Dragon Hermit

Chapter 395: Recalling old things

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Chapter 395

"Hello, my name is Li Xiao. I'm a reporter from Penguin Wangrongdu Station. I came here to interview your dormitory!" The short-haired beauty stood up and reached out to Xia Yan. This is a tall and beautiful woman. She is fashionable and capable. When you look at people, there is always a hint of scrutiny in your eyes. It should be a professional habit.

"Hello, my name is Xia Yan, what is reporter Li going to interview?" Xia Yan shook hands with her and asked.

"Reporter Li wants to interview about the lich." Hou Xiaotian said.

"Interview with the lich to find out what we are doing, we don't know the lich!" Xia Yan and Hou Xiaotian glanced at each other quickly, and found his eyes excited.

"This is the case. After all, Sihe University is the best university in Rongdu, and the people who care most about the lich are college students, so I came here to do an interview." Li Xiao explained.

"In addition, I think the first appearance of the lich is near Sihe University. It is very likely that he is a student of Sihe University!" Li Xiao said.

"Reporter Xia is kidding?" Xia Yan jumped in her heart and said with a smile.

"Reporter Xia gave us an analysis just now, and we all think that she made a very reasonable point, not like a joke!" Zhao Qiang said.

"I think the person who pushed an off-road vehicle into the river last time outside the east gate of Sihe University was a lich!" Li Xiao said.

"Uh ... not necessarily, no one has any evidence, this is inaccurate!" Xia Yan said.

"That's why I have to investigate. If I find out the identity of a lich, it's really big news!" Li Xiao raised his fist and frowned.

"Uh ... isn't the lich so much concerned?" Looking at her like this, Xia Yan guessed that she should be a new reporter. Those old reporters would definitely not have such naive behavior.

"Who said it?" Qin Jian retorted before Li Xiao said. "Xia Yan, you are too old. Lich is the hottest topic of this time. The Internet is almost noisy. Go online? "

"Not much ..." Xia Yan said, he has been busy recently, how can he have time to surf the Internet, "Is it because these few videos are likely to be special effects, so the lich is on fire?"

"Yes!" Qin Jian and Zhao Qiang both said.

"Those videos are too unscientific and not credible!" Xia Yan shook his head.

"Although it is not credible, it did happen. Those videos have already been authenticated by people and no special effects have been added. Others are experts in video!" Zhao Qiang said.

"Also, the recent appearance of the Lich was in the downtown area, chasing the car on foot, and saving the children from the traffickers. It was too good. This was seen by hundreds of people. The latest video is from Tianyan's surveillance! Qin Jian also said.

"Lich is a hot spot in Rongdu now, but this is not enough. People in other places are still doubtful. I want to make this a national and even global hot spot, and make Lich a real superhero!" Li Xiao's In the eyes shone the light called dream.

"Can we add our name to the report?" Qin Jian and Zhao Qiang were also excited.

"I have to have valuable information to add your name ..." Li Xiao said a little embarrassedly.

"Reporter Li, though you ask, we know every word!" The two second-hand goods patted their chests. Zhao Qiang took Xia Yan aside and sat down to accept Li Xiao's interview together.

"Can you talk about the last time Anna was kidnapped, Xia Yan's classmates?" Li Xiao asked the recording pen to Xia Yan's mouth very seriously.

"What?" The four men were all stunned, didn't they want to interview questions about the lich? Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian were all ready to make a blind pass, anyway, they didn't know the lich, and it didn't matter if they were random. Who knew Li Xiao had even asked about this, which surprised all four.

"Reporter Li, should this matter have nothing to do with the lich?" Zhao Qiang said, "Anna was just kidnapped by a madman ..."

"Then how was she rescued?" Li Xiao asked.

"It was ..." Zhao Qiang suddenly stopped. This thing cannot be said. It was Anna who was kidnapped by the blood race. This is a secret and cannot be told to the media.

"I inadvertently learned about the case, and I knew that the case was beautiful even for the police. It is said that it was handed over to a secret department. Why is it so? Is there something weird about the person who kidnaps Anna, or the person who saved her? Weird? "Li Xiaomei danced in a flirtatious manner.

"I think maybe the lich saved Anna back, because the lich is not an ordinary person, so he was taken over by a department specializing in dealing with such incidents!" Li Xiao continued to analyze.

"This ... Reporter Li, since you all think that a particular department accepted this case, it must be impossible to report it. It makes no sense to interview you!" Zhao Qiang glanced at Xia Yan quickly, who was right That thing is most clear, it is none other than Xia Yan. No wonder Li Xiao will come to 402 for an interview. It turned out that he originally came to Xia Yan.

"I didn't say I want to report it, so I wanted to go through the matter and see if I can get along ..." She waved her fist. "... Find the lich!"

"Xia Yan, I heard that you sent Anna back last time. You were injured. You must know the details of the incident and you must have seen the person who saved Anna, right?" Li Xiao looked at Xia Yan. Asked.

"I ..." Xia Yan was unprepared for safety and didn't know what to say to fool her. Xiao Yun is a policeman and can let the sanitation team directly let the police ignore this matter, but Li Xiao is a reporter and is much more free than the policeman. And she is still such a great beauty, saying directly that I don't know that it is too impersonal.

"Don't that special department let you talk about it?" Li Xiao's eyes lit up, it doesn't matter if he didn't speak, he could dig into the news.

"This ..." Xia Yan still couldn't answer her.

However, Li Xiao's eyes brightened even more, and if Xia Yan said something casually, she wouldn't believe it, because it was most likely a speech prepared in advance. But he was so reticent, proving that this student is not used to lying. It seems that he can ask him some questions with his skills.

"Xia Yan, is the person who saved Anna a lich?" Li Xiaotu

Chapter 395

However, the speed of speech was accelerated, and key questions were directly asked.

"Uh ..." Xia Yan and Hou Xiaotian looked at each other and saw Hou Xiaotian nodding slightly to him.

Xiaotian asked me to cooperate with reporter Li?

Xia Yan froze for a moment, but he completely trusted Hou Xiaotian, and said, "Reporter Li, can you turn off the recorder?"

"Yes!" Li Xiao was overjoyed and quickly turned off the recorder. In this case, the interviewee was willing to speak.

Xia Yan saw that she had put the tape recorder and her mobile phone on the table, and then nodded and said, "Yes, the lich saved Anna!"


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