Dragon Hermit

Chapter 397: Being famous is inevitable

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Chapter 397: Being Famous Is Inevitable

"Of course not!" Xia Yan shook his head. "But since many people now know the existence of the lich, it is inevitable to be famous, and it's okay to reveal it properly."

"But that's a reporter, what if they guess you?" Xiao Yu said worriedly.

"Even if someone guesses this, as long as there is no evidence, they will not confirm it. I'll be careful, it's okay." Xia Yan said.

"We watched those videos, Xia Yan, you are so cool!" Anna said excitedly.

"Yeah, we knew it was you at first glance. The name Lich is so handsome. How did you think of it?" An Xiaoru asked.

"Cousin, you are really a superhero now!" Xiaoyu's eyes were beating with stars, and he could not worship Xia Yan.

"Khan, do you want to interview me too!" Xia Yan said with a wry smile.

"Hahaha ..." Everyone laughed.

"By the way, we have all registered in your post bar. It is very lively now. There are tens of thousands of people paying attention. Many people post every day. Many people are guessing your identity." Xiao Yu said.

"Really?" Xia Yan didn't pay much attention to the situation on the Internet. This area is Hou Xiaotian's field, and he will handle it.

"Shall I post it?" Xia Yan asked.

"No, for the time being, it's not too late to post after your official appearance, and it will definitely cause a sensation!" Hou Xiaotian said with longing, who would like Xia Yan to be famous, it's none other than him. One day will shock the world, and he will tremble with excitement.

"Will it be officially unveiled?" Xia Yan froze, asking, "Aren't my videos officially unveiled?"

"Of course not. After all, most people don't believe in those videos. Otherwise, you should have been on TV news, not on the Internet." Hou Xiaotian said.

"Then I was chasing the car on the street to save the child that day, but in the daytime, there are so many witnesses, is this finally officially unveiled?" Xia Yan asked again.

"At that time, the ability you showed was not beyond your imagination. There must be many people who doubt it. Although there are many people who can prove it, the current netizens are skeptical of everything. They do n’t understand and are not willing to understand things. Many people say that your saving video is about making a movie. ”Hou Xiaotian said.

"How could this be?" Xia Yan did not know whether it was disappointment or happiness.

"Now if you want to cause a sensation on the Internet, unless there is a big media promotion, or there are Internet promoters, sailors and other forces, it will not be easy to fire!" Anna interjected.

"So I only hinted to let you tell reporter Li today that she is a penguin.com reporter. Maybe her manuscript is valued by the editor and you can go to the penguin.com homepage. If you really go to the penguin.com homepage, you will really Famous! "Hou Xiaotian said.

"Will it?" The three girls asked with interest.

"It's very possible." Hou Xiaotian said, "Look at the news on the penguin website now, you can put any trivial things on it. If you encounter valuable news, you can get a topic for you in half a day. Now each portal The competition on the website is fierce. Who does n’t want to grab exclusive news. If a topical news such as a superhero does n’t, I have to doubt the editor ’s news sensitivity! ”

"Is the video dry goods online enough? Can you get a special topic out?" Xia Yan asked.

"It's a little difficult to get a topic estimate, let's talk about it." Hou Xiaotian said.

"Xia Yan, why do you want to be famous?" An Xiaoru frowned slightly and asked, "It's not good for you to be too famous, but it will also make you the focus, maybe it's dangerous!"

"There will always be a day when he is famous, at least he is already very famous in Rong now." Hou Xiaotian said, "Since it is sooner or later, of course, it is best to be in his own control, take the initiative to release some information to guide the general public opinion That's right. "

"It makes sense!" The girls nodded in agreement.

Everyone chatted for a while, and the girls haunted Xia Yan again and asked him about the heroic deeds that he was making troubles to catch the traffickers and rescue the children. This satisfied the heart of gossip and went back.

"Xia Yan, wait for reporter Li's news this time to see the effect. I think you can make an official appearance when the time comes." When Xia Yan dealt with the girls, Hou Xiaotian had been silent beside him. Then he considered it. What happened, said.

"How to make an appearance?" Xia Yan's eyes lit up and asked, "Don't I stand on the TV station to make a show?"

"This is fine." Hou Xiaotian shook his head with a black line. "This kind of thing still has to rely on the Internet. I will take a video for you and then put it on the Internet ..."

"No one believes this kind of video?" Xia Yan interrupted him.

"It's not enough to find a few credible supporting roles." Hou Xiaotian was confident.

"What supporting role?" Xia Yan froze.

"Of course, superheroes want to fight crime. I photographed the whole process of catching the bad guys, and the credibility is high. Of course, if the bad guys are very famous, the effect will be better." Hou Xiaotian explained.

"It sounds reliable ..." Xia Yan pondered for a while, and said, "Then find the target and leave it to you."

"No problem, I hacked into the police station's database to find some targets for you to choose." Hou Xiaotian said confidently.

"Wait, I almost forgot one thing." As soon as Hou Xiaotian talked about getting into the police station, Xia Yan remembered the privilege given by Tiehu.

"what's up?"

"It's like this ..." Xia Yan said the matter to Hou Xiaotian, and Hou Xiaotian was immediately excited, saying: "That means I can hack into the Skynet system and the police station in the future?"

"Probably that's what it means." Xia Yan nodded and said, "But you can't be too unscrupulous, otherwise it will attract others' attention."

"I know!" Hou Xiaotian nodded. "The sanitation team is quite interesting, and it has increased the confidentiality level of your files. This is to protect you. Why do they do this?"

"Because I gave them a baby ..." Xia Yan told Hou Xiaotian about the crystal skull again

Chapter 397: Being Famous Is Inevitable

In detail, Hou Xiaotian exclaimed repeatedly.

"It's so exciting! It's so cool!" He exclaimed: "This kind of magical thing, I wouldn't have heard of it in my whole life without you, and I will be deceived by the illusion of this world like everyone else. Life is what I want, thank you, Xia Yan! "

"Do we still have to say thank you?" Xia Yan smiled.

"It is not necessary!" Hou Xiaotian also laughed.

"By the way, how are you practicing meditation these days, can you enter the state of meditation?" Xia Yan asked.

"It's difficult!" Hou Xiaotian suddenly grimaced, "I can only enter the state of meditation occasionally, and every time for a maximum of two or three minutes, no effect at all!"

"This kind of thing is not urgent, come slowly." Xia Yan comforted him.

"It won't really take a year or two to learn meditation!" Hou Xiaotian was very worried.

"Xiao Jun has been able to stay in meditation for several hours now, and she can enter meditation in up to ten minutes. My mortal can't compare with genius!" Hou Xiaotian sighed without jealousy.

"You also know that Xiao Jun is a genius, otherwise I won't accept her as a disciple." Xia Yan smiled on her face, Hou Xiaotian boasted the little girl, and gave him the feeling of comfort that his father had.

Speaking of it, I want to be a little girl, well ... there is a big girl who takes care of the little girl.


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