Dragon Hermit

Chapter 284: Chuang Manor

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Episode 284

Xia Yan wore a black robe that had been eliminated, with a mask on his face, and appeared under the mountain of Xie Family Manor. Since it is ready to do some evil things, it is naturally impossible to use the identity of lich. Lich is a superhero. Superheroes cannot do things like killing and setting fire.

It was a little late at night, and besides the lights on the hill of Xiejia Manor, it was already dark.

Xia Yan began to chant a spell in places where the lights were not illuminated.

After a while, there were four younger brothers beside him.

"Go up the mountain!" Xia Yan waved his hand in a chic manner, and the ghost flew out first. The crimson armor was daunting in the night.

Wherever the ghost will pass, all street lights and cameras are exploded, and sparks are exploded from electronic equipment, which are all reimbursed.

"What happened?" Two sturdy security personnel saw that the monitoring screen was dark, and then they were covered with snowflakes. They immediately realized that it was not good.

"Call someone out to see!" The two immediately picked up the intercom and notified their colleagues visiting outside.

"We are rushing, all the lights in the driveway are off, immediately raise the alarm!" The security personnel on patrol gave back the news.

A stern alarm sounded throughout the manor, waking the Xie family who were sleeping in their dreams.

Those who are qualified to live in the manor are all important figures of the Xie family. Even a few of the direct children can live here, and even the children of the collateral family have very few opportunities to set foot here.

In a large room, equipped with the most advanced medical equipment, experienced nurses are busy beside an elderly man. This old man is the old man Xie. Since the paralysis of the stroke, the old man Xie has become like this. He spends most of his time on illness **. Occasionally, the nurse will push him to sunbathe in the manor .

Tonight Mr. Xie slept early. In his dream, he revisited the old gold horse. When he was awakened by the alarm, he realized that he had shed old tears in the dream.

"Alas!" The old man sighed and rang the bell on the side of the phone. Someone came in immediately and waited respectfully for instructions.

"What happened?" Master Xie asked slowly.

"Senior man, someone might have broken into the manor," the man said honestly.

"Oh?" Father Xie's eyes lighted up, and there was a look on his face, "Give me clothes, I want to go out and see!"

"Master, it's too late now!"

"Little nonsense!" Father Xie glared, and Tiger Lao Yuwei was there. No one dared to express any objections anymore. Several people quickly helped the old man get dressed, put him in a wheelchair, and pushed out of the room.

At this time, the Xie family was at the helm, and Xie Zheng's father, Xie Yuejin, had already dressed and waited seriously in the front hall. Beside him, there are two old men in robe, and outside the house, a dozen bodyguards with heavy bullets are waiting in line.

"Lao Li, elder, how is the situation?" Xie Yuejin looked at the old man in the robe, his tone was very polite.

"Mr. Xie, there was something that touched Tian Gang's formation just now. This time, it's not an ordinary person!" Li said.

"Senior brother is right, Tiangang Posha will not respond to ordinary people. Something that can touch the formation must be something." Another Taoist also said.

"This time I came to Xie's house, it must be something evil, and Zheng Er must have been killed by him. This time he was anxious by my reward. He wanted to come to me and solve the problem from the source!" With strong hatred, Aiko was killed, which made him more than fifty years old.

"Mr. Xie rest assured, you invited my brothers and sisters, isn't it just for today's situation? My two brothers and sisters will never let Mr. Xie disappointed!" Li Lao said with a goatee.

"Yes, I, supernatural abilities, are restricted by rules. I can't use my abilities to deal with ordinary people. This person killed Mr. Xie's Aiko, and wanted to cut the grass. I will never let him succeed!" Zhang Lao Ye Yizheng said solemnly.

"Then there are two masters of labor!" Xie Yuejin was a little relieved.

In the past two days, he has received a lot of information, knowing that the mercenaries and killers who have been attracted to Rongdu by the 50 million bounty have already shot, and their target is actually an ordinary college student.

But what surprised Xie Yuejin was that this group of desperate men failed three times. Especially for the third time, the four or five teams chased down the student named Xia Yan, but they all disappeared in a small wood outside the city. According to news from the police, it is very likely that they have all died.

A single horse can deal with a large number of murderers, and then think of the phenomenon that Xie Zheng could not explain at the scene of the killing. Xie Yuejin knew that he was not facing ordinary people.

Fortunately, the Xie family invited the Taoist priests of Qingshan to arrange a formation for the manor many years ago. Although the manor was calm for many years, the formation did not show any effect, but this time, Xie Yuejin hurried up the mountain and will At that time, the two directors who arranged the formation were invited to go down the mountain to protect the manor.

The two directors had just arrived yesterday, and tonight someone really broke into the village. Xie Yue was fortunate that he had foresight, and his heart was full of anger! Did the young man really dare to do this?

But Xie Yuejin also felt fear and panic.

A freshman, like a famous assassin in ancient times and a knight in a martial arts novel, was fierce and decisive.

If time can go back, Xie Yuejin will definitely raise his son's ears, so that he is not allowed to provoke Xia Yan, and even he will let Xie Zheng do his best to make good with this young man.

Such a young man can only be attracted, never an enemy!

Xie Yuejin was a little envious of Liu's family at this time. Liu Shan's eyes were still so venomous. He even attracted this young man at any cost. His baby daughter and Xia Yan had a close relationship. Maybe the old opponent secretly condoned. Even his daughter can give up, showing that he values ​​Xia Yan.

The Liu family also received generous returns, not only unscathed by their own tactics, but also recently prepared to launch two potions. According to Xie's sources, these two potent magic potions are enough to double Liu ’s assets .

There is also a magic medicine for treating cancer in the hands of the Liu family, which has already been circulated in the circles of power, this time

Episode 284

The benefits that the Liu family obtains from the planting of medicines are no less than the beauty remedies and weight loss remedies that are going to market.

Such a miraculous potion is definitely not something that the researchers of the Liu family can make, and it is likely that it was also from Xia Yan.


Xie Yuejin sighed in his heart, but did not expect that he would be forced to such a day by a student.

At this moment, only a bang sounded, and the gust of wind suddenly rose. Both old-fashioned faces changed greatly and exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

"Lao Li, Zhang Lao, what's wrong?" Xie Yuejin quickly asked.

"The formation is broken!"

: i7h

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