Dragon Hermit

Chapter 406: Tangled directions East father and daughter

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Chapter 406: Tangled Directions

"Dad, why do we come here?" Fang Le'er followed behind Dongfang, with an unhappy face. "Xia Yan's apprenticeship has nothing to do with us. Why do you have to come over and give him a gift? This is too impressive. Is he? "

"Le'er, don't be capricious!" Xiang Dongdong was helpless. After he was blacked by Xia Yan last time, he had no hope of repairing the relationship between Han Yidao and his apprentice. Of course, he never thought of repairing .

Xiang Dong always felt that he was a qualified politician. First of all, he was nostalgic. Otherwise, when Mr. Liu was at home, he would not take the initiative to ask Xia Yan to recognize him.

However, once this friendship is destroyed, there is no need to redeem it. After all, Han Yidao is famous again, and he is just a knives. He is well-known as an artist, but not as good as a craftsman.

The status gap between the craftsman and the mayor does not need to be counted at all, it is too far away, and Dongxiang Dong does not feel the need to whisper to ease the relationship, so after being blacked by Xia Yan, he was embarrassed at first, and a little Guilt, but then it turned into anger, and finally it didn't matter.

Being blacked by Xia Yan's junior makes him feel offended, even if Han Yidao saved his life before, it is now even.

After such a psychological comfort, the direction of East was calm. I am still a good mayor and a good father. Why should a craftsman care about it? No one knows that Han Yidao saved his life.

After Yue Lun sent the Tianhuangshi collection of books to Xiangdong, he was stunned to find that Yiliu was actually related to his car again.

When I heard that Yue Lun said that this was the work of Xia Yan, who was in charge of the sword, Xiang Dong's face blushed a bit, and it felt very hot when the book seal was held in his hand.

However, Xiang Dong still accepted the collection of books, because it was a valuable gift, and it was a one-off work he always liked. Such things, he was reluctant to refuse.

It's just that after accepting the bibliographic seal, every time he plays with this thing, he will inevitably think of Han Yidao and Xia Yan's apprentices. Over time, he has become accustomed to it, and he will never feel guilty.

Under such a state, Xiang Dongdong learned from Yue Lun who came to visit again that Xia Yan was about to accept his apprentice, and also held a ceremony for apprenticeship.

Originally, he didn't take it seriously, most of these craftsmen adhered to tradition, and it was not unusual to have a teacher-teaching ceremony.

But when you went to work the next day, Xiang Dong heard about it again from the vice mayor in charge of culture. The deputy mayor was very excited to take out the invitation, and it seemed that it was an honor to be invited to watch the ceremony, which made Xiangdong very puzzled.

After striking around, Xiang Dong was shocked to learn that many officials had received invitations, including even Governor Zhou. Governor Zhou will not attend in person, but it is said that he will let his secretary go to the ceremony.

Xia Yan is not yet twenty years old, just a young man who has just gone to college. How can he be so valued by Governor Zhou?

Governor Zhou is a man from the Zhou family. He is a hot star in the political arena of China. If there is no accident, his road will lead to the highest level. Such a person, Xiang Dong has always been in awe, let him look up.

Xiang Dongdong suddenly felt a little bad. The people that even Governor Zhou valued, but he had cleared his relationship with him, this is simply an unforgivable mistake!

Xiang Dongdong couldn't sit still anymore. He thought Han Yidao was just a craftsman. Xia Yan was just a student who had just entered the city from the countryside. But now, he found that this pair of mentors and apprentices seemed not so simple.

What if they crooked their mouths in front of the provincial governor and told me a few bad things? How did they get in touch with Governor Zhou?

Xiang Dongdong recalled the scene of seeing Xia Yan for the first time in the Liu's house. At that time, Xia Yan was driven out by Master Liu as a **** stick. This is also an important reason why Xiangdong did n’t care about breaking the relationship with the knife. After all, Xia Yan offended the Liu family, and his development in Sihe Province was very limited.

But why did he catch up with the Zhou family?

The direction is tangled. If I knew Xia Yan had something to do with the Zhou family, it would n’t matter if I really fulfilled my promises, even if I let the two young people get along for a while, maybe they wo n’t call or As for hurting harmony.

In that case, you should now receive the invitation.

Direction Dong once again felt that he had done something wrong in this matter, and he wanted to remedy it. Although he did n’t receive invitations, he can go directly. Do people who cut across the line refuse to accept the mayor ’s offer?

So, after struggling for a few days, Xiang Dong finally made a decision. He went home and told his wife about the incident on **. The mayor's wife was also panicked. At first, she thought that she saved her daughter's marriage and humiliated a poor boy in the countryside. Become a hot character, is this not a playman?

So when Xiang Dongdong said to take her daughter to the ceremony, the mayor's wife agreed without hesitation.

However, although Fang Le'er is not the age of S2, she is almost as self-willed as S2. Even if Xiangdong talked to her, she is still reluctant. She came to Tianyun Hotel today and her face is still ugly Very well.

"Uncle, did you invite him?" Xia Yan turned and asked Yao Shigu.

"No!" Yao Shigu frowned. "He humiliated you just to humiliate us. How could I ask him!"

"So what is he doing here? Wouldn't he want to apologize?" Xia Yan smiled.

"Let's talk about it." Yao Shigu shook his head. The unintentional mayor of others was unsolicited. Of course, he could not drive people away.

"If he apologizes, will Uncle Shi accept it?" Xia Yan asked again with a smile.

"Impossible!" Yao Shigu said firmly, "If it is placed in the ancient times, the matter of regretting marriage is to form a deadly hatred. Although now it is about freedom of love, there are not so many restrictions, but he believes in the east. Fake, such a villain, we look down on them all! "

"I think so too." Xia Yan said with a smile, "So I am not afraid of Mayor Fang changing his mind, and I will marry my daughter again!"

Chapter 406: Tangled Directions

"Hahaha!" Yao Shigu laughed.

After Xingyan came in, he saw Xia Yan, and he also knew Yao Shigu. He felt that no matter what, the two should also greet him as the mayor. Who knows that they only talk about themselves and turn a blind eye to themselves. This is awkward!

"Dad, they are too much, when I didn't see you!" Fang Le'er couldn't help it, and his voice increased a lot.

For Xia Yan, Fang Le'er's psychology is more complicated than that of Dongxiang Dong. She resisted the baby pros set by Dongdong from the bottom of her heart.

But when she saw Xia Yan again, she felt that she was wrong. The poor boy from this country actually hooked up with the princess of the Liu family, and he was so powerful that he easily injured Xie Zheng ’s bodyguard. Don't take Xie Zheng and Wen Yipin in your eyes.

Like Xiangdong, Fang Le'er began to feel like he was doing something wrong. But she knew that things were irreversible, and guilt and regret turned into resentment against Xia Yan.

But she would think from time to time, if I did not humiliate him on Mid-Autumn Festival, is he already my boyfriend now?

Speaking of this, although he is not very handsome, he is very good-looking and very capable. It is not bad to have such a boyfriend!

In short, the father and daughter of the direction are very tangled.


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