Dragon Hermit

Chapter 329: Back home

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Episode 329

The reopening of the expressway was two hours after the bone erosion occurred. Taking advantage of this time, Xia Yan took a shower in the river beside the expressway, washed away the blood from his body, and changed his clothes to clean clothes. Only then did they return to the car and the two returned to the road.

After another two hours, the car finally drove to Shuangfeng Town, the town was crowded, and the car could only be moved slowly.

Xia Yan was helpless, who asked him to come back on the day of the rush. Fortunately, there was only one street with many people. After this street was opened, there were fewer people, and it took a few minutes to reach a small building.

A small house was opened on the first floor of the small building, with a variety of daily necessities and snacks for drinks.

Zhang Kai parked the car at the entrance of the small department and immediately alerted Uncle Li, who was sitting and playing with the computer. He looked up in disbelief. He saw Xia Yan getting out of the car and immediately stood up in surprise and called, "Xiao Yan, you come back Alright? "

"Yeah, Uncle Li, you are chatting with your little sister online again. Aunt Li found that she will never kill you!" Xia Yan laughed and joked with him while taking things out of the car.

"Dare she dare to hit me?" Uncle Li is still hard-mouthed, Xia Yan has brought a cigarette and two bottles of wine and handed over: "Uncle Li, I sent you."

"Oh Xiaoyan, you are too polite, what else do you buy?" Uncle Li said as he took the things over and smiled on his face.

"Yes, every time you call you, please call someone!" Xia Yan said with a smile.

"Hey, how many years have you been a neighbor? It's okay to call it!" Uncle Li put things away and said with a smile, "Xiao Yan, you went to college and got rich? Get back in such a good car and give it away. I drink alcohol and smoke? "

"It's not a small amount of money earned by the skills taught by Master. This car is not mine, it's Brother Zhang!" Xia Yan introduced Zhang Kai, and Uncle Li dispersed the smoke enthusiastically.

After a few words of greeting, Xia Yan asked: "Uncle Li, is my master still at home?"

"None, it should be Huilong Village. The old man has been running over there recently. I heard that he is working on a project. I am old and I am not afraid of being tired ..."

"Then I will go to Master first, and Uncle Li will see you back!" Xia Yan was too lazy to listen to the nagging of middle-aged women and men. After leaving, he went to the third floor and put some of the things he brought back into Master's house. Going downstairs, Zhang Kai's car drove to the village.

The road just out of the town was pretty good. It was less than a kilometer away. The boundary between the cement road and the mud road suddenly appeared. The road conditions became worse and worse.

After turning into an intersection, the road conditions became worse, but Xia Yan was in a good mood. This road is just the way to Huilong Village. The reason why the road conditions are so bad is because the road is being repaired.

This road will not be repaired too well, it will be hardened, and it will not cost too much. No one in the village will be greedy for this money.

Xia Yan can see that the primary school in the middle of the mountain on the left is also under construction. Master's work efficiency is very high!

"Two uncles, are you still busy?" Xia Yan shouted to the man who was hitting stones by the roadside.

"Who? Yo, Xiaoyan is back!" Seeing Xia Yan, Erbo put down his hammer and greeted him. Xia Yan quickly got out of the car and stuffed a pack of flue in his hand. The old farmer immediately laughed and wrinkled his wrinkles. pile.

Asked where the master was, Xia Yan said: "Two uncles, I went to find the master first. I remember to come to my house for dinner at night, and I will also inform others when I meet them!"

"Got it!"

Along the way, I met a lot of folks. Xia Yan got out of the car and greeted people every time, handed over small gifts, and then invited them to dinner at home.

This is not a long road, it just drove more than half an hour. The car stopped at the foot of the mountain. Xia Yan led Zhang Kai along the mountain road to the village-run primary school on the mountainside.

At a glance, he saw the white-haired master standing on the playground and instructing a group of workers to level the playground.

"Master!" Xia Yan shouted and ran towards him.

Han Yidao turned his head and saw that he was an apprentice, with a smile on his serious face.

In the evening, the whole village gathered in the courtyard of Xia Yan's house. The chef Xia Yan invited from the restaurant in the town was very happy to eat the folks.

Xia Yan delivered cigarettes and alcohol to each household, and then sealed a red envelope of several hundred dollars for each household. This time, everyone in the village knew that the Xia family's boy had made a fortune more than two months after going out. Not only did they pay for road repairs, but they also gave red envelopes directly, which is too particular!

For these folks, Xia Yan was very grateful. When his father was seriously injured, he did not receive much help from the villagers. Later, his father's future affairs were also thanks to the help of the uncle's folks. Even his tuition for college was partly made up by the villagers.

Since I am not short of money now, I must give them back. However, although these folks are good, most of them like to play mahjong and bet on some money. It is not necessarily a good thing for them to give more money.

After the banquet was over, the women consciously stayed to clean up the mess, and they were busy for a while before they cleaned it up. After everyone had left, Xia Yan, Zhang Kai and Han Yidao sat together.

"Your kid is pretty good, and you can be a man with a conscience!" Han Yidao smoked Xia Yan's good cigarette and sat on a chair, full of style.

"Master, this is Brother Zhang Kai and Zhang. I invited you to take over these things for you. Take over with him and go with me to Rongdu. There are your apprentices waiting for you to admit! Yan grinned behind Han Yidao with a grinning smile and beat him with his shoulders, very attentive.

"Hello Zhang, you have worked hard this time!" Han Yidao said politely to Zhang Kai.

"Don't say that, old Han, I also came by the order of the boss. This is my job!" Zhang Kai said quickly.

"Your boss's relationship with this kid is ..." Han Yidao asked.

"It's a friend!" Zhang Kai said quickly.

"It's not such a normal friend that helped me so much!" Han Yidao nodded and asked, "Are your boss male or female? How old are you?"

"It's a girl, two years younger than Xia Yan!" Zhang Kai replied.

The old man's eyes lit up, glanced back at Xia Yan, and nodded, "I will change the day

Episode 329

Be sure to thank your boss in person! "

Xia Yan Khan gave a hand. The key to seeing Cher in person is not to thank you, but to see what the apprentice's wife looks like?

"Xiao Zhang, let's go to rest first. I'll leave it to you tomorrow. Don't worry!" Han Yidao said for a while.

Zhang Kai knew that the mentor and apprentice had something to say. He promised to go out. Xia Yan quickly went out to help him clean up the room, boil water and wash. After a while, he returned to Han Yidao.

"Engrave a thing, I will see if you only care about making money during this time and forget your skills!" When I came back, the old man looked at the skills of the apprentice seriously.

"Yes, Master!"

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