Dragon Hermit

Chapter 159: Trolley

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By the Fuhe River, a black off-road vehicle crashed into a student on the sidewalk at a speed far beyond 70 yards, and passersby who saw this scene all exclaimed, and a tragedy was about to take place.

At the moment of crisis, Xia Yan did not panic. He was a student, and he also had fighting experience with lich. There was only one way to deal with life and death, but no panic.

A huge force erupted beneath the feet. Three hundred sneakers bought on the floor tiles and the soles rubbed against the ground.

Xia Yan rose from the air, raised her legs as far as possible, and pushed her knees to her chest. In the shocked eyes of the driver and passers-by, the buggy's roof drove past the soles of his shoes, slammed a street tree, and slammed the stone railings by the river. Although the driver braked and slammed the steering wheel in time, the left front wheel still rushed out of the river embankment, and half of the head was suspended in the air.

Xia Yan landed on the ground, her soles were cold for a while, and she looked down. The sneakers she had just bought for a few hundred dollars a few days ago had been degummed with great force. Both uppers were raised like crocodile mouths, and the socks were torn. Two bare feet are exposed.

His heart was beating violently, and only then did he feel fearful. He shook off his shoes, strode barefoot to the buggy, picked up a gravel and smashed the glass towards the cab.

After smashing it a few times, the glass shattered, and Xia Yan saw a pair of shocked eyes. He did not pull the driver out, although it was easy. He just looked at this person coldly, his eyes cold and scary: "Xie Zheng sent you?"

"I don't know what you are saying. This is just an accident. You can call the police. By the way, I also need to find an insurance company." The driver quickly recovered his composure and ignored Xia Yan's question.

"You know who sent you if you didn't answer." Xia Yan shook his head at him, grasping the front cover with one hand, and grabbing the roof with the other hand. With a violent effort, the heavy off-road vehicle moved forward Dump and slowly slide into the river.

"What are you going to do? You are murder, I want to sue you!" Then the driver cried in horror.

"If you can't die, it's not a murder. Let's go down and drink stinky water first." Xia Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and once again, the heavy off-road vehicle was planted into the Fuhe head down.

Seeing this scene, passers-by far and near all exclaimed, the traffic accident just did not hit the dead, should the driver fall into the river and drown?

If Xia Yan did n’t smash the car window, the driver might actually drown. Of course, then that would be a murder.

Twenty seconds later, the driver drilled out of the broken window, poked his head out of the water, gasped for breath, and wanted to find a place to climb ashore. However, the river embankment was nearly three meters high, and he couldn't reach it at all. He could only sink and float in the water and scolded Xia Yan more than once.

Fortunately, Rongdu has been more effective in the management of the Fuhe River in recent years, otherwise this guy will be sickened by drinking stinky water.

Xia Yan stood on the river embankment and saw this guy resting on the stone joint and threw a stone down, smashing him loose, continuing to struggle in the river. Then he called Dong Quan, and he answered the phone almost at the fastest speed: "Xia Yan, have you returned to Rong?"

"Nonsense, Dong Feng didn't tell you?" Xia Yan despised him and said, "Someone drove me into a car, I sent you the photo, you check it and help me get revenge."

"What?" Dong Quan was shocked and scolded loudly, "Xie Zheng, the bastard, dare to use a trick!"

"He has already used a vicious trick, and this time, I will return it." Xia Yan said while taking a few pictures of the guy in the river. This guy also wanted to swim to the other side, and Xia Yan was stoned back.

The photo passed, Dong Quan said: "Xia Yan, you can rest assured, he can't run, although the Liu family will not kill, but there are some ways to clean up him, hum, dare to drive and hit you, he is unlucky!"

"Okay, Xiaoluo will leave it to you, and Xie Zheng and Wu's surname will be handed over to me." Xia Yan hung up the phone, and suddenly felt a little uneasy, and was not interested in tossing the man in the river, If he can't kill him in the daytime, it's better to give it to Dong Quan.

There were dozens of people around, and it was increasing rapidly. Xia Yan went out, and the crowd quickly opened a road. Just kidding, this ruthless character who lifted the off-road vehicle into the river with his bare hands. What's more exaggerated is that he just jumped from the top of the speeding off-road vehicle. Is this still a human?

The height of the off-road vehicle, I am afraid that the world champion of high jump is coming, and it may not be safe to jump in the back style, but this student actually curled up and jumped directly over, which is really doubtful about science.

Xia Yan walked out of the crowd, went directly to the shoe store and bought a pair of sneakers, and then quickly disappeared into the eyes of the curious crowd. The driver finally found a chance, climbed to the shore, and walked very embarrassed.

After a while, the police rushed over and was busy arranging the crane to lift the off-road vehicle. Of course, it was impossible to find any valuable clues from this car. Both parties were not present, and soon, no one continued to pay attention to this small traffic accident.

But this is not the end. In the era of the popularity of smart phones, anything that happens in public will soon ferment on the Internet as long as there is something that catches the eye.

More than one person in the crowd was taking pictures. Of course, due to the sudden occurrence, Xia Yan skipped the scene of the off-road vehicle and was not photographed. But the whole process of driving the car into the Fuhe River and throwing stones at people was still taken by more than one mobile phone.

Xia Yan also saw these phones, but he didn't care, or he didn't realize the power of the network. After all, he only had his first smartphone a month ago, and he wasn't a mobile phone. Behind the times.

The uneasy feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, which made Xia Yan feel anxious. He felt that he had forgotten a very important thing, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

At this time, the phone rang, and An Xiaoru called and was very dissatisfied: "Xia Yan, what are you doing these days? You have turned off the phone many times, do you not know how to call back?"

"Uh, I have a thing, not in Rongdu, is there something?" Xia Yan asked.

"I can't find you if you're fine. In order to thank you for saving Anna, we 504 invite you to dinner. Don't say no!" An Xiaoru said.

"Just invite me one?" Xia Yan asked with a smile.

"If you tell Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian about them, then let's go together, otherwise only you and Shufen will be invited." An Xiaoru said with some depression, "We originally wanted Qi Ziyu, but she seemed to be Not in Rongdu, I have to thank her again next time! "

"All right, did you call Zhang Shufen?" Xia Yan asked.

"I told her two days ago, she said to wait for you to come back." An Xiaoru said.

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