Dragon Hermit

Chapter 366: The contest begins

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366 The Competition Begins

In the darkness, there was a little bit of light, and everyone who grabbed the jade card saw his number.

"Everyone who doesn't get the jade card, please exit the cordon!" After putting the jade plate away, Tiehu looked around and said in a loud voice.

A few hundred meters away, a light strip lit up and extended to both sides, and soon disappeared at the corner. It seems that this light strip encloses the entire hill head. This is the warning line.

There was a slight noise in the woods, and it seemed that someone followed the Iron Tiger's words and began to withdraw from the cordon.

Five minutes later, Tiehu seemed to receive the report and said aloud: "Only twelve people withdrew from the cordon. It seems that many people do not care about me. Do n’t you know that this is not only provocative sanitation, but also provocatively grabbed Jade brand? "

"Good!" Earl Alex flew in the air and said loudly: "If the loser is not willing to admit defeat, our blood family does not mind joining forces with the sanitation group to clear them all!"

"I am willing to join forces!" Thomas Nightmare Knight's voice.

"Our ghosts and gods will find them all!" Said the three sisters of Kagura in unison.

"The devil would not mind clearing the loser!"

"The World Power Alliance is willing to clear the losers!"

"And we ..."

Unwilling to leave the field without grabbing the jade card not only provokes the sanitation team, but also infringes on the interests of those who grab the jade card, and it is inevitable that those who hold the jade card will speak out one after another.

The people who grabbed the jade card were already stronger, and when they temporarily united for their own benefit, others had to retreat.

"Damn it, Alex, you all counted, the sanitation team is to let us fight each other, they sit and enjoy their success!" Someone shouted reluctantly.

"Shut up the loser!" The sanitation group hadn't refuted, and Alex sneered contemptuously: "Joke, don't we fight without the sanitation group to host? Or do you think that if there is no sanitation group, we Can everyone sit down and negotiate and share the ancestral remains and treasures? "

"..." The unwilling guy was speechless, but he was still unwilling and shouted again: "Alex, in the end the crystal skull will be obtained by the sanitation team, you will regret it!"

"Huh, the sanitation group is the official official organization of China. I believe they will do what they say and will not risk offending so many supernatural abilities. I am more willing to believe the sanitation group than you guys!" Alex Earl Cox had a very loud voice. He looked at Tiehu and asked, "Captain Iron, do you think I'm right?"

"Yes!" Tiehu nodded sharply and said, "Our sanitation team is not sure that everyone on the scene will be caught or killed. If we say anything, maybe the next day will be known to the world. This is our reputation. Great damage! "

"So as I said, the sanitation team has no idea about the crystal skull, this thing will only belong to the winner of the competition!"

Tie Hu solemnly said this, and Earl Alex nodded in satisfaction, no longer had any objections.

The man was silent just now, but he fell silent, but Tiehu did not intend to let him go. He nodded to the undead phoenix beside him, and the beautiful woman with an explosive figure also nodded, spread her arms, and suddenly a blazing flame came out of her armpit, twisting the air.

The flame quickly expanded into two flame wings. She flapped her wings and quickly rushed into the sky, looking in the direction of the man's voice just now.

"Damn it! Sanitation, do you want to kill people and kill your mouth?" The man cried out in horror when he realized that it was bad.

"Since you have the guts to smear the sanitation group, you must have the courage to bear the consequences. If you are so slandered by you and you don't respond, I am afraid that many people think that our sanitation group is soft persimmon, you can just pinch it!" Tiehu sneered. Said.

The undead phoenix circled once, its wings closed, and it swooped down like lightning.

The grass and trees sounded, and the man was obviously running away. Immortal Phoenix fine-tuned his body and locked him tightly. After only a few seconds, he only listened to the loud noise of the "boom", the fire was skyrocketing, and a tree was ignited.

But after a while, all the flames quickly gathered and gathered into a beautiful body. The immortal phoenix was bathed in fire and came out of the darkness.

"It's so cool!" Xia Yan couldn't help but admire, all playing with fire. The undead Phoenix played too high-profile. Although it may not be stronger than his own soul fire, the domineering degree definitely exceeded.

No one asked what happened to the person who spoke just now. In such a fierce explosion, I was afraid that he had been blown into pieces and burnt into mature meat.

If Tiehu shows the atmosphere of the sanitation group at that time, Undead Phoenix shows strength and determination.

In my place, we must act according to my rules. Those who disobey will be killed!

"Within five minutes, everyone who has not received the jade card must exit this area. Those who remain here in five minutes and want to fish in troubled waters will be enemies of the sanitation team!" Tiehu shouted: "The time starts!" "

No one succeeded in heroing, and there were sounds in the darkness. Soon, people crossed the flashing cordon and continued to hide in the darkness outside the cordon. They still did not die completely!

"Time is up!" Five minutes later, the top of the mountain rang and shot a few huge beams of light, and began to sweep through each dark area. The light beams passed through, as if the sun was shining, and the darkness was dispelled. It was clear whether anyone was hiding.

Under the strong light, several people who did not get the jade card were found. They wanted to run away. It was too late. They were killed by the sanitation team and the people who got the jade card. The whole mountain was cleared.

"Each time four groups of battles are started at the same time, now I would like to go to No. 1 and No. 72 to the east of the battlefield, No. 2 and No. 71 to the south of the battlefield, No. 3 and No. 70 to the west of the battlefield, No. 4 and No. 69 to the north of the battlefield ! "Tiehu announced loudly.

The four beams of light shoot down from the top of the mountain and use it as the dividing line to divide the entire mountain into four areas. These are the four competition fields in southeast, northwest.

The eight silhouettes each went to their own competition area, and the Iron Tiger led the sanitation group to the top of the mountain, conquering and monitoring the fighting in each area.

And the other 64 people,

366 The Competition Begins

They all withdrew from the warning line and watched the war in the reserved area. At this time, it is no longer necessary to hide. The four strong lights make the entire mountain range as bright as dusk. For this group of supernatural abilities, this brightness is enough for them to see everything around them clearly.

Xia Yan is standing outside the contest area on the east side. No. 3 is a blood count and No. 70 is a handsome blond man with a thin sword.

"It's Owen the Hunter!" Ace exclaimed when he saw the blonde swordsman. "He is very famous in Europe. He hunted many of us. I didn't expect him to come to China!"

"Huh!" Xia Yan nodded and was very interested, but he thought more about the opponent he was about to face. No. 23 was going to play against No. 50.


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