Dragon Hermit

Chapter 335: Antiquity

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335 The Ancient Things

"Lian Shen Run? Is this a Taoist thing?" Xia Yan asked in surprise.

"There was no Taoism at that time." Han shook his head.

"When was that time?" Xia Yan asked.

"Do you know the age of mythology?" Han Yidao asked.

"Of course I know, it is the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors." Xia Yan said.

"This kind of refining rune is said to have appeared in that era." Han Yidao said.

"..." Xia Yan went straight to Sparta. He is not a master of learning, but he still has a wide range of knowledge. When he was in high school, he liked to read various extracurricular books and watched documentaries when watching TV.

He has some knowledge about the era of mythology, but like the name of this era, mythology! There is almost no written record, and there is not even any evidence to prove that there existed that era.

You know, even the existence of the Xia dynasty has been controversial, and the mythical era that is farther away than the Xia dynasty can be imagined.

At that time, it was still the era of tribal hegemony. The so-called civilization, the so-called bloodline, almost all began to form from that era.

Fuxi, Suinen, Shennong, Huangdi, Yandi, Chiyou ... Many Chinese people are familiar with the names. Are they just myths that have been passed down by word of mouth, or do they really have people, and no one can really make it clear.

Or do you find a guide car to take a look? Or find out the Fuxi of the snakehead?

As far as it goes, the great gods such as Nuwa, Kuafu, Gong Gong, etc., are even more untestable.

Master even said that this jade jade appeared in that era, of course Xia Yan had doubts.

"Doubt is due, after all, this kind of statement was originally a legend, and even when this statement began to spread, I don't know. When I say it, you will listen to it. You know this thing better than me Deeper, I will always find the answer in the future! "Han Yidao said while drinking tea.

"In the era of tribal hegemony, each tribe has its own wizard, who is responsible for communicating with God, and the magic amulet comes from the hands of the wizard."

"Sorcerer?" Xia Yan was surprised. The profession sounded very mysterious. His mind appeared with feathers, animal skins, and the image of a beast blood jumping on his face.

"In ancient times, human civilization had just started, and it was far from the level of dominating the earth. It is completely incomparable with today's era. Nowadays, human beings dominate everything. All bulls, ghosts and snakes are either extinct or can only hide in the dark, but In the ancient times, it was an era in which countless races coexisted and competed for the right to survival. It was cruel and wonderful! "Han Yidao's face showed a fascinating look.

"Master, how are you talking?" Xia Yan couldn't help it.

"Shaobanzu!" Han Yidao glared at him and said, "The human body is inferior to other races, it can only hug and rely on brain power, and tame other races, such as domestic animals, cattle, horses, sheep, dogs ... and What the witches have domesticated is even more powerful. They can raise ghosts and tame demons! "

"The refining rune is actually a magic weapon for raising ghosts. The wizard uses the secret method to restrain the wild ghost in the refining rune and uses various methods to make the wild ghost stronger and obey his orders." Han Yidao took The broken jade jade sighed, "I thought it was just a story fabricated by future generations, but after seeing the ghost general you summoned from the refining amulet, I can't believe it!"

"Master, aren't you made up, why does it sound so fantasy?" Xia Yan expressed doubt.

"Make you a big head ghost!" Han Yidao raised his hand and tapped a note on his head, "Fantasy? You look in the mirror and see if your own fantasy is not fantasy! The necromancers are out, dare you say that others are fantasy? "

"Pain! Tap on Master!" Xia Yan ducked her head and dodged. The pain was definitely not painful, but she had to give Master a face.

As for suspicion, this is also a play for Master. He himself summoned out the ghosts, which proves that the legends that Master said are indeed true.

"It is said that when some wizards sacred the Rune, they would sacrifice many at a time, dozens, dozens are possible. It is a complete set. If you can put together a set, there will definitely be other magical uses. Now The two tools and styles you see in your hands are very similar. Maybe they are the two in the same set. "Han Yidao also knows the apprentice's temperament, and he said again after he beat it.

"I'll try another day!" Xia Yan said. He didn't dare to try it in front of Master. If something happened to hurt Master, then his sin would be serious.

"By the way, Master, I have one more thing, do you know if you know?" After taking the two magical charms back into the space ring, Xia Yan took the bronze stick out again.

"Is this a staff?" Han Yidao said suspiciously, reaching for the bronze stick. Xia Yan quickly closed his hand: "Master, this thing is very dangerous, you can't take it!"

When Xia Yan broke into an intermediate magician, this stick absorbed a lot of undead elements and also changed. A green single eye appeared on the top of the bronze stick, and the pupil was standing upright. At a glance, you could feel evil and make people chill from the bottom of my heart.

Xia Yan was a little frightened to hold this kind of dangerous thing by herself. How dare you let Master touch it.

"Then you hold it and let me see it." After knowing the apprentice's current skills, Han Yidao didn't dare to say anything to him. Since it was dangerous, he wouldn't get it.

Xia Yan took the bronze stick and showed it to Master. Han Yidao studied it carefully for a while, and his face became more and more doubtful.

"Xiao Yan, I have never seen this thing, but it seems to be related to the wizards in ancient times. I am afraid that it is also something weird. Have you found anything abnormal about it?" Han Yidao asked.

"This thing is very dangerous, ordinary people must not hold it, this is the biggest anomaly." Xia Yan said.

Since Han Yidao didn't know the bronze stick, Xia Yan couldn't, but had to reclaim it into the space ring.

This thing is dangerous and mysterious, but I still have no confidence to use my strength to explore, which makes Xia Yan feel uncomfortable, but he is reluctant to give up, it is very tangled.

"How are you going to deal with these things?" After calming down, Han Yidao looked at Zhang Jie's treasure again, "Although these things are not too high in value, they all add up to at least hundreds of millions of yuan, not

335 The Ancient Things

So good shot. "

"Master, don't worry about this, your apprentice still knows a lot of characters now." Xia Yan said with a smile.

"That's good." Han Yidao is not interested in people Xia Yan knows, so he doesn't ask much, and instead talks about his concern: "Tell me about your two granddaughter Yao Shibo, do you really fancy which one? ? And there is the daughter of Xiangdong, have you seen it? "


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