Dragon Hermit

Chapter 234: Adversary

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234 Rulin's Enemy

The four poor mercenaries came down from the car honestly, and they dared not run away, because Xia Yan just let them see a little incredible power, let them know that escape is impossible.

"I originally wanted you to bring people directly to our sanitation team." Yuan Tianfeng appeared with a cigarette in his mouth. After only glancing at the four mercenaries, he turned his eyes to Xia Yan, with provocation.

"Next time." Xia Yan pointed to the back, "I brought the people, what about the Dao Junjun's information?"

"Take it." Yuan Tianfeng handed over a file bag. Xia Yan opened it and saw that there were only two pieces of paper in it. He pulled it out and read it quickly, and then collected the information.

"Bao Daojun may not yet know who killed Wu Tianfa's father and son, but as long as he is not in these four people, he will soon be found on you." Yuan Tianfeng spit out four smoke rings and put the heads of the four mercenaries Hugging tightly, the four men struggled twice, their faces showing fear, and they temporarily lost their eyesight and hearing.

"I'm not afraid of him." Xia Yan shrugged and said again, "Regardless of the danger level of Emperor Daojun, the sanitation team can't turn a blind eye, maybe he hasn't found me yet, but you caught it!"

"I advise you not to have this kind of thinking." Yuan Tianfeng kept looking at Xia Yan, and he seemed to want to see what clues came from him. "I'm not afraid of embarrassment. Biao Daojun has returned to China for a month. His trail, so if you count on the sanitation team completely, then you are really in danger ... yes, and the people around you. "

"How are we cooperating?" Xia Yan was not surprised by Yuan Tianfeng's words, he thought about them all.

"How to cooperate?" Yuan Tianfeng asked.

"I am willing to be a bait and set up a trap. As a result, you are responsible for protecting my master and friends!" Xia Yan said.

"Do you think Pei Daojun is so good to deal with?" Yuan Tianfeng smiled and asked, "He won't play with you such a small means that can't be on the table. Since you have read the information, you should know that Pei Daojun has always been a big deal There will be a plague, and then let our sanitation team hand over the people he wants. "

"Will you hand me over?" Xia Yan asked.

"You should know that we never negotiate with criminals." Yuan Tianfeng shook his head and said, "But you should also know that if things go wrong and cause bad influence, someone must be responsible for it, and I'm just afraid that I will Please go back to the sanitation team for tea, we will not help you get rid of it. "

"If the plague really happened, remember to notify me as soon as possible." Xia Yan reached out and pressed a blue mana ball into the body of a foreigner beside him, controlling the mana to search in his body.

Yuan Tianfeng did not stop, smoking while watching with great interest.

"Found it!" In the heart of this mercenary, Xia Yan discovered a group of viral elements. The virus seems to be dormant and not active, but Xia Yan can clearly feel that the virus is constantly releasing a signal.

This is exactly the most common tracking method used by Pei Daojun, who can accurately capture this signal.

The virus Horcrux was launched, and the mana wrapped these viruses, and it was "pulled" out of the mercenary's body. The mercenary looked extremely painful, as if committing a heart attack, clutching his chest in pain.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuan Tianfeng took a cold breath and took a deep breath.

"I saved his life." Xia Yan said unconsciously, "He can stop taking medicine."

"You cleared the virus left by Pei Daojun ?!" Yuan Tianfeng, who has been very calm, finally changed his face and raised his tone.

"Go back and give him a check, you will know." Xia Yan smiled, turned away, and took two steps, he remembered what stopped, turned his head and smiled, "I said, I am not afraid of Jun Daojun ! "

"That person was you last night?" After turning around and walking a few steps away, Yuan Tianfeng suddenly raised his voice and asked.

Xia Yan did not stop or answer, and went straight out of the park to start the car. When his back disappeared into the line of sight, Yuan Tianfeng suddenly laughed: "Funny guy! Maybe this time I can really catch the plague Daojun, ha ha!"

"Vincent and Rice, this is the reward for you." In the huge unfinished basement of the Nanhe Villa, Xia Yan popped two soul fires, and Vincent and Rice swallowed it into their stomachs, ecstatic. .

"Master, thank you for your gift!" The two kneeled willingly at Xia Yan's feet, kissed Xia Yan's shoes, and expressed their absolute loyalty.

In fact, they did collapse on Xia Yan, and following this mysterious and young master had great benefits, so it would n’t hurt to submit to him.

"Master, if you are willing to go to Europe, you will definitely become the king of the blood race!" Vincent said.

"Let's talk about it later." Xia Yan had no plans to go abroad. Besides, there were many factions within the blood tribe, and he went to the muddy water when he was full.

"The two of you will improve your strength as soon as possible. I need your strength!" Xia Yan ordered.


"As long as you are loyal to me and do your best, you will naturally have your benefits!"

"Yes, master!"

"Vincent, you have been responsible for protecting these girls recently, and don't let them be in danger." Xia Yan sent photos of 504 girls in her cell phone to Vincent, and said: "Les, you help Dolan. . "

"Yes, master!" The two blood races responded without hesitation.

Both Zhang Shufen and Qi Ziyu have the ability to protect themselves. Xia Yan is not worried. As for the safety of the 402 dormitory, he is responsible for it. After this arrangement, he was relieved. If Dao Daojun wants to hurt the people around him, at least it will not be too easy.

The two blood races left each other, but Dong Quan was tormented, and seemed to have something to say.

"Brother Quan, just tell me anything. You look so uncomfortable!" Xia Yan said with a smile.

"That ... Xia Yan, would you say that Pei Daojun will come to me?" Dong Quan rubbed his hands and smiled. After hearing from Xia Yan that Pei Daojun exists, he was really scared. Yan is also close to each other, what should I do if he is noticed by Pei Daojun? Just throw some virus on your body, wouldn't it be dead?

234 Rulin's Enemy

"Brother Quan, show me your Jade Guanyin." Xia Yan said when he saw a verdant Jade Guanyin on his neck.

"Good!" Dong Quan was overjoyed and quickly took down the jade pendant and put it into Xia Yan's hands.

"I help you make a magic weapon, there should be no problem, you won't be the main target of Pei Daojun." Xia Yan comforted him.

"Great!" Dong Quan was ecstatic, running for Xia Yan so wholeheartedly, not just for now!

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