Dragon Hermit

Chapter 15: Magic circle

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Chapter 15 Magic Array

"Wh ... what?" Everyone was stunned. They thought about what materials Xia Yan would ask for. It was nothing more than precious medicinal materials, ginseng and cordyceps, but he never expected that what he needed was a mammoth ivory. Mainstream stuff.

"Ivory does have medicinal value, but it is impossible to cure Liu Lao's disease!" Professor Wang jumped out again and shouted.

Liu Shan frowned slightly, and what Xia Yan wanted was beyond his cognition. He said gently: "Xia Yan, can you talk about how to use mammoth ivory to cure the disease?"

"Mr. Liu, don't you believe me?" Xia Yan looked at him with a smile and asked.

"Even if you are a doctor, you should explain the treatment plan to the patient's family first. It should be the uncle's question. What do you call unbelief? You will not be guilty, so don't let people ask?" Dong Quan seized the opportunity. Questioned.

Liu Shan did not speak, indicating that he also agreed with Dong Quan's statement.

"Well, let's use scientific language. Mammoth ivory has a certain magnetic field that can affect the patient's biological magnetic field. This is probably the case. Of course, you can also treat me as a blind editor. I can only say, believe Do not believe you, if you are willing to let me govern, I will govern, if not, I will immediately turn around and leave. "Xia Yan sneered and said.

Everyone in the Liu family was depressed. This thing was obviously talking nonsense, and they said they would leave if they didn't move. Is this the so-called desirelessness? He did not ask the Liu family, but instead the Liu family asked him, really saying that he could walk, and there was no loss at all.

But the Liu family couldn't afford to lose. Professor Wang declared that modern medicine was powerless. What if he didn't pay close attention to Xia Yan's life-saving straw!

"Okay, buying mammoth ivory is not illegal. I'll call people to buy the best!" Liu Shan took the opportunity to make a decisive decision, decisively decided, and turned his head to say: "Xiaoquan, you buy mammoth ivory!"

Of course, don't say it's not illegal, even if it's illegal, the Liu family won't blink.

"Yes, Uncle!" Dong Quan agreed quickly, and went out while calling.

Liu Shan saw that Dong Quan was dissatisfied with Xia Yan. He was afraid that he would offend Xia Yan. He simply mobilized him.

"Do you need anything else?" Liu Shan asked Xia Yan again.

"Treatment only requires mammoth ivory." Xia Yan smiled harmlessly to humans and animals, and said, "But I still have to talk about my remuneration."

"Don't talk, as long as you can cure my father, the compensation will definitely make you satisfied!" Liu Shan said, his heart was very unhappy, this kid really has not seen the world, does the Liu family lack money?

Xia Yan also sweated a lot. How could Liu Shan and his old man behave so differently? One has to refund even 10,000 yuan, and the other is to use a checkbook to fill in the numbers. The style changes too fast, which makes him at a loss.

"Mr. Liu, I naturally want the money, but there are some other things. I hope Mr. Liu can help me find it." Xia Yan said.

"As long as my father can be cured, even if you want to buy arms, the Liu family can get you." Liu Shan said.

"That's not necessary!" Xia Yan wiped a sweat, the world of the rich is really terrible.

It is illegal to buy new ivory. However, mammoth ivory is left over from prehistoric times and can be bought freely. Under rich circumstances, this matter should not be too easy. Moreover, this does not require Dong Quan to run in person. After a few phone calls, naturally someone bought it and sent it to him.

Two hours later, people from the Liu Group sent two large boxes and opened the boxes. Inside were two large yellow ivory that were more than one meter long and yellowed. When these two tusks were taken out, an ancient desolate breath came across.

"It's so big?" Xia Yan stunned and smiled. "It seems that there are two more, but actually one is enough!"

Tu Baozi!

Everyone was slandering. I was afraid that this product had only heard of mammoth ivory and had never seen a real thing.

"It's too unreliable!" Professor Wang said angrily, everyone else agreed with him, but he didn't say it anyway.

"Extra ivory is included in your remuneration," Liu Shan said.

"Then I would like to thank President Liu!" Xia Yan smiled, and the impression of these rich people was much better.

"What do I need to do now?" Liu Shan asked.

"Give me a quiet room, I want to do something." Xia Yan said.

The quiet room is arranged in the suite of a five-star hotel near the provincial hospital. Xia Yan is also the first time to enter such a high-end hotel. Although he strives to behave naturally, he is a kid from the country. After all, it is inevitable to show cowardice. Naturally, the Liu family secretly laughed at him.

After everyone exited the room, Xia Yan locked the door and walked around the luxurious room twice. Then he sat on the soft carpet and placed a piece of coffee on the low coffee table in front of him. Mammoth ivory.

Closing his eyes and calming his mind, Xia Yan quickly entered a state of meditation. The remaining half of the undead elements in the soul storage began to quickly transform into mana, which was stored in the magic tower in his mind ...

In the other suite, several people from the Liu family were waiting in silence. The others stayed in the hospital to look after Mr. Liu. They were here to wait for Xia Yan to complete the preparation for the "treatment".

