Dragon Hermit

Chapter 263: Psychrotropic virus

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Chapter 263

"Captain Iron, are you talking about the arrival?" Professor Zhang Guangnan frowned in the intensive care unit.

It has been two days. The patient showed no signs of improvement, and more people became ill and were taken to the hospital. The heartbreaking virus is coming in violently and seems to be laughing at modern medicine.

"Come here, I have asked him to go!" Tiehu said.

"Who the **** is he, really?" Professor Zhang Guangnan's face was full of suspicion.

"Professor Zhang, you have the authority to know some things." Tiehu said, "This outbreak is artificial. The heartbreak virus was cultivated by a madman called Dao Daojun. Some of these things may not be explained by science. "

"If it weren't for two days without any clue, I definitely don't believe it!" Professor Zhang Guangnan said with a sigh. "At least so far, science can't explain this virus. It seems to have its own thinking. Hide and seek with us! "

"How can there be such a lunatic in the world, what exactly does he want?" Professor Zhang Guangnan shook his head and said that he could not understand.

"The person we invited this time may have some ways, that is, he caught the plague Daojun." Tiehu said.

"I'll wait and see!" Professor Zhang still can't believe that what the team of the best medical experts in China can't do, will let a person solve it by a method other than science. In that case, they will study hard for many years. Where is modern medicine placed?

"He's coming!" Tiehu said.

"No, I don't need protective clothes!" Xia Yan objected to having to wear protective clothes to enter the ward. How to check the patient's condition while wearing cumbersome protective clothing.

"This is a rule!" The person in charge said, "You have to think about yourself and others, this is not a wayward way!"

"Leader Yuan, I seem to have said that everything has to be listened to to me. Why can't I do this little thing?" Xia Yan was too lazy to bother with him and turned to Yuan Tianfeng for questioning.

"Leader Li, he doesn't need to wear protective clothing." Yuan Tianfeng said to the person in charge.

"No!" Team Leader Li refused to let him go. He was responsible, so that others could not blame.

"Let him come in without wearing protective clothing!" Zhang Guangnan said through the intercom.

"Professor Zhang, this does not meet the regulations!" Team Leader Li also wanted to stick to the principle.

"Leader Li, your task is to cooperate with our expert group. This young man is an expert we invited. Since he said he would not wear protective clothing, listen to him. If there is a problem, I will be responsible!" Zhang Guangnan said seriously .

"Then you go in." Leader Li had no choice but to let go, and since Professor Zhang was willing to take charge, he would just push the boat.

However, this young man does not seem to be twenty years old, can he be an expert? When I am stupid!

"Young man, what's your name? Which school's student?" Zhang Guangnan asked frowning as soon as he met. He did not expect that Tiehu had invited him to be a student-like young man. The beard on his lips was not yet hardened, and his appearance was unremarkable. Can such a young man solve the trouble of heartbreak virus? Anyway, Professor Zhang is unbelievable.

"My name is Xia Yan, and I am a freshman in the history department of Sihe University." Xia Yan was a respectable person, and answered honestly.

"Historical Department?" Zhang Guangnan completely disbelieved this time and glared at Tiehu. "Captain Iron, this joke is not funny at all. You are joking about the lives of others!"

"Captain Iron, can I still work?" Xia Yan was naturally embarrassed to quarrel with the old man and could only look at Tiehu with dissatisfaction. You didn't communicate well with others. How do I do things?

Tiehu touched his nose awkwardly and said, "I was going to communicate with Professor Zhang today. I thought you would let us pick you up early in the morning. It's not too late to communicate. Don't blame me!"

Xia Yan thought, this thing really can not blame the sanitation team. Last night, if the colorless old-time belt was allowed, Tiehu would not be able to disturb the old man like Zhang Guangnan in the middle of the night. He called him to pick him up early in the morning, and there was really no time for communication.

"Either Professor Zhang, there is no way anyway. Let Xia Yan try first. He really has the ability!" Tiehu had to persuade Zhang Guangnan.

"Humph, everyone is here, then try it!" Zhang Guangnan did not feel impersonal and agreed with a cold face.

"Thank you, Professor Zhang!" Although Tiehu is a coquettish supernatural person, he still dare not be brazen in the face of Zhang Guangnan.

"Boy, what instruments do you need? I'll get people ready." Zhang Guangnan asked.

"Nothing is needed." Xia Yan took the virus Horcrux in her hand and walked to the patient's side. This is a boy with acne, all kinds of wires and tubes all over his body, a look that may burp at any time.

Xia Yan pressed the virus Horcrux on the patient's forehead. Zhang Guangnan moved his hand and tried to stop him, but he still tolerated it. Since the young man was so confident, he must have some skill.

If he had no ability, he was afraid that he would have one more person with the disease soon.

Mana wandered around the patient's body and quickly found the virus. Xia Yan calmed down and carefully studied the characteristics of the virus. Soon, he got the virus information.

"It seems to be very similar to the heart-warming virus!" He frowned, and it was troublesome.

If there are still viruses that are difficult for the Necromancer to master, the heart-loving virus is definitely the first on the list. In the apocalypse continent, the heart-loving virus makes everyone talk about it. Even if there is a top-level existence such as Dharma God and Sword God, if you see a person infected with a heart-warming virus, you must go around and dare not touch it.

In the apocalyptic continent, there was an outbreak of an electrophilic virus that swept across the entire continent. Whether it is a human race, dwarf, elf, orc, or even Warcraft, they wailed under this terrible virus. This plague took away tens of millions of lives, letting the entire continent take a hundred years to relax.

The solution to this plague was the Necromancer who had been hostile to the entire continent in the image of a villain. In the process of researching the heart-to-heart virus, at least hundreds of famous necromancers died, among them even the existence of necromancers.

Later, a lich finally found a way to deal with the virus

Chapter 263

Lich's memory is now in Xia Yan's brain.

But Xia Yan still scratched her head. The thing that Pei Daojun, the planet ’s virus, could make, was exactly the same as the most terrifying virus in the apocalyptic continent. Although it was slightly different, Xia Yan still confirmed that she had a way to deal with this. Viral, but ...

When it comes to speaking, however, there will always be bad news.

Lich used to deal with heart-thirsty viruses, in addition to undead magic, the most important thing is medicine. But the problem is coming. Xia Yan is familiar with the drugs of the Apocalypse mainland, but is not familiar with the earth. If some of the drugs are not available on the earth, then you will really be blind!

In the afternoon, I went to the train station to pick up people, which delayed my time. The fourth one was sent, and another one continued to desperately code. I hope the editor can help me review it later. . .

: i7h

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