Dragon Hermit

Chapter 246: Demon Wings

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Chapter 246: Demon Wings

"Don't move!" Several policemen staying downstairs were stunned by the trapeze flying from the sky, and then they suddenly reacted and quickly pulled them to Xia Yan.

"Beating the one in the sky, what do you aim at me?" Xia Yan ignored them, turned around and chased away the plagued Dao Jun in the sky. The policemen were taken aback by his astonishing speed, and opened subconsciously.

The bone shield appeared again, blocking the two, and this bone shield also shattered, turning into countless white spots and dissipating in the air. The others are missed and there is no threat.

After this, Xia Yan ran out of range. The police officers looked at each other, and the bone shield exceeded their cognition.

"Devil's Wings!" As Tian Daojun spread his wings, Yuan Tianfeng, Tiehu, Paul and the Black Cat exclaimed in unison. Paul pointed his hand, and the light, like a flying sword, shot directly at the back of the Dao Daojun.

"Humph!" Pei Daojun sneered disdainfully, and his wings flicked away the light.

"Chasing!" Tiehu shouted, "Can't let him run away!"

With that, he kicked violently at the edge of the roof, like a cannonball, leapt more than twenty meters, and landed on the roof of another building. The edge of the roof behind him was cemented by his foot Splashing. He jumped from one building to another in this way. After a few jumps, he landed directly from a slightly shorter building, catching up as fast as Xia Yan.

"Fuck, how can I chase it!" Paul yelled, called the light back, and turned to shout, "Let's go downstairs!"

"Good!" The black cat responded, and the two jumped straight off the roof. Paul cushioned the raised area of ​​the stairs a few times and landed safely. The black cat didn't even need cushioning. He twisted his body like a cat in the air, his hands and feet landed at the same time, and then stood up casually, chasing away in the direction of the disgust of Jun Dao.

Yuan Tianfeng also scolded, and also went downstairs in a very sturdy way, grabbed a police car, and chased after driving.

"Damn, I knew he had demon wings, so he wouldn't let the helicopter go back!"

Plague Daojun flew at a low altitude more than 20 meters above the ground, constantly shuttled between buildings. Xia Yan was surprised that if this cargo flew to a height of thousands of meters, it would be able to avoid the interference of the building. Isn't it easier to get out?

Thinking about it, heavy footsteps came from behind. When I turned my head, I saw Tiehu catching up in a weird and domineering way. He is not running, but jumping forward step by step. Every step can jump over a distance of 20 to 30 meters. Every step is heavily stepped on the ground. Xia Yan saw cement debris splashing under his feet. Frightened by his power.

"Lich!" Tiehu shouted suddenly, even in vigorous exercise, his voice remained steady.

"Huh?" Xia Yan slowed down a little bit, and Tiehu caught up after a few strides and stood side by side with Xia Yan.

"Are you interested in joining the sanitation group?" Tiehu asked, as he looked up at Pei Daojun.

So direct, without any foreshadowing and turning questions, Xia Yan thought for a second, then he said without hesitation: "No interest!"

"Then forget it." Tiehu said.

This made Xia Yan think for a second, this big brother, you are too simple, not even persuading, I invite you, if you don't come, I will give up.

"Are you still single?" Xia Yan asked. This simple style is definitely a taboo for girls. Women are all around the corner. If someone gives you a polite sentence to give up, you will not be able to catch up with the girl.

This time Tiehu thought for a second, "Are you laughing at me?"

"No, I'm also a single dog, and I'm not qualified to laugh at you." Xia Yan cleared, of course, there was one sentence he didn't say, 18-year-old single and 38-year-old single are different, uncle, I still love it Juvenile, you are destined to grow old alone.

"What is the Devil's Wing?" The two continued to chase. Since the Dao Daojun did not fly high, the speed would not be too fast. Various wires and illegal buildings made him fly carefully, so Xia Yan and Tiehu still had a chat idle.

"Have you heard of the Devil's Club?" Tiehu asked.

"I'm a newcomer in the circle." Xia Yan explained his qualifications to him.

"It's a long story, I'll talk about it next time." Tiehu said.

"Poof!" Xia Yan almost spit out the Dao Daojun with a spit of blood, even hanging his appetite so neatly, Tiehu you won!

"Does the cleaner have the power to fight the air? What about the helicopter just now?" Xia Yan asked again.

"The environment is too complicated for helicopters to catch up." Tiehu said, "but we have arrangements."

Almost all police cars in Rongdu drove into the street, and police sirens rang everywhere. A strong beam of light suddenly appeared in front of him, engulfing Dao Daojun. Under the strong light, the eyes of Pei Daojun could not see clearly. He groaned and almost lost his balance.

Inspired by this strong light, several more strong lights came out of the ground, always shining on Dao Daojun, so that he couldn't even open his eyes, and finally, he hit a building with one head, shaking Want to get down.

Xia Yan was about to applaud, but when he saw that the item flew up again and again, he took out a pair of sunglasses and took it, and the glare suddenly lost its effect.

Nima, this style is wrong!

Xia Yan roared in his heart, shouldn't this scene be the slamming of magic and the flying of magical instruments, how did it become a contest of strong light flashlight and sunglasses?

At the time of vomiting, Pei Daojun suddenly had a meal in the air, his body lost his balance, and turned to the ground while playing.

Wearing sunglasses at night, there is no difference between the effect and the strong light! Plague Daojun crashed **** a wire, the wire was broken, and he also lost his balance.

He reluctantly fluttered his wings to let him land as smoothly as possible, but the fall still made him unable to catch his breath for a long time.

Tiehu and Xia Yan broke out at the same time, both of them mentioned the highest speed, and rushed to the place where the Dao Daojun ruled.

When they arrived, the lights of the two police cars were bright, and they shot Shi Daojun. Ten policemen hid behind the door and pointed at him.

Pei Daojun smashed his sunglasses hard to the ground. In the future, he was not afraid of the police, but the people who chased him made him have to be afraid.


Chapter 246: Demon Wings

He felt a green ball out of his waist pocket, grinned at Tiehu and Xia Yan, and smashed the ball down on the ground.

When he did this action, the police opened. He wrapped his wings in a roll and wrapped himself inside. The two wings covered with skin were abnormally tough and flicked all away.

The green ball that fell on the ground shattered, a green mist appeared in the air, and then a "bang" sounded, bursting out, and the green smoke immediately centered on the Dao Daojun and spread to all sides.

: i7h

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