Dragon Hermit

Chapter 325: Must have a passion

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Chapter 325

At night, a very ordinary car worth hundreds of thousands was parked at the door of Nanhe Villa, and Xia Yan's cell phone rang.

"Captain Iron, is there anything else?" Xia Yan answered the phone and asked.

"Open the door, I'm outside." Tiehu said.

"Where are you outside?" Xia Yan froze.

"Outside our villa." Hou Xiaotian pointed at the monitoring screen ugly, and I saw that in a monitoring screen, Tiehu was sticking his head out of the car window and beckoning to the camera.

"Fuck!" Xia Yan was surprised. How did Tiehu know this place?

"Captain Iron, do you follow me?" After going to the door in person, Xia Yan's tone to Tiehu was very bad.

"Relax, even in the sanitation group, only Tianfeng and I know this." Tiehu said calmly.

"I ..." Xia Yan was depressed. The sanitation team was really magical. In Rongdu, it was too difficult to hide their sight.

"Police will find here?" Xia Yan looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"As long as you are careful, it's okay." Tiehu didn't get out of the car, and said in the car, "I only know that this is your stronghold. I don't know the situation inside. If there is no evidence, the police will have the most It can only be suspected here, it is impossible to come in and search, after all, this is Liu Xueer's property. "

"It's just that when you come here in the future, it's best to come quietly, try not to attract the attention of the police, know that they are probably staring at you," Tiehu added.

Tie Hu cared so intimately, which made Xia Yan feel very disagreeable. Shouldn't the sanitation team and the police station cooperate closely with each other? Is it really good to help me as a suspect targeted by the police?

"We and the police have different principles. After all, we are not dealing with ordinary criminals, but with supernatural abilities. The law is difficult to restrain them." Tie Hu explained Xia Yan's doubts.

"It turns out this way." Xia Yan nodded and asked, "Captain Iron, haven't we met in the morning, do you have anything important now?"

"I don't have any important things. I sent Xiao Jun's usual things over so that she wouldn't get used to it." Tiehu said.

"Uh ... just run this for yourself?"

"Shouldn't it? I started treating Xiao Jun as my own daughter, and she was also the daughter of everyone in our sanitation team." Tiehu said rightfully.

Opening the trunk, it turned out to be all the little girl's things, clothes, dolls, toys, quilts ... Besides the trunk, the back seat was almost full.

Xia Yan ran several times before taking everything in. He did not let Hou Xiaotian come out to help, nor did he intend to invite Tiehu to go in.

Tie Hu didn't care about this. After Xia Yan finished moving things alone, he said: "You pay attention to the Kagura sisters in the files, they are probably already in Chengdu."

"OK, I will read it when I go back." Xia Yan nodded.

Tiehu drove away. The main purpose of his coming here was to send Xiaojun's things. He really loved this child.

The villa hasn't been renovated, but it's fast. Liu Xueer put all these things into her space ring. Xia Yan also had to take classes and deal with possible battles. In the future, Xiao Jun would mainly follow Liu Xueer and take care of her.

Of course, Xiao Jun must not be able to live in the basement. After the decoration of the villa is completed, she will live here with Liu Xueer, but now, she must be staying at Liu's house for a while.

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Xueer drove with Xiao Jun to leave, and Xia Yan stayed at the Master Tower. After Hou Xiaotian had sorted out the information in the USB disk, he sat in front of the computer to check it.

He first found the Kagura sister specifically mentioned by Tiehu, looked at it for a while, and frowned: "It turned out to be a Haidong man, a triplet sister, who are good at serving ghosts and gods."

Haidong claims to have eight million ghosts and spirits. Of course, they all like very exaggerated descriptions. The so-called eight million ghosts and spirits cannot be taken seriously. In short, many things that are very legendary are almost two or three percent off.

"I don't know how the ghosts of these three women will compare with my ghosts?" Xia Yan was very interested in these three women. "Is the ghost and spirit also an aggregation of the elements of the undead? Good deal. "

"But having said that, these three women didn't come to trouble me specifically, they might not meet ... well, they were lucky."

Then Xia Yan focused on the blood clan information, mainly to check the blood clan's data. After all, Ace said that his strength is probably above the Viscount, which is similar to that of the Earl. Of course, Xia Yan does not think so.

The goal of the blood family above the earl is too large, it is unlikely to come to Rongdu in person, the strongest is the earl. Xia Yan read the data and remembered it in her heart. If you encounter a blood clan recorded in the data, you will not know anything about it when you compare them.

Seeing that at ten o'clock in the evening, Hou Xiaotian still wanted to stay up at the Master Tower and fiddle with his pile of servers. Xia Yan dragged him into the car.

How to say that the two of you are also students, still have to go back to class, freshman will not sleep in the dormitory every day, where can I go!

"Xia Yan, I still have something left!" Hou Xiaotian was still complaining when he got on the bus.

"Take it slowly in the future, don't you want to learn magic? It's best for meditation when it's quiet at night. When you start to lay the foundation, don't fish for three days or surf the net for two days, otherwise you may not be able to enter the meditation state at will for a year or two what!"

"That's good, I listen to you!" As soon as Xia Yan said, Hou Xiaotian immediately obeyed. Now in his heart, learning magic and hacking are already the same in importance. And he is already a master at hacking. What he desperately wants is to get started on learning magic as soon as possible.

Back at the dormitory, Zhao Qiang was chatting with Wang Yi in a video chat. The nasty words came one after another, and the listener straightened goose bumps. Qin Jian is playing games and yelling all the time.

When Xia Yan and Hou Xiaotian came back, they didn't move their nests, but greeted each other.

After Xia Yan came out of the cold shower, Zhao Qiang finally turned off the video. Qin Jian also won a game and was showing off with excitement.

Chapter 325

"Xia Yan, you are too fierce, I can't stand it even taking a cold shower!" Xia Yan only wore a pair of shirts, bare-chested, in the autumn breeze of November night, it made people look It's cold.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Xia Yan smiled, his body is not cold and hot, let alone taking a cold shower, it is fine to swim in the ice sea of ​​Antarctica.

"In other words, you and Xiaotian have always been going out together at night recently. Isn't it a good feeling?" Zhao Qiang's eyes turned on Xia Yan and Hou Xiaotian, and they laughed **.

"There must be basic love!" Qin Jian also said.

: i7h

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