Dragon Hermit

Chapter 205: Regain youth

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"So, how do we do it?" Paul condensed his smile and became serious.

"Go to China and work with cleaners."

"What? Let me work with them?" Paul jumped and yelled, "This is impossible!"

"This is an order!"

"Hit! Okay, order, I will go to China, but don't expect me‘ doctor ’Paul to work with a nasty cleaner, I ’ll do it alone, understand, do it alone!”

"Paul ..." The other side began to anger, and Paul hung up the phone and scolded fiercely: "***!"

Soon, the phone rang again. This time, the opposite voice was very helpless: "Well, Paul, you can act alone, but we must inform the China Environmental Sanitation Team!"

"K!" Paul hung up again.

"Dr. Daojun, since you lost your calmness, I will definitely catch you this time! And Tiehu, I will calculate the old account with you!" The fast dancing fingers stopped, and the light finally appeared in the lineup. It is a sharp scalpel.

In the Lius Group ’s underground laboratory, Xia Yan was busy nervously, and the time had passed five hours. At this time, on the metal test stand in front of him, several test tubes containing liquids of different colors were placed. In his hand, he also holds a test tube filled with purple liquid.

"It ’s really not easy to improve the bloodthirsty potion. Fortunately, the lich has enough experience. It ’s not that he ca n’t improve, but it ’s not necessary, but now it ’s necessary! If it ca n’t be improved, I ’m really afraid. Bring it to Sister Ting! "Xia Yan wiped the sweat from her forehead, carefully sealed the test tube, put it in a box, then put it in a backpack, and then connected the laboratory communication.

"Uncle Liu, you can come in."

When the three test tubes of green, red and gold appeared in front of eyes, Liushan and Liuhai seemed to see three golden mountains.

"This is the medicine you have configured?" In the waiting time, Liu Shan had already told Xue Lao the medicine that Xia Yan had to configure. Of course, he didn't believe it at all. Young people under the age of 20 learned history. It is only a middle school chemistry level that I actually want to make a medicine against the sky. This is a fool's dream.

President Liu has always been shrewd, how could he believe such an obvious lie this time? Was it brainwashed by this young man?

"Xia Yan, what's the effect of these potions, please tell us first!" Liu Hai couldn't wait to ask.

"The golden one is the original liquid of beauty pharmacy. Each part can be configured with a thousand parts of pharmacy. What is the effect? ​​It is better to let Xue Xue experience it for yourself." Xia Yan said with a smile.

"Okay, let me try!" Xue Lao said without hesitation. He is a scientist, and he has a spirit of devotion to science, not to mention unknown liquid that has not been verified. Even if it is a poison, he has the courage to drink it.

According to the ratio of 1000: 1, Xue Lao skillfully prepared a light green potion with the original liquid and water. He took the potion and stared at Xia Yan's eyes and asked, "Young man, is that all right?"

He wanted to see Xia Yan's panic look, but he was disappointed, Xia Yan said with a smile: "Xue Lao please rest assured, there will be no side effects."

"Old Xue, let me do it." Liu Shan said with a smile. Old Xue was not at ease, but he believed Xia Yan very well. Since Xia Yan said there was no problem, then it must be no problem.

"No, I'm coming!" Xue Lao waved his hand as if he were dead, and asked, "Is it for external use or internal use?"

"Internal." Xia Yan said.

"Okay!" Old Man Xue leaned back and poured the potion into his mouth. Then he asked: "How long will it take to be effective?"

"Within an hour."

It didn't take an hour. Ten minutes later, Liu Xueer exclaimed: "Xue Lao, your face ..."

"What's wrong with my face? Is it going to be disfigured?" Xue Lao felt that there was something creeping on his face, uneasy in his heart, but still forced to smile.

"No, Xue Lao, your wrinkles seem to be disappearing!" Except for the leisurely Xia Yan, everyone is paying attention to this Xue Lao's face, and at this time they all saw the change.

Old Xue is a man in his fifties, and has been experimenting with sleep and sleep for a long time. Although he has a good life, he still looks older than ordinary people, his skin is already loose, and the wrinkles on his face are like a gully.

At this time, unconsciously, Xue's crow's feet appeared to be lighter in the corners of his eyes, but he could only draw a rough judgment based on the naked eye, and could not be sure.

"Xue Lao, how do you feel now?" Liu Shan asked excitedly.

"It's a little itchy, a little tight ... How could it be effective so quickly?" Xue Lao touched his face, more surprised than anyone, and his loose skin was tightening, which made him very uneasy.

According to common sense, whether it is beauty products or medicines, the faster the effect, the greater the side effects. Xue Lao has never heard of any skin care product that will feel like this after ten minutes. Not only the skin on the face, but also the skin all over the body feels slightly taut, which shows that the potion diluted a thousand times does have a magical effect.

As time went by, the feeling of tightness in the skin became more and more obvious, and the changes on Xue Lao's face were even visible with the naked eye.

"The wrinkles on the forehead have become lighter!"

"The crow's feet are completely gone!"

"Skin becomes shiny!"

"Look, look, even the skin on the neck becomes shiny!"

"It's incredible!"

In the exclamation of you and me, everyone in the surroundings, Xue Lao looked at the mirror, and the shock in his heart was hard to describe in words.

The discomfort from the skin finally reached its peak, and after a few minutes, it began to decline slowly, which means that the potion's effectiveness is about to be fully exerted.

An hour later, the laboratory was quiet and no one spoke. Everyone stared blankly at Old Xue ’s face, including Xia Yan. He was also the first to see the magic of alchemy.

The old man with the vicissitudes of life was gone, and only a slight wrinkle remained on Xue ’s face. The yellowish skin also had a radiance and no longer slack. It did n’t look like an old man in his fifties. New year.

To achieve this effect, there are no special effects on the computer, a lot of cosmetics, and no photos on the computer. Everyone witnessed the process from aging to youth, and it was amazing.

"Young people ... no, Xia Yan, how long can this effect last?" Xue Lao finally woke up from shock. When he looked at Xia Yan again, his eyes became very complicated, and the doubt and contempt in his heart had been shaken. No deposit.

No matter how much side effects this kind of medicament has and can achieve the current effect, this is already an incredible thing in itself. Old Xue is a real scientist, and he will not continue to doubt Xia Yan's ability.

"This depends on your lifestyle. If you have a healthy lifestyle, you can keep it for a year. If you stay up late, use a computer regularly, or if your eating habits are unhealthy, it will return to its original state in a few months, but if you use it for a long time It can also gradually improve the skin, and in the end what kind of effect it will have, I ca n’t tell. ”Xia Yan said.

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