Dragon Hermit

Chapter 243: Three shots surprise

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Chapter 243

"Slap!" I don't know where I flew, Xia Yan has ran a few meters in front of Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun panicked. She felt that she was being stared at by a lion. If she was brought close by this uniformed man, it might not be much better than being close by a lion.

This time, she pulled the trigger again without hesitation. The distance was too close, and she believed that she would never miss again.

But at the moment she pulled the trigger, the man in uniform disappeared as soon as she saw it. Suddenly, there was a wind whizzing around her, and she knew immediately that the man in this uniform changed his direction at a very fast speed and circumvented himself.

Xiao Yun's finger pulled the trigger for a short time, but this was enough for Xia Yan to respond in a timely manner. He bypassed Xiao Yun and continued to fly outside the school.

Xiao Yun is exercising police duties, not to mention not hitting, even if she really hit herself, Xia Yan will not resent her, it only shows that she is a good policeman. So Xia Yan didn't hurt Xiao Yun, or even knocked her out, and he couldn't do anything about attacking the police.

Xiao Yun turned around, and she had already opened two. She no longer had psychological obstacles and aimed at Xia Yan's back to pull the trigger for the third time. She has a good shooting performance on the training ground. At such a close distance, as long as she doesn't panic, she will never miss.

"When!" Xiao Yun's eyes widened in shock.

At the moment when the sound rang, a white shield suddenly appeared on the back of the man in uniform, hitting on the shield, making a loud noise as if hitting on the metal.

Xiao Yun saw that a crack appeared on the shield, and as long as he opened it again, he could smash it.

But at the moment when she lost her mind, Xia Yan had ran 50 meters away. His current 100-meter speed is comparable to that of a cheetah. Fifty meters is only about two seconds.

Xiao Yun put down in horror. The effective range of 50 meters has been exceeded, it is impossible to smash that white shield, let alone hurt the uniformed man.

"Then ... what is that? Why did it appear suddenly? This shield ... how did it seem to be made of white bones?" Xiao Yun's heartbeat was so fast that when she missed the second shot, she thought she would soon The poisoned hand of the uniformed man had not reacted at that time. Now that the danger had passed, she was scared after a burst of sweat.

"No, I can't let him run away!" After two seconds of fear, Xiao Yun jerked up, and she was not the one who gave up lightly.

"Tian Yong, where did the suspect go?" She picked up the walkie-talkie and ran towards the monitoring room, where the police car stopped.

"Xiao Yun, he ran out of school, and I can't see him here!" Tian Yong's voice was very alarmed. He just saw what happened in the small square in the monitor. Although it was not clear, the uniformed man's cloak The skull on it was like a ghost, and it was deeply in his mind, so he was scared when he remembered it.

"Sergeant Xiao, this is the Tianyan Monitoring Center. The suspect is heading towards Jinxiu Road to the west!" At this time, another person's voice came from the intercom. After Xiao Yun asked for support just now, everyone on duty in the police station took action. At this time, Xiao Yun was given information.

"Notify me of his position at any time!" Xiao Yun ran out of the surveillance room breathlessly, got on the police car, started the car, rushed out of the south gate, and chased towards Jinxiu Road.

Xia Yan heard the sound of the siren, both in front and behind. He knew that the sound of the siren behind him must have been chased by Xiao Yun. This policewoman was very persevering and would not give up easily.

He traced the contaminated undead element all the way. This undead element has been extending on the street and did not turn into the alley, indicating that Plague Daojun should leave by car in the afternoon.

While running, Xia Yan blessed himself with the Bloodthirsty Curse. He is now a mid-level magician, and his control of magic has been improved a lot. The Bloodthirsty Curse has a better effect and the speed is much faster. Go faster.

On the streets of Rongdu, the scene of a car being overtaken by its legs was staged again.

If someone looks down from the sky, they can see a figure flying in the street under the street lights, constantly surpassing one car after another, marking a stunning trajectory on the street.

The contaminated elements of the undead are getting thinner and thinner, but Xia Yan can still accurately track them, and he can capture even a trace of breath while the undead is breathing.

The siren sound from the front has been thrown away, but the sound soon turned around and followed Xia Yan. It was impossible to run on the road without being discovered by the police.

"Sergeant Xiao, the suspect is now on Xiangzhang Road." Xiao Yun's walkie-talkie heard a slap on the steering wheel, and she was very depressed. The uniformed man ran too fast. He was on Fairview Road just now. On Xiangzhang Road, instead of shortening the distance between him and him, he opened it.

"Is this **** really a human, not a humanoid mecha!"

"Xiao Yun, please reply!" The voice of a middle-aged man came from the intercom, deep and powerful.

"Captain, I'm here!" Xiao Yun said quickly. Captain Fang Li was a veteran. He was not on duty tonight. He must have received the news and rushed back to the police station as quickly as possible.

"I saw the suspect, who exactly is he? How much do you know?" Fang Li's series of questions were thrown out.

"Captain, I suspect that he is the suspect in Xie Zheng's case. I have shown you the relevant information." Xiao Yun reported while driving.

"Follow him, don't lose it, don't get too close, this person is very dangerous!" Fang Li said.


"Damn, how could there be such a person in the world, running so fast and jumping so high not to participate in the Olympics to get a gold medal, actually killing and setting fire, this is not a waste of talent!" Fang Li seemed to see some amazing situation from the eyes of the sky Can't help but swear.

Two cars in front were rear-end collisions, blocking several cars in the back together, and the already narrow streets could hardly leak.

Xia Yan didn't slow down. A blocked driver glanced at his rearview mirror, his eyes widened in surprise, and quickly pulled his head out the window to look back.

Others also noticed Xia Yan, and suddenly the nonsense, the curse did not scold, all were stunned.

Chapter 243

Look over.

In a blink of an eye, Xia Yan ran to the front, a few meters apart, he jumped on one foot, jumped high, and jumped from the roof of four or five cars, all the people below looked up , His head turned with his figure.

"Slap!" He landed heavily, kneeling on one knee, holding the ground with his hands to cushion the falling force, and the black cloak fluttering high, showing the skull with blue flames in his eyes in front of everyone behind him.

"It's cool, jb!" The young man said subconsciously when the smoke fell out of his mouth.

: i7h

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