Dragon Hermit

Chapter 379: I want it all

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Chapter 379

The defense of the bone shield is not too strong, it can be broken, but for ghosts and gods without shape, this is not inferior to the iron walls of the copper wall. All ghosts and gods that hit the bone shield or are hit by the bone shield are all gone. Like a kitten hit by a big truck, there is no resistance.

"Nani?" Seeing this scene, Kagura's heart shook greatly. The ghost and the ghost tiger were very powerful. She had expected this, but what was the bone shield that revolved around the lich on all sides?

Seeing his ghosts and gods in vain, Kagura called them all back without hesitation. A group of ghosts and gods flew out of the ghost head beads again, and the number of eight hundred was regained.

Suddenly, the eight hundred ghosts and gods retreated like a tide, and the two gods will continue to hack, and Kagura suddenly issued a loud chant, and a string of flashing incantations appeared like a chain, out of thin air.

All ghosts and gods gathered together, and these spells circled around them. The two headed gods will continue to rush forward, but they are blocked by these spells.

Xia Yan was also taken aback by the unfavorable God. But he saw the big sweat beads on Kagura's face again, knowing that she had exerted all her strength.

Eight hundred ghosts and gods gathered together, and turned into a huge black qi continuously wriggling. After a while, the black gas dissipated, and a huge ghost with a height of 20 meters appeared in the competition field.

The ghost and **** had double horns in their heads, covered in black armor, and held a long oriental sword in their hands, which was terrifying and terrifying.

Fortunately, such a behemoth appeared in the blocked mountain. If it appeared in the urban area of ​​Rong, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Hi--" There were sounds of cool breathing around. The three sisters of Kagura were well-known. Everyone who knew them knew that they were good at serving ghosts and gods.

This huge ghost also confirmed the strength of the sisters Kagura. There is only this ghost in front of me. If the three sisters are together, wouldn't there be three heads? Many people are chilling when they think about the scene.

As soon as the ghosts and gods of six or seven floors appeared, Xia Yan felt his scalp numb and the elements of the undead were too large, stimulating the senses of the necromancer, and the mana in the magic tower in his brain fluctuated slightly.

Good stuff!

Looking at this huge ghost, Xia Yan was about to move.

Mantra culture is a flashing chain that is wrapped around ghosts and gods, which can not only increase its power, but also restrain groups of ghosts so that they will not fall apart.

The ghost **** raised his foot and stepped down towards the ghost, and it was astonishingly powerful, as if to step on the ghost.

The ghost will not dodge, and the black sword will be pushed to block this foot. The chain at the feet of ghosts and gods shone, the black sword and the soles of the feet had no entity, but when they were in contact, the sound of gold and iron symphony broke out.

The falling momentum of the giant palm was blocked, just like a rabbit withstood the foot that the elephant stepped on, the scene was extremely shocked.

"Impossible!" Kagura exclaimed weakly, and couldn't believe what he saw. This huge ghost is her reliance, originally thought that the two gods could be suppressed, who knows that they will be held back by the god.

At this moment, the ghost tiger jumped violently, threw it on the thigh of this huge ghost, and gnawed his teeth in tears. The huge ghost god's legs were suddenly black, and he kept showing grimace. These grimace were bitten and howled into nothingness.

The chain of mantra flashed, and the ghost tiger was bounced off the thigh, but the ghost and **** had been injured.

Cleave and split the ghost tiger into two segments, but the huge size means that the movement will be slow. The ghost tiger is very flexible and easy to avoid. It bites the arm of the ghost **** holding the knife and twists and tears the body constantly. Suddenly, he was mad.

"Ghost and God!" Kagura's face was ugly and he continued to order. Numerous ghost heads suddenly appeared on the ghost god's knife, and they were cut off in the sky. Suddenly, a stern voice rang out, and countless black gas swept down with the swarm, and enveloped the ghost and the ghost tiger together.

In an instant, the two gods will be shrouded in black gas, and the sound of gold and iron symphony and ghost crying are constantly heard in the black gas.

The entire contest is like a ghost field. If ordinary people are here, I am afraid that I will be scared to death.

Xia Yan felt that the undead elements of the two gods were quickly consumed, and the ghosts and gods of Kagura were indeed not simple.

"Bone Spirit!"

"Yinling is not gone!"

Xia Yan released two magics in a row, but the goal was not the ghost, but Kagura.

This time, the Bone Spirit changed into a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex and bowed his head to Kagura. And a black air hits the head of Kagura. As long as it hits, the soul will not be scattered, and it will cause Kagura to have the illusion.

Although the bone spirit is excellent, it is not inferior to Kagura's ghosts and spirits, but it is only a primary magic after all, with limited power, just good-looking.

But at this time Kagura was already the end of the strong **, summoning that huge ghost and **** made her consume a lot. Although she felt that this Tyrannosaurus rex was not too strong, she did not have enough power to resist, and could only fly backwards.

But she didn't let the ghost come close. A black gas shot out of the ghost head beads, and she died together with the ghost.

The spirit of the white bone chases up, so Kagura has no time to care about the battle of the giant ghost. she was

The ghost will flex flexibly and cut back with a knife on the leg of the ghost. The spell chain flashes, removing most of the power of this knife, but the remaining small force still cuts its legs black.

On the other side, the ghost tiger also frantically bit on the leg of the ghost.

"Kagura is about to lose!" On the top of the mountain, there was a frightening expression on the face of Chang Dao. He has been monitoring Kagura sisters for a long time. Because of the fear, he has never done it. Beating, with emotion, he also has some losses.

Compared to the retreat of Kagura, Xia Yan is calm and calm. Such things as ghosts and gods are not the stronger the bigger the size. His two headed gods will be refined by the ancient Taoist power. Although thousands of years later, it will weaken the power of ghosts and gods, but it will also make them more condensed.

If thousands of years ago, I am afraid that the size of ghost generals and ghost tigers are also huge, and they can definitely crush the gods of Kagura.

Xia Yan held the soul storage device in his hand and walked forward step by step.


Chapter 379

What is he going to do? "On the top of the mountain, the undead Phoenix asked in surprise.

"I don't know!" Tiehu shook his head. In front of the ghosts and gods of Kagura, Xia Yan was too small, and seemed to be swallowed by a knife at any time.

Kagura also noticed Xia Yan's move and suddenly realized that this was an opportunity. Come closer, let my ghost and spirit kill you with a knife!

Xia Yan walked out of the battle circle of the three-headed ghost. Suddenly, the ghost-god covered the chain of magic spells and drove the ghost and the ghost tiger apart.

On the other side, Kagura spouted a bit of blood, and the ghost beads in his hand shattered a few.

"Oops!" Tiehu lost his color.

"Xia ..." Qi Ziyu and Zhang Shufen almost exclaimed at the same time, and shut up at the same time, did not call Xia Yan's name.

"Too rash!" At this time, I don't know how many people are sorry for Xia Yan. It seems that he will be slashed to death in the next moment.

Just then, Xia Yan raised his hand, and a dazzling blue flame ignited from his hand.

"I have all these undead elements!"


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