Dragon Hermit

Chapter 418: Impressed

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At this time, the thin pencil lead had completely changed its appearance.

"Actually hollowed out ?!" Liu Hexiang could not help but exclaimed. I saw that this pencil lead was already transparent everywhere. What Xia Yan used was actually hollowing out technique.

The thinnest part of the pencil lead looks as thin as a piece of paper, as if it will break off with a single blow.

It is shocking to think about how difficult it is to hollow out a pencil lead before it can be broken. You know, Xia Yan did not use any other tools, but just held the pencil lead with his hand. The strength was a little bit heavier, and he also gave up his efforts.

Not to mention that Xia Yan completed it in just half an hour without any mistakes. Such a skill can almost become a magic skill.

The entire lead of the pencil is hollowed out, and it is too close to see what is engraved. But even so, everyone knows that in terms of complexity, Xia Yan's works far surpass Liu Hexiang's half-pan dragon column.

The lens zoomed out to show the whole picture of the pencil lead, and suddenly someone exclaimed: "This is a flying picture!"

With such a shout, many people immediately saw it. On this pencil lead, two flying bounces were engraved, Yiyin fluttered, surrounded by auspicious clouds, and the facial features on Feitian's face could be clearly seen , Even with a smile.

"Hi--" Many people took a breath. Especially the masters and their disciples, they are all insiders, and they see more subtleties than ordinary people.

Such a work completed in just half an hour and engraved on the pencil lead is no worse than the masterpieces that have been completed in a few months.

"so amazing!"

"It is worthy of a new head of knife!"

"I can see such a magical skill with my own eyes, and see the whole process of such a piece of work. It is really worth it today!"

"I don't know if Master Xia does this work, I want to buy it back for collection!"

"It's not easy to collect this work, it will be broken if you don't pay attention. This is a fragile treasure!"

The collectors and merchants have been completely conquered. They are full of beautiful words. For this work, they are also the master of Xia Yan, a young knife, and some people expressed their willingness to buy this unique pencil in the world core.

After everyone had seen the work, Xia Yan smiled and glanced at several masters and asked, "Masters, how do you say this competition?"

Several masters looked at each other, and they all had their own pride. In the face of such a work, no one could say a "bad".

Liu Hexiang's face changed, his expression was complicated, and finally, he gritted his teeth and said aloud, "I lost this game!"

"Master Liu is courageous!" Xia Yan gave her thumbs up, but the action he saw in Liu Hexiang's eyes seemed like a shame, making his face even more ugly.

"How do you still believe that these exhibits are from the hands of your apprentices?" Han Yidao was unreasonable and asked aggressively, making the masters even more embarrassed.

Xia Yan's skills on this pencil lead are very convincing. He is fully capable of engraving these beautiful works in the venue.

"Fuck it!" Deng Tong sighed long, "Han Yidao, you received a good apprentice!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, and several of his disciples hurried to keep up. Everyone had a sense of loss on their faces. They came with Master this time. They wanted to compete with the young head of the sword. Who knows that others do n’t give themselves this opportunity at all, and they are also convinced by this thin pencil lead. I can't do it for another thirty years.

They are all geniuses, but Xia Yan is a genius far more than all of them. Today they know what it means to be someone, and there are days outside.

Deng Tong confessed his defeat and left, and several other masters also bowed to Han with a knife, silently turned around and left.

A group of people came in astonishingly, and then went down in despair, forming a sharp contrast between before and after.

In addition to being faithfully recorded by the camera, this entire process was also photographed by an unknown number of mobile phones. Think about it, this matter will soon spread online, set off a craze.

A group of masters originally wanted to overwhelm the sword flow, but were stepped on the shoulder by the sword flow and climbed to a higher position, which also fulfilled the fame of Xia Yan, the young head.

"Ha ha ha!" Han Yidao laughed three times, patted Xia Yan's shoulder, turned and left the venue, and returned to the suite.

As soon as Han walked away, the surrounding guests swarmed to surround Xia Yan.

"Master Xia, this is Cao Yun from Duobao Pavilion, just call me Lao Cao ..."

"Master Xia, do you have this pencil lead work? I am willing to buy it for 50,000!"

"Five thousand? Do you have a dream, you can look around the world to see if you can find the same work? I'll give you one hundred thousand!"

"Hundreds of thousands are also shouting out loudly? This is a one-of-a-kind work, and it is a work of Master Xia who has convinced eight masters. The significance is extraordinary. I will give two hundred thousand!"

"I have 250,000 ..."

Soon, some people have already called for a high price of 400,000.

It is incredible that a pencil lead with negligible price even called such a high price.

Xia Yan will not naturally leave this pencil lead as a baby, if she accidentally breaks it, will she lose 400,000?

Therefore, the well-known rich businessman of Rong spent 400,000 to buy a pencil lead, but he had to spend a lot of thoughts on bringing the pencil lead home.

"I'm going to create a container with nano-scale technology and embed this pencil lead inside to ensure that it will never break, hahaha, this will be my most special collection!" This rich businessman carefully put the pencil lead into In a cigar box with several layers of soft cloth, give it to your little secret. Xiao Mi held the box and it was sweating in a few minutes. If the pencil lead was accidentally broken by her, she might be fired by the boss.

"Everyone, after today, all the exhibits in the venue will be in Jiguzhai!" Yao Shigu announced the opportunity without delay, and immediately caused another rush. It is conceivable that Jiguzhai will be busy immediately, and the banner of the sweeping sword has been raised again today.

Xia Yan continued to cope with the people who had come together and finally found an opportunity to get away. He took Xiao Jun and Liu Xueer to Han Yidao's suite, and by the way called Qi Ziyu and Zhang Shufen. Tiehu followed everyone in the sanitation group.

Xiao Jun's true ritual of apprenticeship begins now.

Everyone in the sanitation group does not care about the "war" in the carving world just now, but now it is what they really look forward to.

"Oh, Xiao Yan, you haven't been in Rong for a few months, and you have met so many friends, not bad! Not bad!" Han Yidao sat on the Taishi chair, and he was very happy!

Although his apprenticeship was already very good a few months ago, he was a rural child and had never seen the world. Unexpectedly, he was reborn in such a short period of time. Not only did he meet a group of friends who were not simple, he also made a fairy-like girlfriend, and accepted a cute and lovely apprentice.

"Master, please drink tea!" Xiao Jun knelt in front of Xia Yan and offered the tea.

"Good!" Xia Yan drank the tea served by Xiao Loli for the second time and said with a smile: "Xiao Jun, follow the master in the future, we will fight whoever doesn't like it, and give them to your uncle Iron. Some trouble, okay? "

"Okay, Master!" Little Loli was firm in her stance and decisively abandoned her Iron Uncle.

Everyone in the sanitation group suddenly had a black line. After a while, everyone laughed.


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