Dragon Hermit

Chapter 179: Be my girlfriend

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"What are they watching?" Xia Yan asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Zhao Qiang said casually, both Qin Jian and Hou Xiaotian held their smiles.

"Hello, brother, who is sitting next to Qi Ziyu, wearing t-shirt jeans?" A boy came over and asked in a very low voice, referring to Xia Yan's seat.

"What are you asking about this?" Xia Yan asked alertly without exposing herself.

"Of course it is to see which hanging wire is not self-confident. I actually want to chase Qi Ziyu. Gee. He even spent a month's living expenses to buy a seat next to Qi Ziyu. I hope he has enough food in his food card. Now! "Said the boy.

"Hang Sihua for one month's living expenses to buy a seat?" Xia Yan was stunned, and then angrily glanced at Qin Jian and Zhao Qiang. He knew that Hou Xiaotian would not do such a thing.

"I didn't do it!" Qin Jian raised his hand and surrendered, Zhao Qiang laughed.

"Wait, is that person you?" At that time, the boy carefully looked at Xia Yan, t-shirt jeans, and a little familiar.

"It's him!" Another boy who came to watch has confirmed.

"It's him!" The onlookers all clamored and took out their mobile phones to take photos of Xia Yan. Hou Xiaotian and the three quickly evaded to avoid lying down.

"Zhao Qiang, you are waiting for me!" Xia Yan wanted to cry without tears and mistakenly made friends!

At this moment, Xia Yan felt that he had not taken as many photos in his life. Fortunately, Qi Ziyu and several girls went to the bathroom, otherwise there would be more people watching.

"Do you want to chase Qi Ziyu?" A tall and handsome boy came in, with long legs and a tall man, looking down at Xia Yan with a disdainful face.

"It doesn't matter if you chase it or not." Xia Yan was very disgusted with his tone and said without looking up.

"Oh, don't look at who you are, I really think that hanging silk can also catch the star goddess? I tell you ..."

"Do you want to chase Qi Ziyu?" Before he finished, Xia Yan raised his head and smiled slightly.


"Unfortunately you dare not, because in front of Qi Ziyu, you are also a hanging wire. But you think it is higher than my hanging wire, so look at me chasing Qi Ziyu, your heart is very unbalanced, but ..." Xia Yandun Suddenly, he looked at his eyes provocatively and said, "It's a pity that at least I and Qi Ziyu are classmates, there are more opportunities than you, and I was at the same table with her, but what about you? What can you do? ? "

"You ... I ..." The tall boy's face was flushed. Xia Yan's words were very conspicuous. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't refute it and his body responded honestly.

"Hahaha ..." The audience all laughed, making his face redder.

"Who said that I dare not chase Qi Ziyu, I will confess to her later!" The young people are all fledgling, excited by the laughter, this handsome guy's head is hot, his heart is across, he blurted out.

"Something, I hope you are rejected and don't cry!" Xia Yan gave him a thumbs up.

"At least my chance is greater than you!" The handsome guy said angrily.

"That may not be necessary." Xia Yan smiled lightly, "Don't go, Qi Ziyu may be coming back soon."

"Come here, Qi Ziyu is back!" Saying Cao Cao Cao Cao, there was a burst of discussion in the corridor, the students gave way, Qi Ziyu and several girls in the class came in, she has been used to this kind of onlookers. There was no surprise on her face, but a few girls around her were quite excited by the crowd and flushed.

Seeing Xia Yan also looking at herself, Qi Ziyu nodded at him.

"Go, don't you want to chase it? Go and confess!" Xia Yan patted the dazed handsome guy and reminded him.


"Don't counsel me what I am, so many people are watching." Xia Yan said again.

The handsome guy looked around and found that everyone was watching him, waiting for him to realize the rhetoric he had just said.

"Go, go!" He clenched his fists and loosened, and walked towards Qi Ziyu.

"This classmate, what's the matter?" Qi Ziyu naturally discovered him, and asked him with a smile when he stood beside him.

"I ..." The tall boy hesitated, and after all he was embarrassed, he said: "My name is Song Sicheng, I'm a sophomore from the Department of Journalism, Qi Ziyu, I like you, be my girlfriend!"

"Oh!" The audience exclaimed, and he didn't expect him to be so kind.

"Xia Yan, how can you encourage this product to pursue Qi Ziyu, what if Qi Ziyu is really touched by him?" Qin Jian, Zhao Qiang and Hou Xiaotian came together and Qin Jian said.

"Don't tease, do you think it's possible?" Xia Yan despised him.

"I think it's quite possible. Look at this Song Sicheng. He looks tall and handsome. From a dress point of view, his family should also have a little money, maybe ..." Zhao Qiang analyzed.

"Go, maybe you can think about Qi Ziyu's identity first." Hou Xiaotian interrupted him.

Song Sicheng uttered his confession with a scalp, uneasy.

Qi Ziyu froze for a moment, apparently did not expect to meet someone who confessed in person. After all, since she entered Sihe University, although many boys are approaching her intentionally or unintentionally, there has never been such a person who confessed in person. But as a big star, she has also met crazy fans. She smiled lightly and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know you. Can I make it? Classes are coming soon?"

"Really refused!"

"Goddess is so easy to chase!"

"Do not look at Qi Ziyu's identity, can ordinary people chase it?"

"Happy to see you!"


The students discussed it again, and this result was expected by many people.

"Childish, other people are big stars, how can you casually gossip with ordinary students, this Song Sicheng is too self-confident, Toad wants to eat swan meat!"

Listening to the voices around him, Song Sicheng was flushed, hoping to find a ground seam to get in. He has never been described as a toad, but it is clear that this kind of thing is to be compared. In front of Qi Ziyu, most men can be said to be toad.

"Class time is coming!" Someone called out at this time. Everyone looked at the time, and it only took two minutes to start the class. The crowd who rushed to the crowd immediately left, and Song Sicheng changed his face. ! "

After saying this scene, he flew out of the classroom as if flying, and there was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

"Hahaha, I laughed!" Zhao Qiang sat back and laughed at the table.

"That product was still despising Xia Yan just now, and I don't know what he thinks in his heart now!" Qin Jian also smiled very thieves.

"Xia Yan." Qi Ziyu waved to Xia Yan with a smile on her face, but when she saw her smile, Xia Yan felt bad.

Just returned to the seat next to Qi Ziyu and sat down. The bell rang during the class. The teacher's footsteps came from outside. At this time, **** were caught on Xia Yan's waist and twisted hard.

"Hi--" Xia Yan's body is indeed strong, but Qi Ziyu is not an ordinary person. Xia Yan suddenly took a breath of air and forced to endure not screaming.

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