Dragon Hermit

Chapter 35: Cry

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Chapter 35—Crying

Xia Yan and Liu Mo both slowed down at the same time, but they didn't stop. Both sides had the same idea. It doesn't matter if this fight is played, but you can't admit it first.

"Xia Yan, what are you singing?" Zhao Qiang walked to the left of Xia Yan and heard him whispering words, secretly saying this guy's mental quality is really good.

Xia Yan glanced at him and said nothing, and continued to sing in a low voice. His voice was so low that only a few people around him could hear it.

"What is Xia Yan doing?" An Xiaoru whispered to Anna.

"I don't know. I haven't heard the song he sang, but it sounds so mysterious!" Anna said.

"It seems to be a foreign language song. Do you know which language it is?" An Xiaoru asked again.

"Can't hear it, it's definitely not a big language!" Anna said.

"Isn't this guy nervous? Is he relieving stress?" An Xiaoru said doubtfully.

Xia Yan didn't pay attention to the girl's whisper. He sang the spell quickly. Ten seconds later, the spell was finished, and the blue mana in the magic tower in his brain shed a trace, forming a faint blue light ball at his fingertips.

In strong sunlight, this blue light is not conspicuous and nobody notices.

Xia Yan flicked his finger gently, and the blue light came out of his hand, quickly immersed in Liu Mo's head. Even the people with good eyesight could not see this insignificant blue light.

Liu Mo only felt that the flower in front of him, his feet flicked, and he fell firmly on the playground runway, screaming with pain.

"Hi--" The crowd made a neat sound of breathing down, and the fall fell ... and it looked painful.

Liu Mo got up quickly and only felt a sharp pain in his knees and elbows. When he looked down, he had broken his skin. He could bear the pain, but there was such a big ugly face in front of two or three hundred people. endure.

"Damn, blame that bastard!" Liu Mo blamed Xia Yan naturally, "I must teach him well!"

Thinking about it, my feet seemed to step on the banana peel, slipped and suddenly lost my balance. But Liu Mo didn't fall this time. He waved his hands and tried to maintain balance. Unfortunately, this move was in vain. Two seconds later, he fell on the runway again, this time on the buttocks.

Liu Mo groaned in his throat. There was no way he couldn't scream.

What the **** is this?

The students were all happy, just got up and fell down again, would it be so funny? When someone else falls from where he fell, he climbs from wherever he went. Where did you climb from where did you continue to fall?

Liu Mo was stunned. Of course he could hear the laughter from all around him, which made him feel as if he was being watched by others.

Silly, Liu Mo stood up with pain in his butt, subconsciously continued to move forward, but stepped forward, he wailed in his heart: "I am fucking!"

It seems that a stone was kicked at the foot, and the whole person fell forward uncontrollably ...



At least one hundred people helped Liu Mo shout pain. Of course, everyone didn't do it on purpose, but the subconscious reaction, even falling three times, really felt the same.

"He cried!" Suddenly, a student close to him shouted and pointed at Liu Mo lying on the ground.

Sure enough, Liu Mo raised his head blankly, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Poor!" A girl said sympathetically.

"Come down and cry? Do you want to be so fragile? Looking at the tall one, I thought he was a tough guy. Why did he cry like a little boy when he fell?" Someone said disdainfully.

"It's not a fall, it's a triple fall, and it's still being watched by so many people. If you change, you have to cry!" Some people retorted and defended Liu Mo, but Liu Mo definitely didn't appreciate his meaning. Hope a crack appears on the ground so he can get in.

What happened to Nima? what's up?

Liu Mo can only roar in his heart.

"Liu Mo, how are you doing?" Two of his friends finally reacted at this moment, and hurried over to help him up and asked, "Are you all right?"

"No ... nothing!" Liu Mo lowered his head and looked carefully at the ground. There were no banana peels and no stones. Although his two legs were very painful, they did not soften, so he broke free from the hands of his two friends and prepared to continue. Going forward, then, he kicked his left foot to his right foot and fell gorgeously for the fourth time.

The crowd was quiet, and no one could believe the facts.

As the saying goes, there are only three things. It's incredible to fall three times in a row. Even a fourth fall? This is a playground, not an ice rink. How could such an incredible thing happen?

"He did it on purpose?" Someone said suddenly.

"Yes, it must have been intentional!"

"I think so, otherwise how can it be possible to wrestle continuously. Is he afraid of being punished for fighting and intentionally using bitterness?"

"No, you don't have to fight at most. You just have to leave. Why do you wrestle on purpose?"

"Then how do you explain ..."

"Can't I explain it?"

