Dragon Hermit

Chapter 399: Shadowless Assassin's Revenge

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399 The Shadowless Assassin's Revenge

Bai Zibo lay dumbfounded on the sickness. This is the best hospital in Tonghai. It is a special ward for his Bai family.

If it is usually a minor illness or something, Bai Zibo will not come to the hospital at all, just make a phone call, and the best doctor in the whole Tonghai will rush to his villa to do the most detailed examination for him.

But this time, Bai Zibo must come to the hospital because he was beaten and seriously injured in Rongdu! Overnight was sent back to Tonghai.

In Tonghai, no one dared to disrespect Bai Zibo, let alone beat him. Until then, the bodyguards he hired would hit the dog's head with vain attempts.

But this time, Bai Zibo's bodyguard is not around. Of course, even if he is around, he doesn't think these people can block the person who attacks himself.

Because that person is called Wuying Assassin!

Under the attack of an invisible person, Bai Zibo's ribs broke three, bleeding internally, his face was beaten like a pig's head, his teeth fell seven or eight, and his finger bones were crushed by two.

When Bai Zibo, who was raised since childhood, suffered such abuse, when he was beaten, he wished he would die immediately. But even if he begged for mercy, but the other party was unmoved, he still tortured him fiercely, as if he had any deep hatred.

Bai Zibo couldn't figure this out. In fact, he couldn't remember when he offended the Shadowless Assassin. But he was his employer, and he gave him a lot of money. Why did he suddenly flip his face? This is unreasonable!

And with the murderous name of the shadowless assassin on the black hole platform, if he is dissatisfied with me, should n’t he kill me? How could it save me a life?

Bai Zibo feels lifeless, but fortunately this matter has not been exposed, nor has anyone been notified of his hospitalization, otherwise Bai's face will be lost.

"When the shadowless assassin hit me, he madly called 'you dare to hurt me.' This is unreasonable. I just hired him to steal the formula. He can be invisible. It should be easy to do, and he is not already stealing. Did you give me the sample, why did you say I killed him? Could it be ... "A terrible thought suddenly appeared in Bai Zibo's mind.

"Did he lose money when stealing the recipe? But it's not right. Even if he loses money, it is inevitable in the course of the mission. He has no reason to be angry with me! Unless ... unless the loss he eats is too big Now ... "

"People who can make a shadowless assassin eat a big loss ..." Bai Zibo was cold in his heart. Such a person is terrible.

"Is it a master invited by the Liu family?"

"The shadowless assassin not only hit me, but also took the sample. Is he going to return it to the Liu family? Is he afraid of the person who made him lose money to such a degree? Damn, how could the Liu family get such a master? , Even the famous killer on the black hole platform can't help him? "

"Will the Liu family retaliate?" Bai Zibo became more and more afraid. When he went to Rongdu, whether it was to invest in the Liu family or steal the formula, he ended in failure, and it is very likely that he would provoke an unimaginable enemy, himself. I am afraid that it will be questioned by others in the family, and reputation will be greatly lost.

"No, the Liu family dare not take revenge. They are just the big family of Sihe. It is incomparable with our Bai family. This is the revenge of the shadowless assassin himself, **** unscrupulous killer!"

Recalling the tragic condition of being beaten, Bai Zibo couldn't help the pain. He wanted to call a nurse and let her give herself a painkiller. At this moment, the door opened and his female secretary came in: " Mr. Bai, no good! "

"What's the matter?" Bai Zibo asked in a hurry.

"Mr. Bai, your ... your ..." The domineering female secretary panicked and dared not say it. Bai Zibo was anxious and angry. If he hadn't broken his ribs and wouldn't dare to speak loudly, he would have scolded the secretary he usually loved.

Finally, the female secretary handed her cell phone to Bai Zibo. When she saw a video playing on it, Bai Zibo had a pain in her chest and finally couldn't help but faint.

"You said that you photographed Bai Zibo on his knees and begged for mercy, and put it on the tubing?" After listening to the Wuying assassin, he took back the samples, and then taught Bai Zibo how to pass, Xia Yan couldn't cry.

It is said that Bai Zibo is also the employer of Kassel. He suffered a loss here in Xia Yan, and even blamed Bai Zibo for his revenge.

"Xue'er, will he not cause any trouble to Liu's family? The Bai family can't retaliate against this guy, maybe they will choose to retaliate against the Liu family." Xia Yan asked.

"Let me see what my dad said." Liu Xueer said with a smile. "But I don't think you need to worry. The Bai family was originally guilty. Besides, this thing is too shameful. If you really choose to retaliate, you will admit this video Is the person on the court really Bai Zibo? Even if he wants to retaliate, it will definitely not be now. They wo n’t take action until everyone forgets this video. "

"The video was shot very clearly, but unfortunately Bai Zibo was beaten up and didn't know her mother, many people certainly wouldn't believe it." Xia Yan said with some regrets, Bai Zibo's face in the video almost swollen into a pig's head , Bloody face, if he is not particularly familiar with him, it is really not easy to recognize.

"Master, I'll beat his son again and make a video. This time, if you don't hit your face, someone will definitely recognize it!" Hearing Xia Yan seemed dissatisfied, Kassel was anxious and asked for help immediately.

"Forget it, that's enough. If you try again, the Bai family will really have a vendetta against the Liu family!" Xia Yan shook his head without agreeing.

Although the means of stealing recipes by the Bai family are not glorious, they are not put on the table after all. Although they beat Bai Zibo a bit more fiercely, they are still barely within the hidden rules of these families. If they go to Bai Shaoming again, that is If you do n’t depend on others, the Liu family will become irrational if it is reasonable.

At this time, Liu Xueer called Liu Shan's phone and told the story again. Liu Shan was silent for a while. Obviously, he was shocked by the follow-up development of the matter. It took a long time to say: "Xiao Yan, if the Liu family has no other actions, the matter Let ’s do this first! "

"Okay, Uncle Liu, I think so too." Xia Yan said.

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise

399 The Shadowless Assassin's Revenge

If the formula is stolen by the Bai family, our losses will be too great! "Liushan said terrifiedly.

"Uncle Liu, even if the Bai family really stole the formula, I can come up with a better one." Xia Yan smiled and comforted him.

"Really?" Liu Shan breathed tightly. "Xiao Yan, do you have a better medicine?"

"Uncle Liu, let's run the three pharmacies now and then talk about it." Xia Yan said.

"Yes, yes, I'm greedy too much!" Liu Shan was a little embarrassed. "Now the three kinds of potions are enough. It's not a good thing to take too much at one time!"

Hanging up the phone, Xia Yan looked at Kassel, then Liu Xueer had taken a blanket out of the space ring and wrapped Kassel around his body, and he was fully visible. He didn't dare to look at Xia Yan, he just knelt and bowed his head, listening to Xia Yan how to deal with himself.

"Kassel, you should know the news that Cain's remains may be in Rongdu?" Xia Yan looked at him and asked.

Kassel shook his body slightly and said, "I know, Master!"

"You stay with me to find the remains of Cain." Xia Yan ordered.



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