Dragon Hermit

Chapter 194: Slap

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Chapter 194 Slap

"Look, that's Nanyu people!" Qin Jian said, pointing at a group of people holding small Taiji flags.

"There are Haidong people over there."

"And the Siamese."

Fighting fans of the three countries each form a group, waving a small national flag, which is very organized. Of course, as the home court, Huaxia's national flag is the most.

"Xia Yan, there will be 20 minutes to enter. What about your local tyrant friend?" An Xiaoru asked.

"Wait, I'll call and ask." Xia Yan took out her mobile phone and was about to call. Porsche Cayenne slowly came from behind. Zheng Jiaojiao probed out and shouted: "An Xiaoru, what about your VIP ticket?" ? Where are the tyrant friends? "

"Several sisters, what I said is still valid. As long as you nod, the 1888 ticket is yours. Everyone can still make friends!" Mao Jindou also shouted at the probe.

"The flies are coming again!" Xia Yan was annoyed by Mao Jindou, Zheng Jiaojiao and Li Liya. He was going to use a little violent means to solve the problem. Under the influence of those two white lights, he now prefers a more direct method.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd behind him, and there was a lot of exclamation.

Xia Yan turned his head and saw that a very domineering team was slowly approaching.

Zheng Jiaojiao, Mao Jindou and others also looked backwards after hearing the sound. At first glance, Zheng Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"Rolls-Royce Phantom, Mercedes-Benz 600 ... No, it's a Mercedes-Benz 600 bulletproof car, it's too domineering!" As a qualified money worshiper, Zheng Jiaojiao and Li Liya were very cherished by luxury cars. When they saw the first two cars, they were immediately excited. Wet.

And behind these two cars, it is also a luxury car starting at 3 million. The worst is a Ford Raptor f550, eight luxury cars came over, parked neatly beside Xia Yan, and immediately attracted countless light, passers-by took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Compared with this team, Mao Jindou's Porsche Cayenne is not enough to watch, he suddenly felt ashamed.

The door of the driver's seat of the Mercedes-Benz 600 armored car opened, and a blond guy came down. The driver's seat of the Rolls-Royce Phantom was also opened, and another handsome blond guy came down.

Regardless of their body shape or appearance, these two foreigners are more dazzling than the models and idol stars on the stage. They are definitely the top male gods. They suddenly blinded the eyes of all the women around them. Several girls screamed out of control. .

"I'm relying on it, it's too fake!" Qin Jian shouted incredulously, "Rolls-Royce Phantom and Mercedes-Benz 600 bulletproof car, both of them are drivers. These two foreigners are more like stars than stars. Actually just the driver? Who is in the car? "

As I was talking, I saw two foreigners approaching here, to be precise, they walked to Xia Yan's side, and at the same time, they bowed to Xia Yan very generously and said in unison: "Mr. Xia!"

Everyone was stunned!

what's the situation? Did these two foreigner handsome drivers salute a student? And this student does not seem to be anything special. The clothes are not as valuable as the tie of the foreigner. It is completely the legendary hanging silk student!

"Xia Yan, they ... do you know them?" An Xiaoru pulled Xia Yan's arm in disbelief.

"Uh ... know!" Xia Yan didn't expect Liu Xueer to make such a big move, he smiled bitterly: "Ais, Tal, how are you doing these days?"

"Everything is fine, Mr. Xia!" The two handsome foreigners are Ace and Taal. Since they are here, Liu Xueer must be on the Mercedes bulletproof car.

Fortunately, the two blood races knew the difference, and did not call Xia Yan the master, otherwise they might be shocked.

"How come there are so many cars?" Xia Yan asked.

"It's Dong Quan and Dong Feng, two young masters and their friends." Ais replied.

"Xia Yan!" Dong Quan poked his head out of the Raptor driver's seat, and Dong Feng stood up from a Maserati sports car, and both waved to Xia Yan.

"Less power! Less front!" Mao Jindou in Cayenne suddenly exclaimed.

"Mao ... President Mao, who are they?" After seeing Ace and Taal bowing to Xia Yan, Zheng Jiaojiao couldn't even speak smoothly. Could it be that this hanging wire really has local friends?

Mao Jindou said more to his playthings, he quickly opened the car door, trot all the way, nodded and bowed his waist: "Less power, less front, you are also coming!"

Dong Quan ignored him, Dong Feng tilted his head and glanced at him: "Mao Fat, what are you doing here?"

"Less Feng, I came to watch the fighting game!" Mao Jindou said quickly.

"Do you know Xia Yan?" Dong Feng asked again.

"Ah?" Mao Jindou was stunned. He just remembered that he was just having trouble with Xia Yan. How did this happen? It seems that Xia Yan is a friend of Dong Quan ’s two brothers, and this ... he dare not think about it and stands there.

"Inexplicable!" Dong Feng mumbled when he saw him not speaking, and opened the door to get off. The two brothers approached Xia Yan, greeted him, and greeted Zhao Qiang'an and Xiaoru enthusiastically. "Everyone is Xia Yan's friend. My name is Dong Quan. He is my younger brother Dong Feng. I am very happy to know you." you guys!"

Mao Jinlong had already recovered, and when he heard Dong Quan's words, he was startled again. He knew the style of the two brothers. These are the two dudes. When did they see them so polite to ordinary college students?

Moreover, the degree of ** lessness of Feng Shao is not lower than yourself. The female college students who have played are not less than yourself. Why are there no even the slightest ** performance in front of the three beautiful college students? ? This is not scientific!

This is definitely not because Dong Feng has become a vegetarian, but he dare not show **, because ... the three beauties are Xia Yan's classmates!

Thinking of this, Mao Jindou's body shuddered and sweated like pulp.

Zheng Jiaojiao and Li Liya in the car were afraid to speak out.

"Brother Quan, how could such a big deal happen?" As the focus, Xia Yan was uncomfortable.

"I had an appointment with a few friends to watch the game. Later, my cousin heard that you were coming too, so she came too. You know that these days are not very safe. Uncle let him come in a bulletproof car. "Said Dong Quan.

The friends of Dong Quan and Dong Feng are of course rich or expensive, no wonder everyone is driving in a luxury car.

"Who else is coming?" Xia Yan looked at the Rolls-Royce Phantom and asked.

"It's my second uncle, Liu Group sponsored this fighting invitational tournament." Dong Quan said.

"It turned out to be Uncle Liu." Xia Yan nodded, and he also knew Liu Hai.

"By the way, we have eight people, is the ticket enough?" Xia Yan asked with a raised voice.

"Xia Yan, you are hitting me in the face, what are the eight tickets!" Dong Quan said pretendingly, "My second uncle is here, do I need a ticket to go in? Not the front VIP seat, you put I'm playing! "

"Hehe!" Xia Yan smiled and glanced at the Cayenne car. Zheng Jiaojiao and Li Liya dared to stare at him, shrinking in the car like two quails. They are now ashamed and regretful, knowing that these things will happen, they will not show any superiority in front of An Xiaoru.

Thinking of showing off in front of Xia Yan, Zheng Jiaojiao and Li Liya's faces turned hot.

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