Dragon Hermit

Chapter 361: The power of sanitation

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361 The Power of the Sanitation Group

"Luo Li, Luo Meng, guard the door, Tianfeng, your team guards the window, don't let them approach the villa!" Tiehu's eyes ordered sharply.


The sound of heavy footsteps sounded, and the two big men stepped on the ground heavily. Their movements seemed slow and clumsy, but they were extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, they caught up with the last two blood races. The two reached out and grabbed the neck of a blood race, and flicked it back. The two blood races felt like they were flying in the clouds and fell heavily behind them more than ten meters away.

"A lot of strength!" Seeing this scene, Xia Yan secretly stunned and threw the flying person back a little more than ten meters without effort. This kind of strength is simply not human.

"Cleaners!" A blood race stretched out its huge flesh wings, hovering 300 meters above the villa, and glimpsed the situation in the entire area. When the two big men appeared, his eyes twitched.

As the person in charge of this operation, he collected all the information that can be received by the Rongdu Sanitation Team. The following two big men are the most powerful cleaners in the Rongdu Sanitation Team in the past three years.

Brother Luo Meng Luo Li, the body is stronger than stainless steel, immense strength, has been on the field many times in the past three years, every time to complete the task perfectly, never failed, the outside world called these two brothers Mecha Brothers.

In an instant, the two brothers surpassed all the blood races and stopped in front of the gate of the villa, just like the two giant spirit gods, blocking the gate.

They all have short, lean hair, wearing camouflage vests and trousers, and military combat boots under their feet.

Both brothers are over two meters tall, and their explosive muscles can be judged only by the naked eye. They have extremely low body fat percentages and may weigh more than three hundred pounds.

But such a large weight did not affect their flexibility and speed, which shows how terrible the state of their control of their bodies is.

The two blood races opened their mouths and snarled at the two brothers, with sharp fangs in their mouths. They rushed up and raised their fists to the two brothers.

The two brothers stood upright, letting their fists hit their chests, only to hear two muffled sounds, their fists slamming in their chests, and their bodies only wobbled slightly, without any hindrance.

But the two blood races screamed, their fists had been opened, and their bones were injured. This punch is not like hitting the human body, it is like hitting the steel plate. Like the real mechs, the two brothers Luo Meng Luo Li couldn't get through.

Two other blood races forced him up, his hands popped into the nails of the steel knife, and inserted into the eyes of the two brothers. No matter how hard the body is, the eyes are still fragile.

Their claws were blocked by two giant palms. The Roche brothers' palms larger than the basketball players turned over to protect their eyes. The claws only made their skin concave and did not penetrate.

At the next moment, the two giant palms grabbed the two paws and squeezed slightly. The sound of the fracture sounded, and the two blood races screamed loudly. .

The two brothers threw away the two blood races and stood still at the door. No one dared to rush them.

"Ais, how are those blood races more powerful than you?" Seeing this scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but be surprised by the simple and rude style of the two brothers, but the power displayed by those blood races was too weak.

"They are all the lowest-level blood races, probably not worse than our original strength." Ace said.

"That is to say, they are cannon fodder, used for testing?" Xia Yan asked.

"Yes." Ace nodded.

"Blood people are not popular, but they still want to use so many cannon fodders, hum ..." Xia Yan shook her head and sighed.

"Go through the window!" Seeing that it was difficult for the dozen blood races to break through the barriers of the Roche brothers, they did not rush hard and turned to other ways. Some people began to climb up the outer wall of the villa, while others rushed to the windows on the first floor.

I don't know when Yuan Tianfeng was already standing on the roof of the villa. When he saw the blood race running towards the window, he took a deep breath and then spit out a lot of thick smoke. The thick smoke separates into groups, covering all the windows.

The fastest blood races did not put these smokes in their eyes and did not hesitate to rush in. But just after rushing into the smoke group, they were screamed and were thrown out, coughing loudly, covering his eyes with both hands, temporarily losing sight.

"It's a crime to be good at folk houses!" Yuan Tianfeng held his eyes that could never be drawn. He tilted his head and glanced at the panicked blood races, then looked up at the darkness around him, with a ruffian smile on his face.

Beside him, four young men and women appeared one after another. These four men wore different tight uniforms and were in good shape. This was Yuan Tianfeng's team.

"You hold the window, and I go in to get something." Yuan Tianfeng gave the order to the team member, the cigarette seemed to stick to his lips and did not fall.

"Leave it to us, Captain!" All four ordered.

Yuan Tianfeng nodded, turned and entered the villa from the rooftop door.

"Captain Yuan, is the sanitation team really going to be an enemy of our blood race?" In the villa, the face of the blood race that killed the devil's hand has become ugly. In the villa, he saw that his reinforcements were all stopped outside the villa and could not come in. This meant that he could not transfer the crystal skull.

The dozen or so blood races outside are not just cannon fodder. As long as they rush into the villa, and then all leave, it will be difficult for others to judge who the crystal skull is on.

Of course, there will be other stronger blood lineages to respond to. After a few changes of hands, the crystal skull will completely disappear from the sight of others.

Unfortunately, now, the first step is difficult to achieve.

"Your name is Kerry, the prince of a high-tech company in a European country. This time you came to China under the name of business investigation, but you killed people, I'm afraid you can't return to Europe." Yuan Tianfeng glanced at the body on the ground and shook his head. Sigh: "The hands of the world's top thief devil are dead like this, hum!"

"Captain Yuan, are you going to catch me?" Kerry's face grew ugly.

"This is in China. I always want to give the taxpayer who gave us an explanation." Yuan Tianfeng took the cigarette from his mouth and popped a piece of his fingers

361 The Power of the Sanitation Group

Mars. Kerry's complexion changed immediately, dodge quickly.

"You are just a baron of blood, want to escape from my hand?" Yuan Tianfeng sneered. Those Mars did not extinguish, but flew towards Kerry.

Xia Yan had suffered a loss under Yuan Tianfeng's cigarette, not to mention the blood baron. Kerry was surrounded by Mars, he wanted to escape, but touched a spark. In an instant, the Mars exploded, blowing a fist-sized blood hole into his arm.

"Give me the crystal skull, otherwise you will die!" Yuan Tianfeng still smiled, but what he said was awe-inspiring.

"Impossible!" Kerry's expression was painful, but he did not succumb. His skin quickly became hard, forming hard scales, and then he roared and rushed to Yuan Tianfeng desperately. A series of explosions suddenly sounded in the villa. ...

The other owners of Rongdu Garden were already shocked by the huge movement here, but in the dark, they could not see anything. They wanted to go out and were blocked by some unknown people in black. Someone wants to post something on Weibo and in the circle of friends, but finds that the phone has lost all signals ...

The Rongdu Garden was immediately panicked.


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