Dragon Hermit

Chapter 143: I am Xia Yan's girlfriend

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"Xia Yan?" Qi Ziyu covered her half of her face with big sunglasses. If she wasn't particularly familiar with her, it would be difficult to recognize her, but Xia Yan's eyesight was good, and she recognized it at a glance.

"What a coincidence!" Xia Yan stood up and said happily.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Qi Ziyu glanced beside Xia Yan, seeing Yao Min curiously gazing here, the two women's eyes collided across the sunglasses, and could not help but marvel at each other's beauty.

"Xia Yan, do you come out to play with your girlfriend?" When he said this, Qi Ziyu's tone had a hint of sourness that he didn't even notice. Xia Yan, a little virgin, naturally couldn't hear it. Yao Min raised his eyebrows, did this girl singer have any experience with Xiao Yan?

"Girlfriend?" Xia Yan froze for a moment, and immediately responded that she was talking about Yao Min. She blushed and waved her hand. "No, No. Sister Min is my uncle's daughter. We just met in Siya. Play together! "

"It just happened?" Qi Ziyu took off his sunglasses, and his big eyes were full of unbelief. "Is that so coincident?"

"Uh ... it's really a coincidence!" Xia Yan said with a guilty conscience, wondering if Qi Ziyu had just seen her apply sunscreen to Min Sister just now.

"Qi Ziyu, I really like your song!" Yao Min came over and reached out to Qi Ziyu. "My name is Yao Min and I am Xia Yan's girlfriend!"

"Cough!" Xia Yan was choked with saliva.

"What?" Qi Ziyu was about to put on his sunglasses again. Hearing this, his hands shook and almost poked his temples on his face.

"Sister Min, you ..." Xia Yan smiled bitterly.

"You really are ..." Qi Ziyu asked oddly, and after she was surprised, she saw something was wrong.

"No!" "Yes!" Xia Yan and Yao Min spoke at the same time, saying different answers.

"Sister Min ..." Xia Yan looked at Yao Min helplessly.

"Hee hee!" Yao Min Zhan smiled and stretched his arms around Xia Yan's arm: "Why, don't you want your sister to be your girlfriend?"

"Stop joking, Sister Min?" Xia Yan said weakly.

"Actually unwilling?" Yao Min grinned and said, "If Qi Ziyu is not there, maybe you have agreed, it seems that you have an idea for her, even a big beauty like me can be ruthless!

"Sister Min, it's not what you think!" Xia Yan quickly excused, glanced at Qi Ziyu again, and found her face reddened.

Qi Ziyu's heart was not calm at this time. When Yao Min hugged Xia Yan's arm, she found herself a little angry.

This guy didn't even call me on the phone during the holiday. It turned out that he was traveling with the beauties. But this woman is even more abominable. Although she is definitely not Xia Yan's girlfriend, she must have the idea to dare to hug Xia Yan's arm only in a bikini.

If Qi Ziyu's fans knew what she was thinking now, she would definitely be shocked. Qi Ziyu, who is beautiful and dusty like a fairy in the painting, how could you have these tacky ideas? Moreover, she seems to be jealous? This unscientific!

"Xia Yan, I got two motorboats. Do I want to go for a ride in the sea?" When the three of them were thinking about each other, Dong Feng appeared. He ran all the way and was very attentive. Then he saw Qi Ziyu. Although the sunglasses covered half of her face, she recognized the young girl singer. After all, he was the boss of the entertainment company.

Master Xia is so powerful that even his relationship with Qi Ziyu is so good! It seems that Yao Min and Qi Ziyu have some sword-pulling taste. Are they jealous for Master Xia? This is too violent. If this scene is captured by the paparazzi, I am afraid that it will cause a sensation in the entertainment circle. Qi Ziyu's large group of fans must be rioting!

"Okay, I'm going to play motorboat!" Xia Yan Rumeng amnesty, gave Dong Feng grateful eyes, ready to pull his hand out of Yao Min's arms, taking the opportunity to escape the two women's inexplicable battlefield.

"I'm going too, I haven't sat yet, it must be fun!" Yao Min said.

"I also want to blow the sea breeze, let's go together, and I will also drive a motorboat!" Qi Ziyu also said.

"..." Xia Yan was speechless, and had to "proudly" agree.

Two beautiful motor boats were parked in front of them, Xia Yan asked, "Sister Min, will you drive?"

"No!" Yao Min said. "Someone must take me."

"But I won't open it!" Xia Yan spread her hands and said.

"Xia Yan, let me take you." Qi Ziyu said, she was stunned as soon as she finished, the speed of the motor boat was too fast, and the passenger must definitely hug the driver's waist. Would you like to have close contact with Xia Yan? ?

"Zi Yu, why don't you take me, let Dong Feng take Xia Yan." Yao Min rolled his eyes and said.

"Sister Min, my skills are very general. I'm afraid that when the motorboat overturns later, we will all fall into the water. Xia Yan is a boy. It doesn't matter if you fall. You might be in danger if you fall!" Qi Ziyu said.

"It's okay, my water is good. Besides, there is a life jacket. It's okay!" Yao Min said with a smile. "Besides, I don't want to hug Dong Feng. This guy is a playboy!"

Dong Feng was so sweaty that he could see it. This big, big, and two big beauties are not showing signs. Don't talk nonsense at this time, or they will definitely catch fire.

In the end, Yao Min still got on Qi Ziyu's motorboat, and Xia Yan sat behind Dong Feng. The two are very depressed. The other people who play motorboats are men and women. How happy they are. How about the two of them together?

Ace also found a motorboat, followed by three motorboats raging on the sea, attracting countless eyeballs.

"Qi Ziyu's technique is so good, it's faster than me!" Dong Feng sighed loudly in the wind, and Xia Yan barely heard it. Indeed, Qi Ziyu said that her skills are average, but now it seems that she is average, very clear, very chopping waves, very unrestrained, the two beautiful women's long hair fluttering in the wind, forming a beautiful landscape.

"Huh, what are those two motorboats going to do?" Dong Feng exclaimed suddenly.

Xia Yan saw two blue and black motorboats chasing them from the side, sandwiching the red motorboats of Qi Ziyu and Yao Min. Although the distance between them was not short, the sea waves that were stirred up Seriously affected the balance of the motorboat, the two beautiful motorboats wobbled and drove extremely unstable.

"No, it's very easy to overturn the ship, and then I'm just afraid of danger!" Dong Feng exclaimed in surprise and anger.

"Catch up!" Xia Yan was also anxious.

"Okay!" Dong Feng gritted his teeth and hurried forward, driving the motorboat almost up and violently.

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