Dragon Hermit

Chapter 232: catch

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Chapter 232: Capture

There were three men and a woman in the car, and four of them were foreigners with obvious features. The only eastern face was the driver.

Mercenary or killer?

Xia Yan had speculation for the first time, but he also had some doubts. The reward was just released on the black hole platform for two days. Even the fastest killer, it will take time to fly to China. And even if you come, you still need to investigate carefully, it is impossible to find yourself so quickly.

But if they were not mercenaries and killers, who would these foreigners be?

The four people on the off-road vehicle didn't take a look at Xia Yan. After overtaking, they speeded up and soon disappeared in the rain curtain, and the feeling of being peeped by them disappeared.

Xia Yan didn't think he felt wrong. Just slowing down the speed was just a temptation. Obviously, the other party was also very alert. The overtaking disappeared as soon as possible, instead of slowing down the speed and continuing to follow. If it is an ordinary person, it is likely that he will be suspicious, but Xia Yan is not an ordinary person. He knows that this car must have come to him.

But now that the city is full of sky-eye cameras, these people dare not do anything.

Xia Yan continued to drive to the Nine Eyes Bridge, and after a while, the off-road vehicle appeared in his sight. Although they were far away, they confirmed that they were tracking themselves.

The Nine Eyes Bridge arrived soon. Xia Yan saw a group of girls hooking up with Les and Vincent. If it were not for the two blood races, after Xia Yan's severe warning, they vowed to become vegetarians in China. Become a blood slave.

Although Les and Vincent did not dare to use blood-sucking thoughts, they still chatted fiercely with these women, each holding their two sisters up and down.

"Beep!" Xia Yan rang the horn twice and lowered the window.

It seemed to the two blood races that they immediately found their master, and they were shocked, pushing away their sister in a hurry and trotting all the way. The sisters were shocked and found that they had just hooked up with a handsome foreigner and ran to a young man driving a luxury car. They suddenly followed.

"Master, it's their initiative ..." Vincent was about to explain, and Xia Yan interrupted them: "Get in the car!"

"Yes!" The two quickly got on the bus and saw Xia Yan didn't mean to blame. Both were relieved.

"Hi, handsome boy, are you coming down to play together?" The group of women gathered around and teased Xia Yan with her neck raised.

"Sorry, you are too ugly!" Xia Yan was not interested in this kind of woman, and threw a cold sentence, started the car, and the raptor immediately roared away and screamed at the middle finger.

"Prepare to fight, someone is following me!" Xia Yan said before Vincent spoke to Rice.

"Yes, master!" The spirits of the two blood races were revived and they responded in unison.

Xia Yan drove all the way out of the city, and after crossing the Third Ring Road, the SUV appeared again.

An hour later, Xia Yan slowly poured the car into a fork in the east suburb of Rongdu, turned off the lights, and waited quietly in the dark. Two blood races jumped out of the car window, silently blended into the darkness, and hid.

Two minutes later, the lights came on, and the off-road vehicle caught up unexpectedly. Just as it was about to pass, Xia Yan started the car, and the raptor jumped fiercely from the fork, crashing into the side of the off-road vehicle. go with.

The harsh friction sounded, and the driver of the off-road vehicle reacted extremely quickly, slamming on the brakes and violently hitting the steering wheel. The off-road vehicle came across, and Xia Yan did not hesitate to hit the steering wheel. The front of the off-road vehicle hit the rear of the off-road vehicle, and it suddenly rolled over.

Xia Yan stopped and jumped, and immediately felt a great danger. He flashed quickly, only heard a sound, and one flew past him and shot on the front of the raptor.

The other party has!

This was the first time Xia Yan faced him. He instinctively hid behind the car. Huaxia Ban is definitely a mysterious and terrible existence for ordinary people.

The three foreigners climbed out of the overturned off-road vehicle, but the driver was stuck and suspended in the driver's seat.

The three foreigners were holding in their hands, each lined up a few steps apart, and forced them towards the raptor.

Xia Yan was about to chant a spell to summon the skeleton soldiers. Vincent and Rice had rushed out of the darkness behind them, bypassing Xia Yan and rushing towards the three men.

"Master, let's come!"

"Let's go to hell!" The women in the three foreigners had bleeding at the corners of their mouths, cursing fiercely, pulling the trigger continuously without hesitation, and the other two also opened at the same time.

Rice and Vincent were erratic in shape and had a weird course, avoiding most of them, but everyone still made at least three or four shots. Cruel smiles appeared on the faces of the three people, but their smiles solidified in the next moment.

The powerful movement he carried could make the two blood races slow down a lot, and blood spattered on their bodies, but they did not fall down, or even stopped, and still approached quickly.

"Bulletproof vest!" A foreigner yelled.

"No, not body armor, they are dark creatures!" The woman's voice became horrified.

"God, we didn't bring the Demon!"

"Why are there dark creatures in China?"

The three foreigners cried in horror, and their movements became panic.

"Tap!" The two blood races approached without suspense and shot. The three bodies were beaten and flew, falling heavily on the ground, losing their combat ability.

"Boom!" Vincent vigorously opened the door of the off-road vehicle, pulled the driver out, and left it on the ground.

"Master, how to deal with them?" Vincent asked, turning his head.

"Throw it in the car and take it away!" Xia Yan said.

"Yes! Les, you look for something in the car!" Vincent knocked all four of them out, throwing them easily into the raptor's body one by one, making them curl up next to each other, and then Close the lid.

Vincent found some cash, mobile phones and a white porcelain bottle from the buggy.

Xia Yan called Dong Quan, and soon someone came to clean up the mess on the highway. Of course, maybe the police will find four people missing, maybe not.

Vincent and Rice

Chapter 232: Capture

All hit, but ordinary bullets can not cause too much damage to the blood. Except for some blood splashing when they were shot, their magical drop of blood did not flow out. The single head was squeezed out of the muscle, and the bullet hole squirmed and re-grown. After ten minutes, the skin at the bullet was smooth and intact again, as if never injured.

This is the tenacious vitality of the blood clan, and generally there is not much threat to them.

: i7h

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