Dragon Hermit

Chapter 342: Fish bait

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Chapter 342

In a villa in the southern suburbs of Rongdu, Bai Shaoming stood respectfully behind a middle-aged man. He was Bai Shao outside and arrogant, but in front of this middle-aged man, he was very disciplined.

Because this middle-aged man is his father, Bai Zibo, the second brother of Bai Zitai, the head of the Bai family in Tonghai.

Bai Zibo sat on the sofa, looking at the front with a happy face. There was no one in front of him. On the marble coffee table, there are two small metal bottles and a USB flash drive.

"Mr. Wuying is well-deserved, and he got the samples so quickly!" Bai Zibo extended his thumb and said to someone invisible.

"The formula is hard to get, but since I agreed, I will definitely get it for you." A man's voice sounded out of thin air, and there was nothing in it. He didn't even know in which direction it came from. His tone was stiff, sound It should be a foreigner.

But this is also inaccurate, it may be a disguise to hide identity.

Even in front of his employer, the Shadowless Assassin is very careful and never reveals any information about himself.

"I believe in Mr. Wuying's ability!" Bai Zibo smiled very carefully. The invisible person in front of him was a dangerous person counted in the world. Even if he was an employer, he would never want to have any offense in the language, otherwise I don't know how the sky died.

"I am also very interested in samples and information. Five million dollars will be sent to Mr. Wuying's Swiss bank account in a few minutes."

"Thank you, Mr. Bai!" The grotesque tone sounded again, and then there was no sound.

After a long time, sweaty Bai Shaoming exhaled a long breath and said hardly, "He's gone!"

Facing an invisible person, the pressure is too great. Bai Shaoming had never thought of such a peculiar existence before. Today it is an eye-opener and knows the size of the world.

"Dad, where is that black hole platform, how can even the stealth killer be there, it's crazy!" After releasing the pressure, Bai Shaoming became excited, "If I can be invisible, that's not what I want to do, where I want to go Wherever you go, who is going to be a killer to make money like this silly b ... "

"Shut up!" Bai Zibo sighed in a hurry.

"What's wrong, Dad ..." Bai Shaoming was puzzled and was about to speak. Suddenly there was a snapping sound, and his face was slapped hard by someone. This slap was extremely heavy, and he immediately flew two tooth.

Bai Shaoming was daunted. He didn't see who shot it, but it was obvious that only the person who was scolded by him as a fool could be so distracted.

"It's a bad smell to pay for it, otherwise I'll cut your tongue, hehehe ..." It is still a voice that makes people unrecognizable, and the sneer makes the father and son of the Bai family cool.

"Please wait!" Bai Zibo shouted, fearing that if he was late, his son's tongue would be pulled out and cut off.

"My son is not sensible! One million dollars, please let him go!" Bai Zibo shouted anxiously.

"Deal!" Wuying assassin grinned and disappeared.

Bai Shaoming's face was frightened, he shut his mouth tightly and never dared to say a word. In case this ** is still hiding next to him, and then he will hear something offensive, he will be afraid of his life.

Bai Zibo was both angry and frightened, he would lose a million dollars if he scolded him, he hurts! This prodigal bastard!

The father and son have since fallen into a state of suspicion of anxiety. It seems that every moment the invisible assassin is lurking around, and the two of them have spent a long time cautiously and decisively. This experience makes them look back.

This is something to say, Bai Zibo got samples and information, and sent people back to Tonghai Baijia's laboratory overnight. Since the elite scientists who are effective in Baijia have done their best research, they have tried to analyze this in the shortest time. The ingredients of the two medicaments restore the medicament.

The door of Liu's biotechnology laboratory was closed. The samples and data were stolen, but Mr. Liu did not order people to report to the police. Instead, he ordered the security department to investigate, and the work of the laboratory was suspended.

These are necessary measures, but at this time, Liu Shan is not in the laboratory, but in the headquarters building of the Liu Group in the city center. In that large office, he anxiously lowered his head and paced back and forth, it seemed that there was Very embarrassing.

Finally, he suddenly raised his head and made a decision. He walked over and pulled the door of the office to confirm that the door was locked. Then he looked at the huge window and closed it as well. But he was still uneasy, looking left and right, as if there was any danger hidden in the air.

Not to blame Liu Shan for being careful, the stealth thief and the emperor land stole the pharmacy samples and information under the surveillance camera, and wanted to sneak into his office to see if he wanted it, and Liu Shan knew that he must have thought. Because in this office, hide the complete formula for weight loss medicine and beauty.

For the Liu family, these two recipes are the key to whether the family can go further, and they must not be lost.

And this is precisely the reason why Liushan was uneasy at this time. The pharmacy sample is in the safe, but it is strangely missing, and the two recipes are also locked in the safe. Is it still there? Liu Shan would like to open the safe and see what happens, otherwise his heart will never fall to the ground.

If the formula is stolen, the Liu family will fall into an unprecedented predicament, and may even be desperate.

But in case the invisible man has sneaked into this office at this time, wouldn't he give him a chance if he opened the safe?

This is a dilemma, but Liu Shan has made a decision. He wants to open the safe and confirm whether the formula has been stolen. Only in this way can he be at ease.

The heavy safe is embedded in the thick wall, and even if it is used, it cannot explode this specially-made security barrier unless the password is known.

The password is only known by Liu Shan.

After tedious identity verification, enter a complex and lengthy password, with a click, the lock is opened. After a little hesitation, Liu Shan opened the door of the metal cabinet. There were some documents in the safe and a sandalwood box. The recipe was placed in this wooden box.

Seeing the wooden box, Liu Shan breathed a sigh of relief and was relieved. But he still decided to open the box and make a final confirmation.

Chapter 342

At this moment, he saw that the sandalwood box flew by himself, and before he exclaimed, the box flew out of the safe. Liu Shan saw in horror that some parts of the box seemed to be blocked by something, and had disappeared, and the shape of the disappeared part seemed to be a hand.

He immediately understood that the invisible man was coming. He pressed the red button in the safe without hesitation, and the harsh alarm sounded sharply throughout the building.

The tiny box finally disappeared completely, and no trace of it was visible.

It is not difficult to guess that the invisible man completely wrapped the wooden box with his own hands, so he made it invisible together.

The door of the office opened automatically, and the invisible man had apparently left.

Not taking care of wiping the sweat off his face, Liu Shan immediately took out his phone and sent out a number.

"Hook!" After reading the message, Xia Yan put the phone into the space ring, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.


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