Dragon Hermit

Chapter 316: Several ways to kill blood

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Chapter 316: Several Methods to Kill the Blood Race

In the base of the Master Tower, a box of titanium alloy table about the size of a boxing ring was placed.

Xia Yan wants to try to break the devil. He always thought that it might be more troublesome. He used the method on the earth, and the necromancer of the apocalyptic continent might not be able to play.

But Yuan Tianfeng said that many people with supernatural abilities can use their own methods to break the magic. This sentence only opened his mind, should this be an enchantment? Apocalypse continent also has such means. Those melee occupations such as warriors and thieves often find magicians or alchemists to enchant weapons.

Enchanted weapons can cause great damage to Warcraft and other special creatures, and can also break the magic shield, posing a lethal threat to the magician.

It seems that breaking the demon should belong to the category of enchanting. In this case, it is not difficult for you to get up. Enchanting is only a small part of the lich's massive knowledge reserve.

"Xia Yan, what are you going to do?" Hou Xiaotian asked curiously, Liu Xueer was also curious.

"Try to break the demon." Xia Yan explained to them what breaks the demon. Both of them were very excited when they heard that this could cause damage to supernatural abilities.

"That is to say, I can kill blood or other supernatural abilities with a demon?" Hou Xiaotian asked excitedly.

"It depends on how strong the opponent is. The weaker one can be killed. The strongest may only be injured. So even if you have a devil in your hand, don't use it casually when it is not in danger. Otherwise, If you can't kill the opponent, you will be killed! "Xia Yan warned.

"I just want one more means of self-defense, otherwise, in the face of supernatural abilities, I can only let someone slaughter." Hou Xiaotian said.

"That's fine."

Xia Yan took out a disposable syringe and handed it to Ais next to him, instructing: "I want to do a test by drawing a tube of blood."

"Yes, master!" Ace pricked the needle into his blood vessel with a bitter face, and took a tube of blood.

After all, Ace had protected Liu Xueer for a period of time. She looked a little unbearable and asked, "Xia Yan, wouldn't this do any harm to Ace?"

Seeing the hostess caring about herself so much, Ace was moved.

"It's okay, just a tube of blood. Humans don't have to donate 100 milliliters of blood. The blood is the same." Xia Yan said.

"Oh, then I can rest assured!" Liu Xueer said.

Ace was bitter not because he had drawn a tube of blood, but because Xia Yan wanted the tube of blood for the purpose of destroying the blood, which is definitely not good news for a blood.

When I received a call from Xia Yan and asked him to come here alone, Ace was still very happy. He felt that he might be performing well. The host should give himself some benefits, such as helping him improve his strength. , So he came upright, leaving four other blood races envious and jealous.

Now he knows that he thinks too much, Xia Yan is looking for an experimental body, but when he chooses the experimental body, he can think of himself and prove that his status in the master's heart is still higher. Ace can only comfort himself like this. .

Due to the oath blood crystal has been burned by the fire of the soul in the ebony Horcrux, the concentration of the undead elements in the bodies of the five blood races is amazing. Through the undead elements in the blood, Xia Yan quickly mastered the body secrets of the blood race. This is like a scientist who can control the genetic code of the human body with a drop of blood, except that the scientist's method is very rigorous, and the magician's method is more stream of consciousness. Understanding is understanding. It is not easy to explain clearly.

"If there is a fatal threat to the blood clan, there are many ways ..." Xia Yan groaned with his chin in touch. His self-confidence made Ace a cold sweat. This is a tiger for him. If the master really comes out Specially for the devil of the blood race, then he is the sinner of the entire race! Fortunately, this will not hit you ...

"You can transform a virus specifically for the blood race and make it into a warhead. As long as it penetrates into the body, the virus can destroy the body function of the blood race ... This method is good and good, but the effect is a bit slow. Trouble ... "Xia Yan pondered.

Ace was in a cold sweat. If other people said that the virus, he might not be worried, but Xia Yan is different, he is a real virus expert, this time to deal with the heartbreak virus of Pei Daojun reflects his ability, he is It really has the ability to transform this virus.

"Forget it, this method is too shameful. If it is not well controlled, it may make the blood clan annihilate and destroy a race!" Xia Yan shook his head and gave up the idea. Aston was relieved.

"Well, you can also think of a way to deal with the bones of the blood family, and use the bone element to devour the bones ... This is okay, but you have to hit the bones directly. If you hit the head, the effect should be good ... This can be a small amount, practice well After the Fa is quite useful ... "Xia Yan continued to ponder.

Ace suddenly felt itchy all over, as if his bones were starting to soften.

"In fact, the simplest is to engrave a magic circle directly on the warhead. As long as you touch the blood of the blood clan, the formation can be activated. The magic explodes in the blood clan, and the effect is definitely good ... What kind of formation is better?" Xia Yan is still pondering, "Simpler formation, or hundreds of engravings, I'll bother me if I'm tired, let me think ..."

Ace continued to sweat, Liu Xueer couldn't bear to see him suffering, so he went to Hou Xiaotian and watched him fiddle with the computer.

"Well, if you want to explode the output, there is a way, although the power will be much smaller, but it is much better than Yuan Tianfeng gave me the effect of breaking the devil ..." Xia Yan is still talking to herself, continuing to torment the poor Ace , "There are several other methods that are also good, but these four methods are enough ... No, it's three. The virus is still counted, it hurts!"

Xia Yan finally made a decision, turned his head to see sweaty Ace, patted his shoulder, comforted: "Relax, Ais, you are my men, I

Chapter 316: Several Methods to Kill the Blood Race

Won't hit you with these! "

Ace laughed harder than crying, Master, are you demonstrating several methods of killing blood races?

The people who came to Rongdu for Cain's bones this time must not provoke the masters, otherwise they must be bad luck ... but then, if you come from those nasty guys from those families, Let them cry in despair under the master!

: i7h

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