Dragon Hermit

Chapter 31: Virus Department Undead Magic

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Chapter 31 Virus Department Undead Magic

Xia Yan's spirit was revitalized, and there are many branches of undead magic, including viral magic. In the knowledge of the lich, this series of magic is very proficient, but only if you really come into contact with the so-called viral elements, you can have a real experience.

This strong breath of death from the body of the grandfather is even stronger than the breath of death exuded from the purest elements of the undead.

The undead element makes people feel scared, but the viral element makes people feel hopeless.

People may have the courage to face death, but they may not be able to face the disease calmly, and death on the disease is extremely sad.

As soon as the quilt was lifted, the grandfather woke up, but confused, he thought it was a nurse who said a few words and fell asleep.

"How is it going?" Although he didn't believe it, Hou Xiaotian asked with a glimmer of hope, "Can it be cured?"

Xia Yan took her hand away and nodded silently.

Can cure?

Hou Xiaotian's head buzzed, as if smashed by a sledgehammer, and suddenly he was ignorant. Is he nodding? Can he cure cancer? is this real?

Xia Yan looked back, and the patient on the other photo was sleeping deeply. He took the virus Horcrux out of his pocket and held it in his palm, so that Hou Xiaotian did not see it. Then, he pressed the virus Horcrux on his grandfather's stomach and began to whisper magic.

Hou Xiaotian looked at this scene in amazement. He saw that the mysterious man took something out of his pocket, but he didn't see what it was. Then he pressed the thing to his father's belly. What does it mean? Is it a diagnosis or has treatment started?

And this man is still singing in a very low voice, seems to be performing some kind of ritual, or ... he is reading a mantra? Is this a witch doctor?

TCM is a theory-based knowledge, but witch doctor ...

Neither Xia Yan nor Hou Xiaotian noticed that the patient on the other disease opened his eyes and looked at this scene curiously.

"Virus? Transformation!" Soon, the chanting ended, Xia Yan snorted, the blue light of the virus Horcrux flashed, the light penetrated through his fingers, and shocked Hou Xiaotian and the peeping patient. But soon the two thought that there are too many things that can shine, so there is nothing strange.

But the strange thing was that a sudden breeze blew from the ward, which made people have a cold war, and a chill came unconsciously into my heart.

At the moment when the magic was completed, Xia Yan felt a very destructive force pouring out of his father ’s body and being absorbed by the virus Horcrux. He knew that this was the viral element in the cancer cells, losing the viral element, Cancer cells lose their tenacious vitality and destructive power, and soon lose their vitality.

The Horcrux constantly converts the viral elements into undead elements, and stores them. When Xia Yan is free, he can convert these undead elements into mana.

At this time, Xia Yan already knew clearly that Houfu ’s stomach had a huge tumor, and the capacity of the horoscope made of ebony was limited. Today, he can only absorb half of the viral elements, but as long as he comes again, the cancer cells in Houfu ’s body will All lose vitality, cancer will naturally heal without medicine.

"Ah!" Houfu uttered a **, finally sober.

"Dad, how are you feeling?" Hou Xiaotian asked quickly.

"It feels good, I haven't been so relaxed in a long time!" Father Hou looked at the mysterious man with his hand on his belly in surprise, and asked, "This is ..."

"He was introduced by my classmate ... Doctor!" Hou Xiaotian said.

"I think I'm getting better soon!" Houfu laughed. Of course, he didn't even believe this, but his relaxed and comfortable body made him feel that this "doctor" had real skills.

Xia Yan stood up, nodded to Hou Xiaotian, and walked outside the ward.

Is he leaving?

Hou Xiaotian was stunned and quickly caught up, but he didn't know what to say for a while, until he was put into the elevator, Xia Yan nodded to him, which was a farewell.

Hou Xiaotian returned to the ward suspiciously, and saw that his father's spirit was really much better, and he was a lot more puzzled when he was happy. Was the mysterious man really being treated just now?

Can cancer be treated by just putting your hand on your stomach without surgery or medicine? Hou Xiaotian couldn't believe it.

"Old man, what kind of person was that just now, you can't even see your face, mysterious look?" Asked the patient on the side of the disease.

"I don't know." Houfu said wonderingly.

"He just pressed something on your belly, still glowing?" The patient asked again.

"Are you there?" Father Hou was still asleep just now, and he didn't see any light at all. "Xiaotian said that this person was a doctor introduced by his classmates. Come and show me."

"You just said it feels better?" The patient asked quickly as soon as the patient's eyes lit up.

"Of course it feels better to take a nap!" Houfu smiled, he never thought he was comfortable because the cancer cells were half dead.

"If he really cured your illness, he must introduce it to me!" The patient was still in a mood to joke.

Xia Yan came out of the inpatient department building and thought that it was not a few days since he first came to Rong. He actually came to the hospital several times, which was bad luck. The huge cross "sacred object" on the top of the building made him feel uncomfortable every moment.

Just then, there was a sudden warning sign in his heart, as if someone was peeping at him. He looked up sharply, looked upstairs, and he could see a light or dark ward, where can I see someone. This peeping feeling didn't disappear until he walked out of the provincial hospital.