"Why didn't he get up, did his bone break?"

"Bone fractures have been called for a long time, you see his shoulders moving, won't he cry?"

"Really crying!" Soon, everyone who was close saw it, Liu Mo's shoulders kept shaking, and a cry could be heard faintly.

After four consecutive wrestlings, a big man who had practiced taekwondo for a meter and a half fell into tears. In the practice room, Liu Mo was often thrown, and he climbed up with a smile and it was all right. But now it is different. This is a continuous wrestling under the eyes of everyone. The pain in the body is already secondary. The onlookers' humiliation hit him again and again, and finally made him cry.

"Everyone helps to testify, I didn't fight, he wasn't me crying!" Just as everyone was amazed, Xia Yan took the opportunity to distinguish himself loudly, no matter how, the punishment can't be memorized.

"Relax, we all saw that he fell himself!" Someone shouted.

"Thank you, thank you!" Xia Yan smiled and bowed to the onlookers, saying, "This one can't fight, I'll withdraw first, everyone continue to watch, continue, don't be polite!"

After that, the goods turned around and left,

Chapter 35—Crying

Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian also followed with a grin. The four girls were relieved and withdrew decisively.

Several of them had just left the playground, and the other arrived. The onlookers were just about to disperse, and when they saw this person, their eyes lit up and they stayed.

"Zhou Yi is here!"

"Of course he is coming. Liu Mo is a member of the Taekwondo Association, and Zhou Yi is the president of the Taekwondo Association. Isn't it okay!"

"Liu Mo, what happened? How are you doing?" Zhou Yi reached out to help Liu Mo and asked anxiously.

"It's Xia Yan, that freshman ..." Liu Mo raised his head, and his face was full of tears, and he was stained with dust on the ground again.

"Xia Yan?" Zhou Yi's eyes flashed with light, "Exactly, I have an account with him too!"

"Xia Yan, what happened to Liu Mo just now?" An Xiaoru asked in the cold drink shop outside the school while drinking cola.

"Where do I know." Xia Yan shook his head.

"Don't you do it?" Anna also asked.

"I said the two beauties, when did you see me touching him, it was obviously that he accidentally fell, okay!" Xia Yan called Qu Dao.

"That's what I said, but my sixth sense of Superman tells me that Liu Mo wrestled and cried, and it certainly can't get rid of you!" An Xiaoru said.

"You should believe your eyes." Xia Yan looked at her eyes and said sincerely.

"Cut!" An Xiaoru was looked at by him, somehow panicking in his heart.

"By the way, Xia Yan, what song did you sing just now, it sounds very mysterious, and sing it to us again?" Anna suddenly asked.

"Sing?" Xia Yan froze, "I didn't sing!"

"Just before Liu Mo wrestled, I obviously heard you sing in a low voice. Everyone heard. What's so secret about this?" Anna said dissatisfiedly.

"Uh ..." Xia Yan was shocked, realizing that Anna was talking about singing mantras, this naturally could not be said nonsense, he said calmly and pretended: "It may be because of tension, unconscious behavior, I really don't remember ! "

"Cut, I didn't find your nervous performance!" Anna sniffed, but didn't ask any more.

Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Anna was a very smart girl. If she was reminiscent of the masked man that night, she would definitely be stared at by her, maybe when she would show up.

"But having said that, I just saw it very well. The four fells fell ... Gee, isn't it that God can't see **** anymore?" Qin Jian said.

"This is the only reasonable explanation!" Zhao Qiang said seriously.

"Cousin, thank you!" Xiao Yu picked up the Coke and handed it to Xia Yan, "I respect you, hee hee!"

"Let's come together!" Zhao Qiang yelled.

"Cheers!" Seven cups of Coke touched together.

When Xia Yan saw the clinking glasses, Zhao Qiang deliberately scratched Wang Yi with her little finger. A little shame appeared on the face of Wang Yi's sister, and Zhao Qiang glanced in a variety of ways.

Xia Yan knew that the first person in 402 dormitory to get out of order would soon be born.

Who should I chase? Xia Yan flashed the thought in his mind, and subconsciously, he looked at An Xiaoru. This surprised him slightly: shouldn't I watch the light rain first?

And in his mind, somehow, Liu Xueer was remembered again.

Isn't it!

Xia Yan fell into self-doubt. Do I have the potential to be a playboy?

Xiaoyu's passionate love can't wait to take the initiative to confess. Why am I looking at An Xiaoru and thinking of Liu Xueer? This is unscientific. How can a simple boy like me think of something in a pot while eating in a bowl?

But ... why do n’t I think that ’s not bad?


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