Dragon Hermit

Chapter 355: The sky-high price

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Chapter 355

If the four blood races were just playing casually in the previous shoot, then the bid of 30 million now means they are serious.

For ordinary people who do not know their bottom line, the price of 30 million is very exciting, and the base price has been doubled a thousand times.

But for Xia Yan, this price is undoubtedly a clear signal: these four blood races already know that they are not malicious child care raisers, but want to prevent them from getting a crystal skull sniper.

So they no longer bid the price as before, but raised the price to the height of the bayonet once.

Thirty million Chinese dollars means that the real shooting has just begun.

Yao Shigu no longer speaks, and the old man ’s heartbeat is a little fast at this time. Even for him, 30 million is not a small amount. After all, in the field of antiques, most of the funds have become antiques. Funding is not that easy.

Xia Yan didn't have as much money as 30 million, but Liu Xueer did. Of course, he had no idea of ​​eating soft rice. He has handed over all of Zhang Jie ’s treasures to Liu Xueer for processing. It is estimated that the value of this batch of items is around one billion Huaxia coins. There is no problem with the group borrowing hundreds of millions.

Although Liu Shan would give money without hesitation even if there was no mortgage, Xia Yan did not want to do this.

"50 million!" Xia Yan raised the number plate, and once again called out the sky-high price.

Everyone in the venue was numb. They just want to know how much money this crazy money-burning game will burn in the end.

Looking at the postures of No. 23 and No. 73, I am afraid that the final transaction price will be hundreds of millions!

It was originally estimated that there were only 20-30 million auctions in total, and the price of a single lot would be hundreds of millions, which is too unreal!

"Sixty million!" No. 73 raised the sign.

"80 million!" Xia Yan held a sign.

"90 million!"

"100 million!"

This sky-high price, which many people guessed, finally came out of Xia Yan's mouth inexplicably.

Master Shi was sweating with sweat, and this price made his heart a little unbearable. One hundred million, when did Xiao Yan have so much money?

In the eyes of the old man, his mysterious nephew suddenly shrouded in a layer of mysterious aura, it seems that he is no longer the boy who first came to the big city.

Yao Min is also surprised, but she is more excited, this shooting will be too interesting!

Liu Xueer was equally excited, but not because of the sky-high price of 100 million, but because she knew the identity of the four foreigners. Did the battle for Cain's remains begin with this crazy shoot?

"One hundred and ten million!" "One hundred and twenty million!" "One hundred and fifty million!"

"Two hundred million!"

Within a minute, the price doubled again and reached 200 million steps. This price was also called by Xia Yan.

The four blood races are no longer calm, of course, perhaps their calmness was originally pretended. A blood man has already received the number plate himself and bids for himself in standard fluent Chinese language.

The eyes of these four people looking at Xia Yan have been cold, and they seem to kill.

Just then, another different number plate was raised, it was number 35.

"Two hundred and one million!"

Someone is here again! All eyes are focused on the place where the card was held.

Is a woman!

Xia Yan saw the woman's face and matched the number in the photo of the supernatural person's file!

Sister Kagura! No, to be precise, one of the Kagura sisters.

This is a woman who is not too beautiful. Although she does not wear Haidong's unique national costume, she has a temperament that is very different from that of Huaxia women.

only one person? What about the other two sisters? Xia Yan looked around the venue and did not find the other two sisters. It seems that they either acted separately or the other two took cover in the dark.

Sure enough, every move of the blood clan fell into the eyes of other supernatural abilities. The blood race is a descendant of Cain. They are most likely to find Cain's remains. It is obviously more reliable to pay attention to them than blindly searching for the remains.

By this time, anyone can see that what the four blood tribes want is this seemingly ordinary crystal remains.

And at this sensitive time, something worth their 200 million sky-high price must be related to Cain's remains.

Kagura's bid for the card makes the already thrilling money-burning battle even more confusing. No one can guess what kind of sky-high price this thing can finally shoot.

The battle between the two strong powers has turned into a three-way melee. Everyone else is going crazy. What the **** is this **** show?

Soon, No. 73 called out 300 million, raising the base price by a factor of 10,000.

But this is not the end. Xia Yan called out 500 million in a minute. He also sweated a little on his forehead. A few months ago, he was still a poor student with no name, but now he is taking pictures in units of 100 million. It is absolutely false to say that there is no pressure.

The four blood races have also become red-eyed. The blood races are not short of money or fake, but here is Huaxia, and it is not easy to mobilize large amounts of funds.

After the 500 million call, the No. 73 and No. 35 were temporarily silent, and the whole venue was silent for a year. Although he did not participate in the bidding, the pressure brought by the 500 million yuan still enveloped the entire venue, making people dare not breathe.

The shooter's clothes had been soaked in sweat, and he also dared not speak out. He has self-knowledge, and he is useless to say anything at this time. Whether or not others increase the price does not depend on his eloquence, but only on how much money others have.

"Five hundred and ten million!" Finally, in the silence of the audience, No. 73 raised the number plate again.

Xia Yan smiled and put the number plate on his knee.

"Small ... Xiaoyan, don't you stop calling?" Yao Shigu wiped his sweat and asked in a low voice.

"Uncle Shi, stop calling!" Xia Yan said.

"What's wrong, is there not enough money?" Liu Xueer asked.

"It's not a matter of money," Xia Yan shook his head, saying, "Anyway, no matter how high the price is, no one will pay."


Chapter 355

What? "Yao Min tilted his head and still didn't understand."

"If you don't pay, you will lose the deposit at most." Liu Xueer explained.

"No, Xiao Yan, did you plan to do this in the first place?" Yao Min asked in surprise.

"Of course, Sister Min, how can I have hundreds of millions to buy this thing!" Xia Yan laughed.

"Do those foreigners have the same plan as you?" Yao Min asked.

"It should be, no one's money was brought by the strong wind!" Xia Yan said.

If you do n’t stir yourself up, you can shoot the crystal skull quietly with less money, and the blood will not be stingy with these tens of millions of Chinese coins. But now, since their intentions have been exposed, the crystal skull is destined not to be settled, and it is a fool to pay any more.

Now there is only one way left-grab!

Problems that cannot be solved by money can only be solved by strength.


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