, white fingers and gently tapped on his chin, laughing happily.

Queen Yao, there are other people here. Can you wait until there is no one to ** me? I will cooperate with you by then **!

Xia Yan roared in her heart and was not embarrassed. The four people of Ace turned their heads in amusement, indicating that they did not see what happened.

"Cough, Sister Min, you are very young!" Xia Yan said. He felt that it would never be wrong to praise the beauty of being young, but obviously, he ignored the context.

"Are you suggesting that I can chase you back?" Yao Min covered her mouth in surprise and chuckled.

"I don't mean that, I ..." Xia Yan quickly waved her hand.

"Hee hee, don't tease you!" Yao Min smiled, Xia Yan just breathed a sigh of relief, but then listened to her again: "But since you all hinted at me, maybe my sister's brain got hot one day, really Decided to chase you, you know, there are not so many little boys like you, hee hee! "

"Cough!" Xia Yan almost choked on her mouth, quickly changed the subject, and pointed to Dolan, Rice, and Taal: "You have dealt with this, Ais, follow me, you should tell me something. Now. "

"Yes, Master!" Ace quickly wrote down the phone numbers of his four people and sent them to Xia Yan. Xia Yan also gave him his number, and asked again, "How do you plan to deal with the dead blood slave?" "

"It was transported to a distance by speedboat and sank to the bottom of the sea." Ace said quickly.

"It seems that you haven't done such a thing before?" Xia Yan glanced at him.

Ace quickly knelt down: "Master forgive sins!"

"All right, kneel without moving, stand up and talk." Xia Yan said.

"Yes, Master!" Ace stood up and explained, "Master, I used to do these things in Europe. I have never been to China before. This is my first time ..."

"Fine." Xia Yan interrupted him. "Wait later, you will arrange it first."


Five minutes later, the three vampires and blood slaves who were able to move were busy, packing up a messy basement, and putting several bodies in bags, ready to be transported to the sea to sink.

Ace changed into a clean dress, and the skeleton soldiers were taken back into the skeleton Horcrux. As for the clay puppet, Xia Yan dissipated the mana, and it naturally turned back to a pile of mudstone, and no one could see this pile of things. Is a powerful monster.

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