Dragon Hermit

Chapter 369: Confess

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Episode 369

"Keep off!" Salina cut off with another sword, but the Snake Kiss Skeleton Soldier resisted like a bone-bladed Skeleton Soldier, and on one side of her body, she went to take Salina's wrist with both hands and wanted to take the short sword Down.

Salina was taken aback, she quickly shrank her hand, and naturally couldn't get around Xia Yan.

The absolute speed of the Snake Kiss Skeleton Soldier is not comparable to that of the Skeleton Skeleton Soldier, and its power is also significantly inferior, but its fighting style is much more flexible than the Skeleton Skeleton Soldier.

Boneblade Skeleton is like a mad warrior, only knows to move forward, attack, then move forward, then attack ... there is no dodge at all, the attacking method is also wide open, extremely powerful.

However, the Snake Kiss Skeleton is different, and its attacks are more disciplined, and each move is like the result of years of training. Just like getting into the white blade empty-handed just now, if you want to take the sword, it is impossible to make a bone blade skeleton soldier.

Even Xia Yan was shocked. He had never seen the Snake Kiss Skeleton Soldier in close combat. He did not expect this Skeleton Soldier to give himself such a surprise, which made him suspicious.

Snake Kiss is a top mercenary and a killer. It is definitely trained in rigorous fighting. Does this skeleton soldier still retain the memories of his lifetime?

No, it should not be a memory! Xia Yan immediately rejected this absurd thought, which was just instinct. In the memory of the lich, many skeleton soldiers summoned by the new dead will retain their combat skills to a certain extent, such as skeleton mage, skeleton archer and so on. Skeleton soldiers summoned from bones that died too long did not have this phenomenon.

The necromancers of the apocalyptic continent have made an in-depth study on this phenomenon, and finally concluded that the bone marrow! The bone marrow of the newly deceased has not dried up, and may still retain some instincts of the body.

So this may be the reason why Snake Kiss Skeleton soldiers can still use their fighting skills during their lifetime.

Although the killer's combat skills may not be comparable to the blood race's hundreds of years of battle accumulation, it successfully entangled Salina. After a few seconds, the bone blade skeleton soldiers came from behind, still in the style of assault, striking the beauty blood race .

Salina was barely able to gain the upper hand against a skeleton soldier, but when she got on both ends, she suddenly couldn't stand it. Not to mention that the fighting styles of these two skeleton soldiers are very different, which just happens to complement each other and can be called a tacit understanding.

She wanted to use the magic from the dance of the fire elves again, and only then would she be alive.

But the abominable thing is that the lich has backed off more than ten meters at this time, and once again opened the distance, which made her raid just useless.

At this moment, a black mist appeared on her head, like rain, and the black gas poured down her head. Only a moment later, Sarina felt herself suddenly tired, and after a small half of her energy flow, her movements became sluggish.

"Well, it's a curse!" Sarina was frightened and quickly tried to get out of the battle, but at the moment when her movements slowed down, the bone blade split head. She wanted to dodge, but she had just flashed away, and her temple was pressed against her cold mouth.

The Snake Kiss Skeleton Soldier took out his bones sometime and accurately captured the route that Salina dodged.

"Why not open?" Sarina's hand with the dagger hung down and her eyes were frightened. In the previous battle, all the losers were killed except the initiative to admit defeat, but the snake kissed the skeleton soldier. There was no shooting. This will naturally not be merciless under the bones, but Xia Yan's order.

"I don't like killing people!" Xia Yan shrugged and said, "You admit defeat."

"I'm not human!" Sarina said incredulously, "I'm a blood race, don't you humans always treat us as enemies?"

"Are you persuading me to kill you?" Xia Yan walked over, with no expression on his masked face, but he was joking in his words.

"No, I don't want to die!" Sarina said without hesitation.

"So you see, this is how Ace and I recognized me as the master." Xia Yan shrugged and said, "Beauty, admit defeat, then you can go."

"I admit defeat!" Sarina slowly took the dance of the fire elves back to her waist, raised her hands high, and slowly backed away, so as not to misunderstand Xia Yan.

After retreating for more than ten meters, she turned around and said, "Although you didn't mention it, I will give you a ransom!" After that, she walked out of the cordon. At this time, the bones of the Snake Kiss Skeleton soldiers were put down and retracted into the thigh bones.

"Ransom? Are the ancient duel rules?" Xia Yan shook his head, not paying attention.

"No. 50 concedes, No. 23 wins ... No. 26 and No. 47 enter the south of the competition field!" Yuan Tianfeng's voice has a slight difference, the battle between Xia Yan and Shalina must be the most concerned one on the top , And Xia Yan did not let them down.

After all, this is Mr. Xiaojun ’s master, and he is his own family, so he must be treated differently.

"He has become stronger again!" Yuan Tianfeng turned off the speaker in front of him, sighed to Tiehu, "I am definitely not his opponent now!"

"Xiaojun worshipped a good master." Tiehu nodded.

"Is he Xiaojun's master?" Luo Li and Luo Meng asked Xia Yan in unison as he turned around and left the contest.

"Yeah, his nickname is Lich." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"I really want to compare with him, the two monsters he summoned and interesting, will also open, turned out to be a blue flame!" The undead Phoenix was also attracted attention by Xia Yan, some eager to try. She was playing with fire herself, but she had never seen the blue flames emitted by the Snake Kiss Skeleton Soldier, and she was immediately curious.

"Phoenix, you may not be able to win him!" Yuan Tianfeng rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Is it?" The undead Phoenix turned to look at him with a smile, "Smoky, are you using aggressive methods?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Well, no matter whether you use the militant method or not, I want to compete with this lich!" The undead Phoenix let Yuan Tianfeng pass and looked down at Xia Yan's back, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Phoenix, I'm telling the truth, there are still many ways for the Lich kid to be useless. You really have to fight him. If you are not careful, you will definitely lose money!" Yuan Tianfeng said.

"Okay, smoker, your radical method is indeed

Episode 369

It was very useful, and successfully aroused my curiosity! "Undead Phoenix licked his thin lips, his eyes sparkling with excitement."

"Well, if you want to challenge him, please notify me, I will watch the battle." Yuan Tianfeng said quickly.

"Would you like to bring your mobile phone to record again?" Immortal Phoenix whitened him.

"That's better!" Yuan Tianfeng smiled.

"You are going to die!" Undead Phoenix kicked him.

"Hahaha!" Everyone in the surrounding sanitation group laughed, and the atmosphere on the top of the mountain was much easier.

"Smoky, your younger brother is on the court, the east side of the martial arts arena!" Someone said suddenly.

"Let's take a look!" Yuan Tianfeng quickly looked to the east and said, "It's okay, it's just a werewolf, it won't hurt him!"

"How did the Sedao people come into play, and what fun did he come to join in? Is the Qingyang Palace also interested in the hidden bones and treasures?" The silent wind channel twisted its long beard and frowned.

"Qingyang Palace will not join in the excitement, this should be the self-assertion of the colorless master!" Tie Hu said respectfully.

"This old cow's nose ..." Feng Dao looked disdainful, and didn't care to scold himself.

When everyone in the sanitation group was discussing, Xia Yan already frowned. In front of him, Vincent was covered in blood, dying.

"I said that if I can't beat it, I admit defeat. How can I make it like this?"


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