Dragon Hermit

Chapter 261: Mobile virus database

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Chapter 261 Mobile Virus Database

"Sooner or later." Yuan Tianfeng said, "Do you know how many mercenaries and killers sneak into China? I'm afraid that the cases involving you will be more and more, and it's strange that the police will not notice you."

"Then what should I do?" Xia Yan's head was big. All of this was caused by the killing of Xie Zheng. If he planned more at that time, he would not kill people and set fire so directly, maybe there would be no such trouble. But now the trouble will surely come. He always has to find a way to solve it. He is not afraid of those mercenaries and killers, but he does not want to be targeted by the police, otherwise how will he go to school?

"What not to do?" Yuan Tianfeng breathed out a cigarette and said, "The most important thing is that as long as Xie Zheng can't find evidence about you in this case, they can't take you. As for mercenaries and killers to kill You, you become a victim, and the police should protect you! "

"It makes sense!" Xia Yan was quite relieved. He thought about it. In the case of Xie Zheng, the police may be unable to find evidence. Because they ca n’t explain the unscientific phenomena, unless they first believe that the magician committed the crime ... The police are not stupid. Although both Fang Li and Xiao Yun have seen the existence of supernatural abilities, it does not mean they dare to use this reason. Handle a case.

Therefore, Xie Zheng's case is incomprehensible to the police. With such a thought, Xia Yan was relieved.

The car drove all the way to the provincial hospital. After some complicated inspections and disinfection, Xia Yan and Yuan Tianfeng were put in.

Yuan Tianfeng first took Xia Yan to a tightly guarded ward. After entering, Xia Yan saw the unrelenting Dao Daojun lying on the **.

"Is it necessary to wake him up?" Xia Yan asked. "Even if he wakes up, won't he cooperate?"

"You always have to give it a try. The current situation is very critical. The nine patients' vital signs are very unstable and may die at any time, and more people are getting sick. Some people in other provinces also have symptoms ..." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"If it's an ordinary epidemic, it's okay, but I already know that the epidemic is caused by it, and the nature is different. In short, it is very troublesome. It is best to wake up the Dao Daojun."

Xia Yan was about to take out the virus Horcrux, and then looked up and said, "If it's monitored, turn it off!"

"No problem!" Yuan Tianfeng quickly handled the matter and said: "Okay, all monitoring here is turned off."

"Okay, I'll take a look first." Xia Yan really didn't feel peeped, so he took out the virus Horcrux and walked to the side of Pei Daojun.

Even with severe injuries and false deaths, the Plague Daojun is locked in a violent enemy. Xia Yan pressed the virus Horcrux on his forehead and sent a little mana into his body.

"Fuck!" After an hour, he took his hand away and couldn't help but scolded.

"How is it going?" Yuan Tianfeng asked quickly.

"There are at least hundreds of different viruses in this old thing's body, which is simply a mobile virus library, so that he can still live well, and he is a very capable person!" Xia Yan sighed.

"We also know this, how about it, are you sure?" Yuan Tianfeng asked.

"It's very troublesome!" Xia Yan thought for a while, and said, "These viruses have become part of the body of Pei Daojun, and even, tightly integrated with his major systems, almost alone form another system of the body, which is also his strength. I ’m able to get rid of all the viruses, but as a result, he is estimated to be dead, unless I wait for his injury, I can try it. "

"Can't we just solve the fake death virus? As long as he wakes up!" Yuan Tianfeng asked quickly.

"The fake death virus now controls his brain, and the brain sends instructions to put the body into a fake death state. If the virus is expelled, it may cause damage to the brain, I do n’t know what will happen, maybe this old guy will Immediately become an idiot, or simply become a vegetative, will never wake up! "Xia Yan said.

"Fuck!" Yuan Tianfeng was also depressed, smoking a cigarette, and said, "I'll ask the captain first to talk!"

Yuan Tianfeng reported the situation to Fang Li, and Fang Li also scratched his head. This matter was of great importance. He had no right to make up his mind and continue to report up.

Xia Yan waited for boredom, then left the ward and went to the platform on this floor to see through.

"Xia Yan?" Just two minutes after standing, someone surprisedly called his name without looking back, and Xia Yan knew who it was.

"Sister Min!" He turned to say hello.

"How did you come here?" Yao Min came over and asked in surprise.

"Someone asked me to help." Xia Yan said vaguely. He saw Yao Min's face full of fatigue, and bloodshot eyes.

"Sister Min, you are too tired, why don't you take a break?"

"Everyone is busy, I'm so sorry to rest!" Yao Min came to lean against Xia Yan, smelling the familiar smell on him, and could not help but relax a lot.

"I don't know how long it will take to resolve the epidemic. I'm afraid we will be busy for a long time. I have asked Xiao Ting to send me a change of clothes. During this time, I was in the hospital, so as not to go back and spread the virus to Xiao Tinghe. Grandpa! "Yao Min leaned his head on Xia Yan's shoulder and said," Let me lean for a while, and I'm exhausted! ".

Now Yao Min does not have the queen's momentum, so tired that Xia Yan feels a little bit of pain, he said: "Sister Min, I will give you a potion in a few days, and it will not be easy for you to get tired later!"

"Your boy, will you finally give me!" Yao Min gave him a blank look and snorted.

"Dr. Yao!" When the atmosphere between the two was just right, someone suddenly called Yao Min. Hearing this voice, Yao Min's face showed disgust.

"What's the matter, Sister Min, who is he?" Xia Yan asked her when she noticed her complexion.

"A spoiled sparrow!" Yao Min turned her head back to the iceberg beauty's indifference, and said to the doctor behind the bald beer belly: "Director Wang, is there anything wrong?"

Xia Yan also turned around and did not speak. Hearing the name of Yao Min, he knew that this person should be the director Wang who had a family and had to entangle Yao Min.

"Did he not give up yet?" Xia Yan asked in surprise. With Dolan's high-quality shield in hand, how confident should Director Wang be before he feels that he can compete for a fair-haired blond guy?

Chapter 261 Mobile Virus Database

"Some people just don't have self-knowledge!" Yao Min said softly.

"Dr. Yao, who is he?" Director Wang's face was very unsightly. He just saw Yao Min leaning on the young man's shoulder, and the two acted too intimately.

"A younger brother, why is Director Wang looking for me?" Yao Min asked.

"Dr. Yao, you should know that it is now in quarantine period. Nobody can wait in!" Director Wang was a little excited. He felt that he had grabbed Yao Min's handle.

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