"Dad, it's been two hours!" Liu Xueer's face was haggard. She didn't sleep well last night, and she didn't have time to rest today. She looked at her watch and said worriedly.

"Now at this time, we can only continue to wait. Hasn't Xia Yan said, he needs at least eight hours!" Liu Shan said.

"Uncle, isn't that kid a liar?" Dong Quan said.

Liu Shan glanced at this nephew whose IQ balance seemed to be insufficient, and sighed softly, saying, "He is a student of Sihe University."

Dong Quan froze for a moment, then blushed. All of Xia Yan ’s information can be easily found. It ’s not too easy for the police to find him. I ’m afraid there are no such stupid scammers in the world.

"Is it really like he said, Grandpa is evil?" Dong Quan still can't believe it, which is inconsistent with his worldview.

"Professor Wang has said it, and science can't explain the shadow in Grandpa's head ..." Liu Xueer said.

"Look at it!" Liu Shan did not dare to make an assertion.

After a few more hours, Xia Yan opened his eyes in the suite, two blue souls

Chapter 15 Magic Array

The fire jumped in the eyes. In his mind, the first layer of the magic tower is already full of blue flame mana, and the second layer of the magic tower has a vague prototype. As long as the details continue to be enriched, Xia Yan will soon have the junior magician ’s strength.

"Unfortunately, this is not the time for a breakthrough!" Xia Yan shook her head regretfully, and everyone in the Liu family was still waiting. He could not attack the junior magician now, but the mana now is enough for him to complete what he will do Something happened.

Taking out the non-woven bag from the backpack and taking out a not-so-delicate carving knife, Xia Yan's eyes fell on the mammoth ivory.

To deal with the free elements of undead, it is enough to use the soul storage device. But to get rid of the undead elements in Liu Lao's head, he must use a stronger means-magic circle.

Use magic array to deal with magic array, this is Xia Yan's "treatment plan".

The magic apprentice has limited mana, and there are not many magic arrays that can be carved. The most suitable one is the Bone Spirit Array.

If Xia Yan has the strength of a junior magician and can transform mana into bone elements, he can summon the bone spirit without the help of foreign objects and devour the undead elements in Liu Lao's mind.

But now, Xia Yan must use the formation method to achieve this, and he has not drawn the strength of the magic formation out of thin air, so he has to choose mammoth ivory.

As part of the mammoth body, ivory, like the bones, itself contains a lot of bone elements, and after a long period of time, the bone elements are very pure, which is the best material for carving formation.

Mammoth ivory has already been cleaned very cleanly and can be used directly. Xia Yan rubbed his ivory with his hands again and again. Gradually, the outline of the whole ivory clearly reflected in his mind. Finally, he picked up the carving knife.

If Xia Yan is just an ordinary college student, he can even add the prefix of Tu Baozi, but once he picks up the carving knife, he becomes another person, with a very focused attitude, every move is inconsistent with his age. Imposing, faintly master style.

A blue flame flared from the tip of the carving knife, and the mana of the Necromancer attached to the tip of the knife.

Suddenly, Xia Yan moved, and the carving knife accurately fell on the tip of the ivory. The hard ivory melted under the fire of the soul, like butter meeting the hot blade!

Xia Yan moved the carving knife without hesitation, leaving a long blue pattern on the ivory, from the top of the ivory to the end, curved like a poisonous snake on it. Although the stripe road is curved, it is very smooth, with no bumps, and it is not worse than the lines cut by the automatic machine.

This not only reflects the basic skills of Xia Yan's ten years of hard carving, but also the almost instinctive carving experience of the Lich to the Magic Array-in the long life of the Lich, he has carved various magic arrays countless times, and he is already familiar with Gush.

The pattern burned with a faint blue flame, which was very dazzling, and Xia Yan shed a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"This magic pattern consumes one-third of my mana. Sure enough, my current strength is only enough to describe three magic patterns. I will be able to complete the Bone Spirit Formation. If it fails, it will take at least one day to restore the mana before trying again! "Xia Yan didn't stop. The carving knife returned to the tip of the ivory again. Another magic pattern meandered down and intertwined with the first one, forming a simple but mysterious pattern."

Next is the third magic pattern.

The three magic patterns are intertwined and intertwined, and many changes suddenly appear. Every intersection, every loop contains magical waves.

When Xia Yan completed the magic circle and lifted the carving knife, a strong magic wave erupted from the ivory, a ghostly white shadow with a long tail flew out of the ivory, circled around the ivory a few times, and returned again Into the ivory.

The first time Xia Yan carved the Bone Spirit Array, he successfully summoned the Bone Spirit. He exhaled for a long time, only to find that he was sweating a lot, and the feeling of exhaustion hit his body, making him want to lie down immediately and get a good night's sleep.

The flames on the Bone Spirit Array gradually extinguished, but the blue did not recede, leaving it clearly on the yellow-white mammoth ivory, which seemed mysterious and strange.

The three perfect magic patterns form a mysterious formation, exuding a heart-pounding breath, like a message from the underworld.

And this mammoth ivory also exudes the desolation of ancient wildness, it seems that the soul of the mammoth remaining in the ivory has been awakened.


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