Dragon Hermit

Chapter 323: Professor Magic

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Chapter 323 Professor Magic

"Yes, her name is Su Jun!" Xia Yan gently pushed Xiao Jun to the front and said, "Xiao Jun, this is Aunt Liu Xueer and Uncle Hou Xiaotian."

"Good Aunt Liu, good Uncle Hou!" Little Lori was very polite.

"Little Jun is so good!" Liu Xueer instantly fell in love with this little girl, squatted down and hugged her into her arms: "Call sister, don't call auntie!"

"But ..." Little Loli looked up at Xia Yan, a little hesitant. She remembered to listen to Master's words. Master called her aunt, and she called her aunt.

"What's your sister, just called Auntie? Xiao Jun called me Uncle!" Xia Yan said.

"I'm not that old!" Liu Xueer gave him a blank look and said dissatisfiedly.

"One day as a teacher and a lifelong father, in the future I will take Xiao Jun as my daughter. If I call you sister, my life will be in chaos!" Xia Yan said.

Liu Xueer's face was red, and he stood up and pinched his waist and said, "Then call it Auntie!"

You are going to be Xiaojun's father, then I will not become ... Liu Xue'er naturally has an association. Did this guy learn to be cute? She glanced at Xia Yan and found that this guy did not show any signs of ridiculousness. Knowing that he just had no intention of saying this sentence, Liu Xueer felt suddenly lost in her heart.

The cute and lovely Xiao Jun quickly captured the hearts of Liu Xueer and Hou Xiaotian. Both of them saw the space ring worn by Su Jun, knowing that Xia Yan was really satisfied with this newly-disciplined disciple.

Xia Yan talked about Xiao Jun's life experience again, and they heard the two men sigh. Liu Xueer held Xiao Jun in her arms, and the baby was terrible.

There are still classes in the afternoon, but Xia Yan and Hou Xiaotian are both ready to escape. After calling Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian to help the roll call, Hou Xiaotian finally could n’t help but ask: “Xia Yan, now I can test if I can learn magic. ? "

"Yeah, I can't wait!" Liu Xueer leaned against Xia Yan.

"Then now, I have to test your qualifications first. If you don't have enough qualifications, you can't learn magic." Xia Yan said.

"How to measure?" Hou Xiaotian asked quickly.

"You can just sit down and leave me with other things," Xia Yan said.

"What about Xiao Jun?" Liu Xueer asked.

"Xiao Jun has been tested, and her qualifications are very good, very suitable for learning magic ... well, it can be said that she is a genius." Xia Yan said.

"No wonder!"

"Don't think about anything." Xia Yan reached out his hands and used two index fingers to light down on Liu Xue'er and Hou Xiaotian's forehead respectively. The fire of the soul was sent into the minds of the two respectively. The trajectory of flow ...

Two soul fires were ignited, and both Liu Xueer and Hou Xiaotian's eyes flashed a faint blue fire.

Xia Yan moved his finger away and did not speak immediately.

"Xia Yan, how about, can we learn?" Hou Xiaotian asked eagerly, "I just thought there was something in my head, and I had a very wonderful feeling!"

"Me too!" Liu Xueer also said, "Xia Yan, how is it?"

"You can all learn magic ..."

"Is it really possible to learn?" Hou Xiaotian stood up abruptly with surprise, and Liu Xueer was also delighted.

"But ..." Xia Yan didn't want to pour cold water on them, but she should say something.

"And yet?" Hou Xiaotian slapped his forehead depressed, "Can you not say these two words?"

"But what? Xia Yan, tell me quickly!" Liu Xueer was also anxious.

"But your qualifications are relatively ordinary, and your achievements in magic will not be too high." Xia Yan said.

"No!" Hou Xiaotian wailed.

"How high is it not too high? Can you learn as well as you do now?" Liu Xueer's face also showed disappointment and asked.

"It is no problem to learn that I am at this level, but it may only be to this level." Xia Yan said.

"That's good!" Liu Xue'er breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "I'm not greedy. It's enough to have you so powerful now!"

"Me too!" Hou Xiaotian also laughed, "You are already superman at this level, I didn't expect that I would become a superman one day!"

"Let's do it!" Xia Yan was actually shocked in her heart. She didn't expect to test the qualifications of three people today. They all have the talent to learn magic. This kind of probability is simply ridiculously high.

You know, in the apocalyptic continent, it is not bad to find a person with magical talent among 10,000 people. The magician is an absolute rare animal. Necromancers are even rarer among rarities, and not one of the ten magicians may be suitable for learning undead magic.

Maybe it ’s because the undead elements on Earth are much thicker than the apocalyptic continent, right? Xia Yan guessed.

The apocalyptic continent has plenty of magic elements, so there are many magicians in the nature department. There are a lot of undead elements on the earth. It should not be surprising that there are more talents of necromancer.

"My ability is called undead magic. The foundation of this magic is the fire of souls. Everyone can ignite the fire of souls, but only a few soul fires are qualified to learn the magic of undead."

"Did you just ignite the fire of our soul?" With Hou Xiaotian's super high IQ, he immediately thought of this, "I just saw the blue fire light in Sister Xueer's eyes."

"I also saw fire in your eyes." Liu Xueer said.

"Yes, I have ignited the fire of your soul, and so is Xiao Jun." Xia Yan nodded. "However, the fire of your soul is not stable unless you persevere to fuel it."

"What fuel?" Both asked.

"Undead elements!" Xia Yan ringed around, "Undead elements are everywhere, but to use them, there must be special methods."

"What method?" Liu Xueer's beautiful eyes flashed with excitement.


"You must first learn to meditate, build a magic tower in your brain, and store enough mana to formally learn magic."

"What are you waiting for, let us meditate!" Liu Xueer urged excitedly.

"I will talk about the method of meditation first, and ask me if there is something I don't understand." Xia Yan turned to Su Jun and asked, "Xiao Jun

Chapter 323 Professor Magic

, Have you remembered what Master said? "

"Remember, Master!" Little Loli nodded again and again, with a clear voice, "You said that your skill is called undead magic, the foundation of this magic is the fire of soul ..."

Little Loli Mengmeng's childlike voice repeats all the words Xia Yan just said, exactly the same.

Both Liu Xueer and Hou Xiaotian were surprised. They also remember what Xia Yan said, but what they remembered meant that it would be impossible for them to repeat it verbatim like Xiao Jun.

This little loli is not only a genius to learn the magic of undead, but also a child prodigy with super memory!

Xia Yan was pleasantly surprised. The apprentice he had collected could really surprise himself.

"Xiaojun, what Master said next, you have to remember everything, not only to remember, but also to do as Master said, understand?"

"Understood, Master!" Little Loli focused on her head.

"The method of meditation is very simple, but it is very difficult to enter the state of meditation. First of all, it is necessary to be mindless ..."

Facing the three "students", Xia Yan began to talk eloquently.

: i7h

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