Dragon Hermit

Chapter 167: The strongest stroller in history

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"Bash him, hit him!" The man in the car exclaimed hysterically. "He is not a human, but a monster! Hit him!"

The car rushed forward to knock down this monster-like black robe and then crush it. But still in vain, the black robe separated his feet back and forth and slammed the car, and then he hit his head with a third punch. The front of the car suddenly smoked and the engine stalled. Even more frightening is that the whole car was slammed by this terrible punch, the car's **** pointed diagonally to the sky, and the car's head kissed the ground.

The two men rolled to the front of the car and pressed against the windshield. The girl had better luck and was blocked by the back of the chair. She was astonished as ever.

Another punch, the fist pierced the windshield, grabbed a man, and pulled him out of the car together with the windshield, and then another man was pulled out and dropped on the ground.

"who are you?"

"Forgive life, forgive life!"

"Don't kill me, please!"

The black robe raised his right hand and pointed at the two, while the other hand lifted his hood. A skull with a blue light flashing in his eyes appeared in front of the three poor people.

The girl screamed in a half cry and passed out very faintly, while the two men were all soft and their eyes were full of horror.

"Ghost ... Ghost!" They were so scared that they only made a vague voice in their throats.

"Tom!" The two men's heads slammed together and were unconscious.

Put the lost girl at the door of the nearby police station before Xia Yan left. As for the two men, the skeleton soldiers had a small operation, and they might not be able to become men in the future.

But the night is still long ...

A thief climbing down the water pipe was dragged off the ground and tied into the community security room.

The two drug dealers, together with their goods, were thrown into the police station.


Xia Yan rushed around the city. As long as he encountered something that was not pleasing to the eye, he would take care of it. If something happened, he would do it himself.

When the day was dim, he found a fast food restaurant and sat down to eat breakfast.

He didn't feel tired, let alone tired, but became more and more energetic, even the physical energy he had consumed while fighting in Xie Zheng's villa had all recovered.

Am I really going to be a dark knight in the future? Xia Yan thought depressingly.

And this **, the police in Rongdu Dongcheng are too busy.

After dinner, Xia Yan dialed the phone: "Dong Quan, help me collect evidence, I will do it within three days."

"Relax, Xia Yan, Xie Zheng is hanging now. The other people's mouths are very prying open. Give me a day, I will definitely get it!" Dong Quan is full of confidence, and his tone is more awesome, obviously Xia Yan's method last night also shocked him. But he is better than Liu Xueer. After all, he has seen the scene of the blood flowing into the river in the Linhai Villa in Siya, and he has seen the world.

After breakfast, Xia Yan packed two more copies and carried them back to the Fuhe people's house. Zhang Daoxian lived in the hotel, Zhang Shufen and Le Wenqing were still sleeping, he put the breakfast on the dining table, then went back to his room, took a shower, and then sat on the **, just about to prepare for meditation, The phone rang.

"Xiaotian, is there something wrong?" Hou Xiaotian called from the phone, which surprised Xia Yan. It must be urgent to call so early.

"Xia Yan, your video was posted online." Hou Xiaotian said.

"What video?" Xia Yan asked strangely.

"The video of you pushing the car into the river, now the frypot is online!" Hou Xiaotian said.

"What's the matter, send me the website!" Xia Yan said quickly.

"You wait, there are two videos, I will send them to you." Hou Xiaotian hung up the phone, and a few seconds later, the two websites were sent to Xia Yan's mobile phone.

"The strongest stroller in history! 》

The title of the first video made Xia Yan laugh and cry. Netizens of this year like to make a fuss. If you keep moving, you need to add the word "historical", and what is "Brother Cart".

This video was shot with a mobile phone. At the beginning, there was some shaking. After the picture stabilized, the first thing I saw was the scene of the car accident a little further away. The front left wheel of an off-road vehicle was suspended outside the river embankment, and there was a cry of excitement around it.

Someone in the voiceover said excitedly: "The lying trough, the hanging trough is too hanging. Just now someone jumped over from the car ..." Shaking, it makes people dizzy.

Then, Xia Yan saw himself appearing in the picture, but the picture of the phone was not clear, and his figure could be seen, but his face was a little blurred. If he was not a very acquaintance, it would be impossible to recognize at once.

Xia Yan remembered saying a few words with the driver, but it was inaudible in the video, and only heard some messy voices around.

Then, a moment later, the scene of Xia Yan pushing the off-road vehicle into the river appeared. There was a scream in the video, and the photographer was even lying on his back.

This is a barrage video website. At the beginning, there were very few people who shot the barrage. At the section of the cart, the barrage full of screens broke out instantly, completely covering the screen.

This buddy is too good!

How heavy is an off-road vehicle, how can he push it into the river? Is that human being?

Silly you, didn't you see that half of the car was already hanging outside, it was effortless to push it up!

You are a silly x, half your sister, obviously there is only one left front wheel hanging outside, you have the ability to push and see!

This buddy is so fierce, aren't you afraid of the police?

Others were nearly killed by death. Revenge!

Legal blind!

Except for the very few barrages that questioned the falsification of the video, the full screen is full of "slots" and various types of swearing that express marvels. Xia Yan looked at the number of video hits and found that it has exceeded 10 million, which is indeed a fire.

Next is the picture of Xia Yan smashing the driver with a stone. Needless to say, it is another crazy barrage. Countless netizens have expressed their feelings in various languages. Of course, they are not very civilized.

It's too much, you have to smash people when you push the car!

Excessive your sister, if someone drove me, I must kill him!

Brother Cart is so handsome, it's so calm to smash people!

Calling while smashing people is too arrogant, but I like it!

Brother Cart is a student, isn't it Sihe University? Sihe University came out to recognize people!

Sure enough, students from Sihe University spoke.

Such a touching picture quality, the fairy can't recognize who it is!

Was this video filmed with Little Bully?

Xia Yan looked at netizens madly and spit out comments, crying and laughing. At the same time, she was uneasy. At the time of the mobile internet, Tainima was cruel. The accidents on the street could be so hot for a short time.

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