Dragon Hermit

Chapter 359: say hi

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Chapter 359 Say Hello


Outside the West Third Ring Road, in a small villa in Rongdu Garden, the crystal skull in the hands of collector Zhao Dahai was wiped at last and carefully placed in the safe.

Before today, this thing was not eligible to be put in a safe, but after being called for a sky-high price of 510 million, even a pile of dried cow dung was eligible to be stored in the best safe.

Zhao Dahai does not know why this crystal skull is worth so much money. He never believes that this is the legendary crystal skull. But since there are three groups of people fighting for this thing, then it is a strange thing.

Of course, Zhao Dahai also thought that the three groups of people just had hatred against each other and deliberately wanted to make trouble with each other, and this possibility was very high. After all, there was no payment in the end.

But Dahai Zhao still regards the crystal skull as a baby, what if it is really a good thing? In case ... that's 500 million!

This is Zhao Dahai ’s collection room. There are special security doors, no windows, and the community security facilities in Rongdu Garden are also perfect. He feels that thieves have no chance to steal their collections, let alone insurance The crystal skull in the cabinet is gone.

So he left the collection room with excitement, carefully locked the security door, and then went downstairs to watch TV in the living room. But what he put on the TV didn't care at all, his mind was already disturbed by the 510 million.

"Damn bastard, why didn't you pay for it?" He scolded bitterly.

A looming mass of dark air flew in from the surrounding wall of the community, and flew generously in front of the camera, but the security guard in the monitoring room knew nothing and did not pay attention. In fact, this black gas is almost invisible under surveillance.

This black gas quickly traversed among the trees, and soon approached Zhao Dahai's villa. It flew upwards along the wall and finally stopped outside the window of a room on the second floor.

The window was not closed, the fence was naturally unable to stop the black gas, it flew in, turned around in the room, flew out, then searched room by room, and finally, it stopped in the collection Outdoors, there were two non-existent eyes appearing on the black air, looked at the security door up and down, and then drilled through the door slit.

The black gas re-condensed in the collection room, turned around in the collection room, and finally stopped in front of the safe.

In a still-open cafe outside the community, the three women sat quietly without a sip of coffee in front of them.

These three women are not so beautiful, but not many customers in the cafe will always look at them.

Because they look exactly the same, they are undoubtedly triplets.

Although they didn't look pretty, they all had excellent bodies, and the black tight leather jackets almost burst apart, which is the most important reason for attracting men's attention.

On their wrists, they wore a string of beads, but no one could see what the beads looked like.

"Found it." A woman in black suddenly said softly that she was speaking in Haidong dialect.

One of the women put a piece of money on the table, the three of them got up at the same time and walked out of the cafe.

"Where are the three beauties? I do n’t know if it ’s an honor to send you home?" A middle-aged man with a good demeanor stopped in front of them. Impress this rare triplet sister flower.

He has even imagined the beautiful scene of flying with these three sisters.

But he did not get any response. The three women had no expression on their faces and looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a tree.

"Three ..." This man is seen as a little hairy by them, but he still wants to work hard. After all, the triplet sisters' flowers are not so easy to come across. Can't sleep.

But before he finished speaking, a woman in black raised her right hand and put her palm on his left face.

nailed it? The man was pleasantly surprised. Sure enough, I am the most handsome person in the world. No woman can resist my charm. Does my voice make her confused?

A big illusion in life is that she likes me, and this middle-aged man now has such an illusion.

Before he could respond, he saw the string of beads on the black woman's wrist.

These are not beads, but carved ghost heads carved out. Although each ghost head is only the size of the little finger, it is beautifully carved, with long horns on the head, fangs in the mouth, and some people still bite the remains of people. Broken limbs, some with evil and strange smiles.

In an instant, the man felt a cold rush straight from the soles of his feet to the heavenly cover, because he saw a demon female ghost head blinked at himself suddenly, and two faint black air flew out of the ghost head eyes, flying Into his eyes.

His eyes were at a loss for a moment, and the next moment, the daze turned into extreme fear. He screamed, turned around, and ran away, as if something terrible was catching up.

The next day, the body of the middle-aged man was found in the river. From the surveillance video, he jumped into the river by himself and was eventually characterized as suicide.

This is something to say. At this time, the three black women have disappeared, leaving only the stunned crowd in the cafe.

"Sister Kagura!" On a real estate construction site 300 meters away from Rongdu Garden, Xia Yan stood on an unfinished 20-story building and used military infrared telescopes to draw the eyes of three women in black.

These triple sisters are the three Sisters of Kagura from Haidong. They are good at guarding ghosts and spirits, and they act without care, as can be seen from the behavior of the middle-aged man just taught.

Beside Xia Yan, there is a formidable team.

On the left is a ghost with a silver armor and a black sword, on the right is a ghost, with long fangs, a huge body, and a streamlined body curve, which is agile and fierce.

In Zhang Tie's treasure, Xia Yan found a refining rune. This ghost tiger was formally summoned from the refining rune. After he was sacrificed by the fire of the soul, the original broken and broken ghost tiger was restored. The style of a bully.

Behind Xia Yan, the two skeleton soldiers stood upright, and behind them were five blood races including Ace.

Chapter 359 Say Hello

Unconsciously, Xia Yan already has so many powerful little brothers, he has not even summoned a clay puppet. Because this big guy moves too slowly, it is not too late to summon when needed.

In the telescope, the three sisters of Kagura suddenly turned their heads at the same time and looked at them accurately. Even though they were hundreds of meters away and there was darkness blocking them, they still felt Xia Yan's peep.

One of the women raised her hand. Although she couldn't see it in the telescope, Xia Yan clearly felt that she had released something and was rushing towards herself quickly.

"Want to try my skills?" Xia Yan smiled slightly, and the ghost was already greeted, a group of black air flying opposite turned into a terrifying evil ghost, opened the blood basin mouth, and the ghost would be silent roar.

The ghost put his hands up and down, but the evil spirit wanted to dodge, but where it was too late, it was split into two pieces by this lightning-fast knife, and turned into two groups of black gas again, disappearing without a trace.


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