Who is it? Xia Yan couldn't help being vigilant and sneaking a sneak peek. Most of them weren't well-intentioned, and it made him feel this way. It certainly wasn't an ordinary person, maybe someone with special abilities.

"Master Yuan, what's wrong?" Luo Xiaojuan asked worriedly in the VIP room.

In front of the window, a tall man stood with his hands on his back. He wore a robe with a very style of the Republic of China. He crossed his shoulders with long hair and tied it with a cloth strap. He hung behind him, and just looking at the back, there was an ancient wind floating.

Hearing Luo Xiaojuan's question, the man turned around, and he was a 17- to 18-year-old boy with a beautiful face and red lips and white teeth, which was more beautiful than most women. "Attitude" covered up

Chapter 31 Virus Department Undead Magic

a bit.

And such a young boy was called a master by the wife of the deputy governor, which is hard to believe.

"It's okay." Master Yuan smiled slightly and said.

His smile carried an indescribable evil spirit. Even Luo Xiaojuan, who was well-informed, couldn't help but instantly lost his mind, and a girlish courage burst into his heart. A few seconds later, she reacted, her face slightly reddish, and she asked softly, "Master Yuan, it has been three hours. Will my son wake up?"

After Master Zhang of Feng Shui Street was scolded by Luo Xiaojuan, someone knew about it and introduced a real master to Wen Yuanzheng, Master Yuan Tianlin who also opened a shop on Feng Shui Street.

The Wen Yuanzheng couple originally disagreed with Yuan Tianlin, who was only seventeen or eighty years old, but the young "master" just clicked on the forehead of the manic Wen Yipin to calm him down, so the two couples believed.

Three hours ago, Yuan Tianlin cast a spell for Wen Yipin and let Wen Yipin sleep quietly.

"After waking up, he will return to the same as before, but ..." Yuan Tianlin then stopped talking.

"But what?" Luo Xiaojuan asked.

"But he will lose his memory for a while, that is to say, he certainly will not remember who made him look like this." Yuan Tianlin said.

"What?" Luo Xiaojuan screamed. "Couldn't I find out who made Yipin so bad?"

"I'm sorry, I think that's the case." Yuan Tianlin said lightly.

"How can I let this guy go unpunished? Master Yuan, haven't you lied to me?" Luo Xiaojuan became uncomfortable because of his anger, and his words began to recover aggressively.

"Mrs. Luo, are you doubting me?" Yuan Tianlin's eyes were cold, and he was not deterred by the deputy governor's wife.

"Ah ... no, I don't doubt you!" Luo Xiaojuan was forced by his cold eyes, and could not help but panic.

"The person who casts a spell on your son is not easy. His spells can't even be seen by me. I can't remember who he is. It may be a good thing for you." Yuan Tianlin walked to Wen Yipin ** and shook his head. Said, "It's not a good idea to want to take revenge on practitioners with this strength!"

Luo Xiaojuan silently said that she believed in the power of power, and no matter how strong the practitioners were, they would like to kneel down and tremble before the monstrous power!

Yuan Tianlin took out a quaint copper bell of the size of a jujube, and said something in his mouth. Suddenly, he shook the copper bell over the sleeping Wen Yipin's head to make a pleasant ring.

"Wake up!" Two words spit out of his mouth, and the window glass "boomed", and the chandelier wobbled. Luo Xiaojuan only felt a trance in his head and couldn't help but be surprised.

With Yuan Tianlin's "waking up" exit, Wen Yipin's closed eyes opened, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"Yipin, you're awake!" Luo Xiaojuan wept with joy, threw himself to the side, and hugged his son tightly.

"Mom!" Wen Yipin rolled his eyes a few times, no longer confused, but had a lot of fear: "I had a nightmare!"

"Mrs. Luo, I should go. Please trouble you to put money on this account!" Yuan Tianlin put a business card on the cabinet, nodded to Luo Xiaojuan, and turned away from the ward.

"Mom, who is this kid, why is it so crazy?" Wen Yipin just woke up and resumed the playful style of the younger brother, and said dissatisfiedly.

"He is madly qualified." Luo Xiaojuan took up the business card with Yuan Tianlin's name printed on it, and the words "Feng Shui Street Yuan Jixiang Candle Shop", and a series of handwritten bank account numbers.

"What kind of money would you give him?" Wen Yipin asked.

"Money to save your life." Luo Xiaojuan said.

"How much is it?" Wen Yipin asked.

"three million."

Yuan Tianlin went downstairs and stood at the place where Xia Yan had just stopped. He pulled out a fuchsia wooden sign from his chest, held it in his hand, and said something in his mouth. Suddenly, a little firefly-like light flew from the wooden sign, circled, and flew slowly outside the provincial hospital, Yuan Tianlin quickly followed.

Half an hour later, Yuan Tianlin stood in the third building of the male dormitory of Sihe University, and the fluorescent light slowly rose, and finally stopped at the balcony of 402.

"I have found you." Yuan Tianlin's face appeared surprised. "It's actually a student. I don't know if it was the one who attracted the power of the world that day?"


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